Democratic Polling firm study suggests voters not buying WH rosy economic picture


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
Maybe things get better as the year wears on and jobs and economic growth continue an uptick. If so, I'd suggest the results below will change in the president's favor. However, if they don't then he could be in real trouble. Not many reasons to believe in the former scenario, but there are for the latter. Such as turmoil in the middle east, who knows if Israel will decide to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. Or escalating trouble in a bunch of places, or a downturn in the EU or China. I don't see any good reason to think things are going to get any better, do you?


Signs of an economic turnaround, improved job performance grades and the erratic state of the Republican primary field have heartened the Obama re-election campaign recently. But while the president touts an uptick in employment and paints a picture of an America on the rise, a new Democratic study cautions that the electorate isn't exactly buying it.

Indeed, the majority of voters appear to be pessimistic about the economy, the issue at the forefront of November's election. Democracy Corps, a polling firm run by prominent Democrats James Carville and Stanley Greenberg, finds 56 percent of voters want a change of economic direction. And they seem to trust Republicans more than Democrats in handling the economy by a 4 percent margin.

"The stubbornness of the Democrats’ disadvantage on the economy should be a lesson if they are really to prevail," the group says in a memo issued Friday. "These are still tough economic times."

The firm tested the strength of President Obama's messaging on the economy: His call for middle-class fairness and his assertion that jobs are returning. The latter seems to fall flat.
In his State of the Union address, the president spoke about 3 million jobs being created over the past 22 months. But participants in this survey reported they had not seen evidence of these jobs nor felt the effects of job creation.

They also expressed concern that the jobs created were temporary, and not ones that sustain the economy over the long term. One Democratic participant expressed that sentiment in these terms: "Just pouring sugar on the thing to create a few temporary jobs is going to get us no place." The pollsters say Obama's highlighting of progress on job creation "is potentially dangerous for Democrats."
RealClearPolitics - Obama Faces Challenge Selling Recovery
I think Obama is trying to sell steer manure to a feed lot.

"We've got more than enough bullshit already, don't need to buy no more...."
No matter what Obama says on the economy, in the long run, it is going to go over better than the total pessimism and scare tactics of republicans. People are tired of being scared to death, even false optimism is better than republicans' constant litany of doom and gloom and assuring Americans that they're too expensive for republicans to give a damn about, much less help.

Any republican criticism of Obama's economic policy begs the question of what republicans would have done differently and the answer always sounds suspiciously like "tax cuts for the wealthy, nothing at all for you". If they intend to run on that they will be puzzled at how little traction it gets them.
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The picture portrayed by Obama and the media is a lie.

Those of us living in realville...see it different...and will eject Obama.

And YES I am still a write-in.
No matter what Obama says on the economy, in the long run, it is going to go over better than the total pessimism and scare tactics of republicans. People are tired of being scared to death, even false optimism is better than republicans' constant litany of doom and gloom and assuring Americans that they're too expensive for republicans to give a damn about, much less help.

Any republican criticism of Obama's economic policy begs the question of what republicans would have done differently and the answer always sounds suspiciously like "tax cuts for the wealthy, nothing at all for you". If they intend to run on that they will be puzzled at how little traction it gets them.
The only scare tactics are coming from Obama...his Class WARFARE rhetoric.

It's ALL he has.
No matter what Obama says on the economy, in the long run, it is going to go over better than the total pessimism and scare tactics of republicans. People are tired of being scared to death, even false optimism is better than republicans' constant litany of doom and gloom and assuring Americans that they're too expensive for republicans to give a damn about, much less help.

Any republican criticism of Obama's economic policy begs the question of what republicans would have done differently and the answer always sounds suspiciously like "tax cuts for the wealthy, nothing at all for you". If they intend to run on that they will be puzzled at how little traction it gets them.

Why is it folks like you forget the promises?

[ame=]Obama's broken promises kick-off campaign for 2012 - YouTube[/ame]
Well, living in Florida, I can say I haven't seen much of an economic turnaround. But maybe I live in fantasy land or something.
No matter what Obama says on the economy, in the long run, it is going to go over better than the total pessimism and scare tactics of republicans. People are tired of being scared to death, even false optimism is better than republicans' constant litany of doom and gloom and assuring Americans that they're too expensive for republicans to give a damn about, much less help.

