Democratic Socialists, Do You Support the DSA?

Stupid incel. Managing a corporation isn't about "freedumb". How brainwashed are you?

The Board of Directors doesn't "run" the corporation. The officers do that. The Directors offer advice and oversight of the officers, to protect the interests of the Shareholders, and approve any major purchase or sale of assets, officers salaries and bonuses. If the company is selling out and moving manufacturing to India, the employees and the community SHOULD have SOME input.

Running a business is the opposite of "Freedumb". Corporations are heavily regulated, and organized. Who can be on the board is already regulated so changing the regulation isn't taking away your "freedumb", it's just amending it.

You incorporate for tax breaks, government incentives and to limit liability. You subject yourself to regulation in exchange for the financial benefits and protections incorporation provides.

Explaining anything to cultists is like explaining things to small children who aren't very smart.
yes, how people run a company is about freedom. I like how you said being on a Board isn't about running a company then go on to describe how they are part of running the aren't bright.

there is regulations and laws, that businesses and people have to follow, and there is mandating that govt officials be part of running the company.

Keep pushing your fascist uptopia
yes, how people run a company is about freedom. I like how you said being on a Board isn't about running a company then go on to describe how they are part of running the aren't bright.

there is regulations and laws, that businesses and people have to follow, and there is mandating that govt officials be part of running the company.

Keep pushing your fascist uptopia
You need a license to operate a business because it's a privilege made possible by society and government. That privilege can come with whatever responsibilities society wants to set.
Lol, getting back to your love for the govt. I've built three companies and sold them. Govt never lent a hand nor helped me build anything. There was no privilege granted by society of govt.
That’s impossible. No one does it 100% by themselves. It’s the Atlas Shrugged/Fountainhead myth.
You need a license to operate a business because it's a privilege made possible by society and government. That privilege can come with whatever responsibilities society wants to set.
Yeah there is getting a license and mandating that govt officials ne on the board…like you suggested

Two vastly different things….one is simply the cost of doing business in a free society and the other fascism
That’s impossible. No one does it 100% by themselves. It’s the Atlas Shrugged myth.

I don't recall someone saving the money to start these companies, nor do I remember govt hiring employees for me, nor do I remember receiving money from the govt to start companies. If by my hiring employees that you mean a business owner doesnt do it by themselves? Thats a stretch.........since they are paid wages and benefits.
Lol, getting back to your love for the govt. I've built three companies and sold them. Govt never lent a hand nor helped me build anything. There was no privilege granted by society or govt.
Nope. Just explaining to you society works. If you think government hasn't done anything for you try operating your business without accepting government backed securities. Maybe you can barter for chickens or something....
Nope. Just explaining to you society works. If you think government hasn't done anything for you try operating your business without accepting government backed securities. Maybe you can barter for chickens or something....

Govt does very little for anyone. You're not explaining anything. Govt is just your answer for everything. Essentially, your religion that you bow down to.
You disprove that we are moving to a global government that is going to enforce anyone who does not comply to be denied and it will introduce "buy and sell" from totalitarians.
Listen moron, your options are to either have no businesses, businesses that are free to do whatever they want, or businesses that are regulated. Which of those do you imagine is preferable? 😄
Yeah there is getting a license and mandating that govt officials ne on the board…like you suggested

Two vastly different things….one is simply the cost of doing business in a free society and the other fascism

You love crying about fascism. Everything isn't fascism you baby.
No, I've built and sold three companies. I know how commerce and govt work. I can tell that you dont though.
Sure you have. Yet you don't think the government has a role in insuring the money your business generates or in settling disputes between you and customers or your vendors.... :itsok:
Sure you do. Yet you don't think the government has a role in insuring the money your business generates or in settling disputes between you and customers or your vendors.... 😄

Actually, no, they never have settled any of our disputes. The govt never has stepped in while Im negotiating pricing points with my vendors. Lol.
Listen moron, your options are to either have no businesses, businesses that are free to do whatever they want, or businesses that are regulated. Which of those do you imagine is preferable? 😄
It is efficiency that is needed making sure that the worst of that is taken to task with government making sure that is adhered to. Government though has grown huge with people spending much of their lives as promoted constitutional servants to us while they turn us into slaves. 50 years of Joe....
Actually, no, they never have settled any of our disputes. The govt never has stepped in while Im negotiating pricing points with my vendors. Lol.
They did you're just too stupid to realize it. The government, their licensing of businesses, their regulation and backing of currency, their maintenence of property rights is how you can be confident your dealing with legitimate businessmen, that if they aren't you have a means of recouping your losses and that whatever price you negotiate on, the value of currency you exchange won't be zero tomorrow.
They did you're just too stupid to realize it. The government, their licensing of businesses, their regulation and backing of currency, their maintenence of property rights is how you can be confident your dealing with legitimate businessmen, that if they aren't you have a means of recouping your losses and that whatever price you negotiate on, the value of currency you exchange won't be zero tomorrow.

They don't maintain any of my property rights. I don't depend on govt for new business. You really don't know what you're talking about other than some professor regurgitating theoretical axioms out of a book. You're exposing your ignorance. I'd quit if I were you.
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