Democratic Party Language translated to English

You do realize that homeschool(and private) kids do better on standardized tests, right? Maybe if public schools spent more time on actual academic subjects instead of social Warrior projects that would change.

Over in China they don't allow homeschooling. ChiComLady has no experience with it.
And you would be WRONG, again.

Homeschooling ONLY works for dedicated and highly involved parents and students.
There are many examples of FAILED homeschool students.

I had many 'homeschool' students enter my public school after the subject matter became too difficult for the parents, and these students were NEVER at the top of the class.

Translation: The public school students were smarter than the entering homeschool student. These are the FACTS.

Well, we know you went to an inner-city public school, for the few years you went to school, winnie.

the data showed structured homeschooled children achieved higher standardized scores compared with children attending public school. Exploratory analyses also suggest unstructured homeschoolers are achieving the lowest standardized scores across the three groups…

As I mentioned, It works for some but not all.
Just like Public or Private School.
Please add more terms as you read this
Democrat LanguageEnglish Translation
TransPretend to Be
BigotNot agreeing to pretend with the aforementioned Trans
RacistRequiring Voter ID
PresidentialBlackmail the President of Ukraine
TraitorousInquiring about the above blackmail
LogicalPeople who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves
Financially LiteratePeople who never went to college should pay for those who did and cannot afford to pay their loans
Law AbidingIf you cheat to get into college you go to prison. If you cheat to get into this country you can go to college for free
BiologistsPeople who say there is no such thing as gender but demand a female president and a woman's right to choose
IntuitiveWhile countries moving to socialism are collapsing, we should do the same as we will be different
Social JusticePeople are held responsible for things before they were born while others are not responsible for things that happen while they are alive
XenophobicCalling COVID-19 the Chinese virus, even though it originated in China
MoralKilling murderers is wrong. Killing unborn babies is OK.
EquityLess for straight white men
HistoryMaking moral/ethical judgments about the conduct of people in the past based on current norms
WokeAlways winning the morality argument because you're superior to everyone based on your warped views
Non BinaryConfused and Insane
MisgenderTell the truth about ones gender despite what they think
PatrioticKneeling for the anthem/Burning the American Flag
PeacefulLooting and razing businesses and attacking persons with disparate political views
Right on right on right on.

Also, well written.

And very much correct.

Finally, right on.
Why do you always stalk me and my threads? You’re such a weirdo old hag antisemite.

I tend to respond to things that are ridiculous. Such as the OP here. Just another slag on leftists. You're either very paranoid or you have an exaggerated opinion of yourself, if you think I'm stalking you.
Well, we know you went to an inner-city public school, for the few years you went to school, winnie.

The link is to a website promoting home schooling. The studies show that only home schooling which is highly structured but unstructured home school leads to much lower test scores than public schools. Even the tests scores public school students with low class sizes and more individualized attention are just as high as the home schooled kids.
Its called comedy, you joyless stalker

If you say so. If you have to explain something is a joke and nobody's laughing, it would appear it wasn't very funny.

Is "stalker" the new "anti-semite" for you. You seem to have an affinity for trying to pin labels on others who disagree with you.
They don't teach that in homeschool or private schools.

I'd put up homeschooled and private schooled students up against public educated students every single time. Hell they'd embarrass your dumb ass

Private school students have every resource known to man, including the best teachers, because their teachers are well paid. If they're NOT doing better than public school students, you're wasting your money.

Home schooled kids, not so much. Too many are like you.
the data showed structured homeschooled children achieved higher standardized scores compared with children attending public school. Exploratory analyses also suggest unstructured homeschoolers are achieving the lowest standardized scores across the three groups…

As I mentioned, It works for some but not all.
Just like Public or Private School.
That will change, thanks to the Dems bizarre COVID lockdowns.

That insanity led many companies to produce home-schooling programs that can be accessed online. Thus any homeschooler can be a structured homeschooler. These programs are remarkably inexpensive, under fifty dollars per month. They could actually be as "free," if not moreso, as public school if parents were given a refundable tax credit for purchasing a computer and paying for the program. Even without that, a thousand dollars for a computer and fifty dollars for nine months is less than a parent might spend on lunches, school clothes, activity fees, and transportation required for the "free" public school.

Homeschooled kids with parent who push them to succeed, who come from a home with educated parents and lots of books, and who are naturally good at learning with thrive and go on to success in post-secondary education, while others not so blessed will not - just like in public school.

The good part - other than not being groomed to be transgender - is that poor learners, especially students with learning disabilities, will not be subjected to the year-round humilation and near-torture that high stakes testing has become for them.
Private school students have every resource known to man, including the best teachers, because their teachers are well paid. If they're NOT doing better than public school students, you're wasting your money.

Home schooled kids, not so much. Too many are like you.
Private school teachers are paid less than public school teachers.


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