Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Why would he do that?

I'm sure they will bring their own hoods!
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Good. It saves the GOP some money.

What a surprise, a Democrat making KKK hoods. Give Hulsey time, soon he will be burning crosses and lynching black people. What we really have here is a Freudian slip by Hulsey, which makes it safe to say: you can take a white Democrat out of the KKK, but you can't take the KKK out of a white Democrat.

I have already sent an email to Scott Walker's campaign to have people with cameras video taping Hulsey handing out these hoods, I won't disclose how to use the recordings to Walker's advantage, but I'm sure some of you might have somewhat of an idea.

The fact that this disgrace for a human being would resort to this just goes to prove the Democrat party has nothing to run on except racial warfare, division, lies and alarmism.
I noticed on his Facebook page, "comments" have been disabled. Makes you think he was gettin' some heat and couldn't take it.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Hulsey must have been on forums listening to people instead of listening to people in real life where they hide their inhibitions.

That flashback is comical. It shows the inability to understand change.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Hulsey must have been on forums listening to people instead of listening to people in real life where they hide their inhibitions.

That flashback is comical. It shows the inability to understand change.

I understand that Byrd renounced the Klan, but I wouldn't have ever allowed him to be a person with the power to create law. He was a member of a terrorist group, that alone should have exempted him from ever having that kind of power, whether he renounced them or not.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

The absurdity of this story is so over the, you can't right this, top, I HAD to see if there was another link.

well behold

Brett Hulsey KKK stunt goes viral : Ct

The sophomore legislator’s plan to dress up as a confederate soldier and hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods outside of the Wisconsin Republican Convention in Milwaukee this weekend has already garnered national headlines. Cable news outlets are covering the story, and papers across the country are running with the AP article written about Hulsey’s way of drawing attention to what he calls, “Gov. Walker and the Republicans’ racist record.”

fortunately he's only got an outside shot, AND he should lose his re-election as well for being such a fucking moron.


It's one thing to have an idea like this come to mind and immediately be rejected.

I'ts a completely nuther thing to have that thought, sound it out, discuss with your team, plan it out, do the work, tell the public you are going to do it. IF he actually does it?
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

The absurdity of this story is so over the, you can't right this, top, I HAD to see if there was another link.

well behold

Brett Hulsey KKK stunt goes viral : Ct

The sophomore legislator’s plan to dress up as a confederate soldier and hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods outside of the Wisconsin Republican Convention in Milwaukee this weekend has already garnered national headlines. Cable news outlets are covering the story, and papers across the country are running with the AP article written about Hulsey’s way of drawing attention to what he calls, “Gov. Walker and the Republicans’ racist record.”

fortunately he's only got an outside shot, AND he should lose his re-election as well for being such a fucking moron.


It's one thing to have an idea like this come to mind and immediately be rejected.

I'ts a completely nuther thing to have that thought, sound it out, discuss with your team, plan it out, do the work, tell the public you are going to do it. IF he actually does it?

Yeah, this is NOT a case of any publicity is good publicity.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Good. It saves the GOP some money.

That picture says it all ... White Supremacist for Romney/Ryan.
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Good. It saves the GOP some money.

That picture says it all ... White Supremacist for Romney/Ryan.

If that isn't Photoshopped, it says this one dickwad is a racist. BFD.
Hulsey: "Here's your Klan hood for the GOP convention."

Right-wing GOP Teabagger: "Stupid Dimocrap! I have my own, passed down to me from my daddy's daddy back when 'Murka was the greatest! Heil Reagan!"
You wonder why we are so divided ?

What an utter piece of excrement.

I wonder if he ever thought about handing those out during the time Robert Byrd was in part of his party ?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention

MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - State Assembly Democrat Brett Hulsey plans to hand out Ku Klux Klan hoods to Republicans as they arrive at their state convention Friday night in Milwaukee.

Hulsey, who announced his candidacy for governor last month, told reporters that the white hoods will reflect what he calls the GOP's racist policies. *

State Republican Party director Joe Fadness calls it a "reprehensive, vile stunt" -- and people should be outraged by it. *

Hulsey said he made the hoods with his daughter's sewing machine, using material from curtains.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Hulsey to hand out KKK hoods at GOP convention - News - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM

Can't they have him politely escorted to the door?

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