Democratic Racial Physicists Discover Newest Racial Code Word: "Incompetent"


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Democratic Racial Physicists Discover Newest Racial Code Word: "Incompetent"​

November 21, 2012

The Large Race and Marxism Collider has produced evidence of the newest "building block of hate."

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Tuesday that a letter from nearly 100 House Republicans urging President Obama not to appoint Susan Rice as secretary of State employed racially charged "code words" to make its case.
The letter, signed by 97 House Republicans, says Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, "is widely viewed as having either willfully or incompetently misled the American public in the Benghazi matter" — language Clyburn saw as racially loaded.

"You know, these are code words," Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, told CNN. "We heard them during the campaign — during this recent campaign we heard Sen. Sununu calling our president lazy, incompetent, these kinds of terms that those of us, especially those of us who were grown and raised in the South, we would hear these little words and phrases all of our lives and we'd get insulted by them.​


Read more:
Dem: Criticism of Rice includes racial 'code words'
When there is no defense.. play the race card...

Jesus H. Christ, this is just fucking unbelievable...
Democratic Racial Physicists Discover Newest Racial Code Word: "Incompetent"​

November 21, 2012

The Large Race and Marxism Collider has produced evidence of the newest "building block of hate."

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Tuesday that a letter from nearly 100 House Republicans urging President Obama not to appoint Susan Rice as secretary of State employed racially charged "code words" to make its case.
The letter, signed by 97 House Republicans, says Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, "is widely viewed as having either willfully or incompetently misled the American public in the Benghazi matter" — language Clyburn saw as racially loaded.

"You know, these are code words," Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, told CNN. "We heard them during the campaign — during this recent campaign we heard Sen. Sununu calling our president lazy, incompetent, these kinds of terms that those of us, especially those of us who were grown and raised in the South, we would hear these little words and phrases all of our lives and we'd get insulted by them.​


Read more:
Dem: Criticism of Rice includes racial 'code words'

Must not have swallowed the message of Dr King.
Old fool.

What specific message are you referring to? Dr. King didn't fight against and address racial discrimination when he saw it? I think that some of those scumbags are trying to use certain phrases to make a "racial" reference. For instance, I have heard some of Michael Steele's fellow republican detractors claim that he was "lazy and spent too much money". Now those same "folks" are saying the same thing about President Obama.

You people aren't fooling too many people anymore. :lol:
So if calling someone incompetent is code for racist, calling someone a Clyburn must be code for calling someone an asshole.
Must not have swallowed the message of Dr King.
Old fool.

What specific message are you referring to? Dr. King didn't fight against and address racial discrimination when he saw it? I think that some of those scumbags are trying to use certain phrases to make a "racial" reference. For instance, I have heard some of Michael Steele's fellow republican detractors claim that he was "lazy and spent too much money". Now those same "folks" are saying the same thing about President Obama.

You people aren't fooling too many people anymore. :lol:

Could it be that Steele was lazy and spent too much money? Why are non-racist words suddenly code when they are used in reference to a black man? If I were to call bill clinton lazy and incompetent, would THAT be racist? He was, after all, "the first black President".
Must not have swallowed the message of Dr King.
Old fool.

What specific message are you referring to? Dr. King didn't fight against and address racial discrimination when he saw it? I think that some of those scumbags are trying to use certain phrases to make a "racial" reference. For instance, I have heard some of Michael Steele's fellow republican detractors claim that he was "lazy and spent too much money". Now those same "folks" are saying the same thing about President Obama.

You people aren't fooling too many people anymore. :lol:

Could it be that Steele was lazy and spent too much money? Why are non-racist words suddenly code when they are used in reference to a black man? If I were to call bill clinton lazy and incompetent, would THAT be racist? He was, after all, "the first black President".

LOL, you know what I am referring to. Calling the President a "Chicago thug" is another "code" phrase. He's nothing near a thug at all!
What specific message are you referring to? Dr. King didn't fight against and address racial discrimination when he saw it? I think that some of those scumbags are trying to use certain phrases to make a "racial" reference. For instance, I have heard some of Michael Steele's fellow republican detractors claim that he was "lazy and spent too much money". Now those same "folks" are saying the same thing about President Obama.

You people aren't fooling too many people anymore. :lol:

Could it be that Steele was lazy and spent too much money? Why are non-racist words suddenly code when they are used in reference to a black man? If I were to call bill clinton lazy and incompetent, would THAT be racist? He was, after all, "the first black President".

LOL, you know what I am referring to. Calling the President a "Chicago thug" is another "code" phrase. He's nothing near a thug at all!

