Democratic Goals


Feb 3, 2017
I have been searching high and low for some type of statement of what the Democrats are trying to achieve. Impeach Trump? Decline any appointment that need Congressional confirmation? Dig up scandals? Whine like a small child? What? Is the government crumbling before our eyes? I did not vote for Clinton or Trump and was aghast at Trump winning. I envisioned a Clinton scrape by win with a large serving of Trump goals. Now, chaos reigns. No wonder Putin is playing tough guy again. Any help?
I have been searching high and low for some type of statement of what the Democrats are trying to achieve. Impeach Trump? Decline any appointment that need Congressional confirmation? Dig up scandals? Whine like a small child? What? Is the government crumbling before our eyes? I did not vote for Clinton or Trump and was aghast at Trump winning. I envisioned a Clinton scrape by win with a large serving of Trump goals. Now, chaos reigns. No wonder Putin is playing tough guy again. Any help?
The short term goal is to damage Trump enough that they can pick off more moderate Republicans on key votes, particularly those who are facing tough challenges in 2018.

But they also think that Trump will have mangled things enough by 2018, and that their base is fired up enough, that they can win back a lot of seats.

Plus, they're licking their chops over the ACA 2.0 pig that the GOP will ultimately pass. If they can make people forget the original pig, that will probably work to their favor, too.

All of those seem reasonable from a political perspective.

There. Now ya know. That's contemporary American politics. Neither party is terribly interested in cooperating, it's all about beating the other "side".
They're still trying to fundamentally transform America.
One of the stupidest phrases used by businesses is "We are going the change the market.". Rarely, if ever, can you "change the market". The market changes you. People are starting to try to move beyond scandal mongering or character extermination but they are still a minority faction. I'm still in shock by Trump win (Donald Trump is the president of the United States?. BS, couldn't happen).
The key problem is that the Ds have nailed their colors to the mast on such "settled science" as peak oil. As in they are still pushing flourescent light bulbs as the energy market is on a downward trend and solar cells as the payback is quickly approaching infinity.

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