Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

Hulsey: "Here's your Klan hood for the GOP convention."

Right-wing GOP Teabagger: "Stupid Dimocrap! I have my own, passed down to me from my daddy's daddy back when 'Murka was the greatest! Heil Reagan!"

I'll bet you wonder while people think you're a dick.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Where else do you think he got them?

That's the first question that came to mind. Where did he get them? It's like that scene in the Harry Potter 4 book (Goblet of Fire) in the chapter "The Dark Mark" where all the former Death Eaters came out and partied right in the open at the World Cup.

Thank the Lord this Democrip reminded us of their vicious past, we wouldn't to forget that the party of the KKK to this very day is still enforcing the most important of all Black Codes --- disarming blacks. That was the SCOUT"s primary reason NOT to free Dred Scot, they actually citied "It would confer him the right to keep and bear arms." AH A LAW ABIDING BLACK MAN WITH A GUN! AH!
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Democrats up to their dirty politic again

this is what's become of our Government we are suppose to trust and put our faith in

ugly dirty and it's Democrats in Congress too..Notice how we are ALL racist again?
Hulsey: "Here's your Klan hood for the GOP convention."

Right-wing GOP Teabagger: "Stupid Dimocrap! I have my own, passed down to me from my daddy's daddy back when 'Murka was the greatest! Heil Reagan!"

I'll bet you wonder while people think you're a dick.

KNB is a KnowNothingBastard.

Or if the last word offends, replace it with the equally well deserved word "BIGOT".
This is the same moron who said he'd follow his primary opponent around the state in a chicken suit, if she didn't agree to debate him in all 72 of Wisconsin's counties.

If this idiot gets any more than 20% of the vote in the primary, I'd be very surprised.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Good. It saves the GOP some money.

That picture says it all ... White Supremacist for Romney/Ryan.

It's photoshopped, moron. Your post says all we need to know about you.
Everyone in the GOP that got one should wave it around and tell how they got it from a democrat.
Hulsey: "Here's your Klan hood for the GOP convention."

Right-wing GOP Teabagger: "Stupid Dimocrap! I have my own, passed down to me from my daddy's daddy back when 'Murka was the greatest! Heil Reagan!"

I'll bet you wonder while people think you're a dick.
Would you like to know what I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick?

I wonder why so many mouth-breathing Conservatives want English to be the official language of the United States while so many mouth-breathing Conservatives can't even grasp the language to begin with. Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time polishing their guns than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time watching FOX News than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives think that the English language has a liberal bias?

These are the things that I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick.

Thanks for playing, mouth-breathing Conservative.
Hulsey: "Here's your Klan hood for the GOP convention."

Right-wing GOP Teabagger: "Stupid Dimocrap! I have my own, passed down to me from my daddy's daddy back when 'Murka was the greatest! Heil Reagan!"

I'll bet you wonder while people think you're a dick.
Would you like to know what I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick?

I wonder why so many mouth-breathing Conservatives want English to be the official language of the United States while so many mouth-breathing Conservatives can't even grasp the language to begin with. Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time polishing their guns than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time watching FOX News than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives think that the English language has a liberal bias?

These are the things that I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick.

Thanks for playing, mouth-breathing Conservative.

When I am not reading, watching Fox News, or polishing my gun I wonder why liberals are such dicks.
Hulsey: "Here's your Klan hood for the GOP convention."

Right-wing GOP Teabagger: "Stupid Dimocrap! I have my own, passed down to me from my daddy's daddy back when 'Murka was the greatest! Heil Reagan!"

I'll bet you wonder while people think you're a dick.
Would you like to know what I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick?

I wonder why so many mouth-breathing Conservatives want English to be the official language of the United States while so many mouth-breathing Conservatives can't even grasp the language to begin with. Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time polishing their guns than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time watching FOX News than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives think that the English language has a liberal bias?

These are the things that I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick.

Thanks for playing, mouth-breathing Conservative.

It's truly ironic that you wonder about those things while people think you're a dick. Do you also spit in the bunch bowl while you're wondering about it?
I'll bet you wonder while people think you're a dick.
Would you like to know what I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick?

I wonder why so many mouth-breathing Conservatives want English to be the official language of the United States while so many mouth-breathing Conservatives can't even grasp the language to begin with. Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time polishing their guns than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives spend more time watching FOX News than reading? Is it because mouth-breathing Conservatives think that the English language has a liberal bias?

These are the things that I wonder about while people think that I'm a dick.

Thanks for playing, mouth-breathing Conservative.

When I am not reading, watching Fox News, or polishing my gun I wonder why liberals are such dicks.

If we wanted to be accurate, we would simply call liberalism "dickism." It's the organized and systematized justification for being a dick.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

What is this infatuation with "Klan Hoods" smfh? :dunno:
There's no shortage of lunatics in politics....this guy is a real jackass!
Funny how the libs won't say anything bad about the candidate, they just try to spin it back on the GOP and they are failing miserably in this thread.

No responsibility, the Demorats don't believe in that.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Made in China hoodies?

Imported by Family Pelosi or Family Feinstein?

But, of course, UNION MADE in China, right?

Made in Canada by Canadian citizen Ted Cruz.

That Cruz obsession has taken control. You oughta get help with that before folks at the food stamp office start to notice.

Canadian Cruz, from a Canadian oil family, is pushing the Koch pipeline so Canada can sell crude to China. Which part isn't true?

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