What would you call a guy who gets a judge to release sealed records of an opponent's divorce?. Sounds thuggish to me...
Conservatives, the election is over. You can put away those race cards. Just stop using them. The shakes will subside eventually, and you'll eventually learn how to discuss topics without instantly making every single thing entirely about race.
What specific message are you referring to? Dr. King didn't fight against and address racial discrimination when he saw it? I think that some of those scumbags are trying to use certain phrases to make a "racial" reference. For instance, I have heard some of Michael Steele's fellow republican detractors claim that he was "lazy and spent too much money". Now those same "folks" are saying the same thing about President Obama.

You people aren't fooling too many people anymore. :lol:

Could it be that Steele was lazy and spent too much money? Why are non-racist words suddenly code when they are used in reference to a black man? If I were to call bill clinton lazy and incompetent, would THAT be racist? He was, after all, "the first black President".

LOL, you know what I am referring to. Calling the President a "Chicago thug" is another "code" phrase. He's nothing near a thug at all!

Perhaps you're right. We know his friends at SEIU and the Democratic machine in Chicago are all thugs of one sort or another. Then there's the judgement bthat Obama himself requires. Judge him by those that surround him.
Conservatives, the election is over. You can put away those race cards. Just stop using them. The shakes will subside eventually, and you'll eventually learn how to discuss topics without instantly making every single thing entirely about race.

Why are the Libs so butthurt? They won this round. Could it be they're having second thoughts so soon?
The Republicans are 90% white and they voted in huge numbers in states that had slavery. They admit they targeted blacks. They fly the confederate flag.

But they insist "race" has nothing to do with it.
Democratic Racial Physicists Discover Newest Racial Code Word: "Incompetent"​

November 21, 2012

The Large Race and Marxism Collider has produced evidence of the newest "building block of hate."

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Tuesday that a letter from nearly 100 House Republicans urging President Obama not to appoint Susan Rice as secretary of State employed racially charged "code words" to make its case.
The letter, signed by 97 House Republicans, says Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, "is widely viewed as having either willfully or incompetently misled the American public in the Benghazi matter" — language Clyburn saw as racially loaded.

"You know, these are code words," Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, told CNN. "We heard them during the campaign — during this recent campaign we heard Sen. Sununu calling our president lazy, incompetent, these kinds of terms that those of us, especially those of us who were grown and raised in the South, we would hear these little words and phrases all of our lives and we'd get insulted by them.​


Then, I would suggest that if the shoe fits, do something about it besides cry "racist", and if it doesn't, just keep on keepin' on because you are industrious and self reliant and lovin' every minute of it.
Competence in the role of Secretary of State would be measured by one's performance in that position. And since Susan Rice has never held that position it is misnomer to regard her as either a competent or incompetent candidate. And whether or not she is qualified for the position depends on her level of experience in fields relevant to that role and whether her resume is more substantive than those of other prospective candidates.

Have any of Rice's critics named other prospects whom they believe are more qualified? And have they presented specific and verifiable reasons why?
Competence in the role of Secretary of State would be measured by one's performance in that position. And since Susan Rice has never held that position it is misnomer to regard her as either a competent or incompetent candidate. And whether or not she is qualified for the position depends on her level of experience in fields relevant to that role and whether her resume is more substantive than those of other prospective candidates.

Have any of Rice's critics named other prospects whom they believe are more qualified? And have they presented specific and verifiable reasons why?

Obama was elected president. Because the majority of American trust his judgement. Republicans wanted to make Sarah Palin vice president and many want to see her has president. She is an idiot. Santorum was right.
Competence in the role of Secretary of State would be measured by one's performance in that position. And since Susan Rice has never held that position it is misnomer to regard her as either a competent or incompetent candidate. And whether or not she is qualified for the position depends on her level of experience in fields relevant to that role and whether her resume is more substantive than those of other prospective candidates.

Have any of Rice's critics named other prospects whom they believe are more qualified? And have they presented specific and verifiable reasons why?

Obama was elected president. Because the majority of American trust his judgement. Republicans wanted to make Sarah Palin vice president and many want to see her has president. She is an idiot. Santorum was right.

yep . Here's the last part of Wehrwolfen's link lol:

In his CNN appearance, Clyburn said of McCain: "He told us that Sarah Palin was a very competent person to be vice president of the United States. That ought to tell you a little bit about his judgment."
Maybe some Democrats have borrowed the rightwing tactic of crying racism every time their own Rice, i.e., Condoleezza, got criticized.

The Right has a very short memory.

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