Democratic Socialist & founder of "Venture For America" Andrew Yang announces 2020 presidential bid

"A deepening mindset of scarcity is overtaking much of the country fueled by pervasive financial insecurity. Too many have their heads down trying to survive. Things will get much worse as the malls close and trucks start to drive themselves. The answer is abundance and humanity." - Wacky Andrew Yang
I wouldn’t vote for him under any circumstances but at least he’s honest about what he believes in.
if Andrew stays focused on economic issues he has a chance. if he talks about transgender, and abortion, and immigration, there's only so much time in the rest of the day to talk economics.
He’s a democrat. That means he’s stuck with homo fascism, black racism, feminist fascism, victim culture, illegal immigration invasion and cultural usurpation, surrender...

Well since it will be 100 years since women could vote in 2020 I would like a woman as Potus.
In 2020 Trump will easily be reelected.
Lol. Where is this money coming from? Off the magic money tree?
It's a response to advances in the human resources discipline, technology, and labor buying power that has been holding down real wages for a generation. 1 new worker stands no chance for an equal trade of labor for pay against an Amazon or whomever. Pay fairly and the problem will go away. If they don't pay fairly we will be forced to take it by bringing back an evolved form of collective bargaining or through reworking taxation and public expenditure.
his platform is "Universal Basic Income and evolution to the next stage of capitalism"

interesting stuff

Liberals are not hiding it any longer.they think we hate Trump like they do and think we want socialism. Please stand up,for socialism libtards.
Lol. Where is this money coming from? Off the magic money tree?
The robots will print it.
Robots don't pay taxes. Something to think about as more stuff is automated. The low IQ folks will unfairly be pushed out of jobs then demonized for being unemployed by the right.

The business that owns the robot does pay taxes.

The low IQ folks "unfairly" pushed out of the jobs can go return to be "artists", social justice warriors, third wave feminists, or take the jobs freed up by deporting illegals out of the country, and what lefties are describing as jobs that Americans don't want, such as picking fruits, laying bricks, lawn moving, cleaning toilets...
"poverty is not a lack of character, but a lack of cash" - Supercilious Andrew Yang
Lol. Where is this money coming from? Off the magic money tree?
The robots will print it.
Robots don't pay taxes. Something to think about as more stuff is automated. The low IQ folks will unfairly be pushed out of jobs then demonized for being unemployed by the right.

The business that owns the robot does pay taxes.

The low IQ folks "unfairly" pushed out of the jobs can go return to be "artists", social justice warriors, third wave feminists, or take the jobs freed up by deporting illegals out of the country, and what lefties are describing as jobs that Americans don't want, such as picking fruits, laying bricks, lawn moving, cleaning toilets...
No you clearly don't understand. Robots/automation don't pay taxes, don't draw and spend income, and they replace humans that do. There isn't a magical one to one conversion or a smooth translation of these money flows from the replaced worker to the robot or owner. There are forces involved here that are reshaping the supply chain to a point where the current held assumptions won't be relevant. The economic slogans especially lose real world relevance.

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