Any republican criticism of Obama's economic policy begs the question of what republicans would have done differently and the answer always sounds suspiciously like "tax cuts for the wealthy, nothing at all for you". If they intend to run on that they will be puzzled at how little traction it gets them.

Why is it folks like you forget the promises?

[ame=]Obama's broken promises kick-off campaign for 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Folks like me do not respond to scare tactics, despise them even, the republicans have nothing else, get a better, more optimistic message or lose and continue losing.

As far as promises go I didn't watch the video but he has a pretty good record on promises kept, apparently only the republicans expected him to keep all of them in spite of the constant sabotage of even their own ideas and the supreme court turning our elections upside-down.
No matter what Obama says on the economy, in the long run, it is going to go over better than the total pessimism and scare tactics of republicans. People are tired of being scared to death, even false optimism is better than republicans' constant litany of doom and gloom and assuring Americans that they're too expensive for republicans to give a damn about, much less help.

Any republican criticism of Obama's economic policy begs the question of what republicans would have done differently and the answer always sounds suspiciously like "tax cuts for the wealthy, nothing at all for you". If they intend to run on that they will be puzzled at how little traction it gets them.

Why is it folks like you forget the promises?

[ame=""]Obama's broken promises kick-off campaign for 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Folks like me do not respond to scare tactics, despise them even, the republicans have nothing else, get a better, more optimistic message or lose and continue losing.

As far as promises go I didn't watch the video but he has a pretty good record on promises kept, apparently only the republicans expected him to keep all of them in spite of the constant sabotage of even their own ideas and the supreme court turning our elections upside-down.
But you BOW to Obama and HIS scare tactics.

YOU are caught.

Obama has nothing but Economic mailaise...Class Warfare.

HIS economy quite frankly sucks.
To put it simply, 3M jobs in 22 months is not even enough to keep up with the population growth. Overall it is close enough that it should lower unemployment a tiny bit, but not what we have seen with a near 1% drop over the last year.
The recent economic news seems encouraging and I am optomistic it will continue, but as the OP posted, there is a lot that can go wrong and by no means is this recent recovery guaranteed to last.
All in all if Obama want to get re-elected he is going to need stronger growth in the job market then in the past. I expect the next jobs report to come out around 275-300k, based on unemployment claims. It really needs to get to around 300k and stay there as a minimum.
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Folks like me do not respond to scare tactics, despise them even, the republicans have nothing else, get a better, more optimistic message or lose and continue losing.

As far as promises go I didn't watch the video but he has a pretty good record on promises kept, apparently only the republicans expected him to keep all of them in spite of the constant sabotage of even their own ideas and the supreme court turning our elections upside-down.
But you BOW to Obama and HIS scare tactics.

YOU are caught.

Obama has nothing but Economic mailaise...Class Warfare.

HIS economy quite frankly sucks.

His economy does suck, but it's better, and republicans cannot take credit for anything, nothing. All they can boast of is their fanatical opposition to everything, to have stood against the guy that seems to have tried pretty hard to get us out of this mess. That only plays to the base, the swing voters are going to dump their asses this year. Your and my opinions do not matter here, do not make the mistake of transferring yours to the fickle swing voters. Keep trying to sell total pessimism and see where it goes.
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Democratic Polling firm study suggests voters not buying WH rosy economic picture

Whether they do or not has any bearing on the election.

Voters elect presidential candidates – or in this case reelect presidents – whom they like and think will win.

There are no republicans running for president who meet both criteria.
Democratic Polling firm study suggests voters not buying WH rosy economic picture

Whether they do or not has any bearing on the election.

Voters elect presidential candidates – or in this case reelect presidents – whom they like and think will win.

There are no republicans running for president who meet both criteria.

A re-election bid is always a referendum on the incumbent, with a tie going to him. IOW, unless the GOP is running an absolutely unacceptable candidate, the voters are going to look at whatever the current situation looks like next fall and decide whether they want a new president.

I realize the left believes or wants to believe that whoever the repub person is will be viewed as absolutely unacceptable, I'm on record myself as saying I'm not too thrilled with the current crop of candidates. But do I think the independent voters out there think that? No. Especially if it's Romney.

But there's a reason why no president has been re-elected since FDR when UE was above 7%. And for you to suggest that the voter's opinion of the WH's rosy picture on the economy matters little or not at all is kind of foolish. If they ain't buying what he's trying to sell, then he's outta there.
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