Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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I don't take the right wing seriously; when all they have is a fallacy of false Cause.

Tourism is not immigration. We have a Commerce Clause. Only the right wing, never gets it.

I take you seriously.

NOt your words here. They are a smokescreen to hide the fact that you are a hard line Mexican Nationalist with great hatred for America and Americans.

But you are a fine representative of a type of people that mostly aren't talking in the open, to mixed audiences.

Most you your kind are careful to speak in spanish to spanish speakers.
That is your problem, "paler shade of white" nationalist. We should be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis. Why do you have a problem with making money from tourism?

Deporting them, and building a wall to keep them out, forever, is permanent.
How much of the other Peoples' tax money will that cost on a yearly basis, right wingers?
We should be making money not losing money on forms of tourism.

Like you care about US taxpayer's money.
More than You, apparently, right wingers. Capitalism not socialist enough for you on a national basis.
And the choice is either or. How do you propose to get whites to die? Or is the plan to improve the country by killing them?

Who suggested whites should die, freak?
What's the fastest way to get fewer whites?

This is the ideal Democrat slogan way into the future.

Who has said anything about wanting fewer whites?

You're free to line up as many lilly white baby daddies as you wish and do your patriotic duty to pump out "victory babies".
right wing women are mostly all political talk and mostly no political action.

These good ole boys need to stop snivlin, git them two or three young wives and git er dun
fer Murica !
With polygamy, every woman can marry a nice guy.
Literally by the boatload. We built a facility to in-process them and they were citizens by the end of the line.

Today, ten years to get a green card.

Almost like the people of the United States decided that a different century called for a different policy.

How crazy is that?


The current policy is why so many are here illegally.

What part of the policy? THe part where the Sovereign Citizens of this nation, though their Democratically Enacted Will, did not want them to come to OUR nation?

Well it is true that that makes their presence here ILLEGAL, it is on them that they are here. They are unwelcome invaders.


The part that makes people wait a decade for a green card and another for citizenship.
P.S. it's not just Mexicans. Nearly half of people here illegally have simply overstayed their visas.

Just come out and say what you really want to. America is for white folks.

Have some balls, man.

If they are not welcome here, they should respect our democratically enacted wishes.

Your race card play is noted. YOU are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

Just as I thought. No balls.
No, they are not a threat to Whites

Those 11 million represent a workforce that has pretty much always been here. Sometimes more, sometimes less

The argument that immigrants are stealing jobs from whites has been made by racists for over 100 years. Stealing jobs from whites was one of the justifications for Jim Crow laws.

Calling the Law of Supply and Demand racists does not mean it doesn't still function. THose illegals are taking jobs and lowering wages.

Calling me racist is just you being a Race Baiting asshole, as normal.

I'm sorry but the whole beleaguered white male syndrome is nothing but racism

This country was founded by white male Christians and for 200 years, the interests of white male Christians were protected.

When people eventually stood up and said.... ME TOO

White, male Christians felt threatened because they no longer had the best jobs, best schools and best opportunities set aside for them

We've talked enough that you know I just want equal treatment.

Thus you are a liar and a vile race baiter.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Also, it is worth noting that you feel you need to lie in order to defend your position.

Because you know that the truth is not on your side.

Unfortunately for the white apologists, equal treatment means that others also get a chance to fill rolls formerly set aside for white males

The result has been what we saw last weekend

Irate white males storming to fight for what they see is their rightful place in society

Why do you defend them?

Equal Treatment would mean that "others" would get a chance to fill those roles. Which is fine.

What we have now is that those "others" get favorable treatment.

As has been repeatedly, demonstrated for you.

YOu are a liar.
Affirmative action was about giving women, blacks and minorities a shot at performing jobs formerly reserved for white males

Part of the reason we have white males joining racist organizations
It's your reason to limit immigration that is problematic.

And just that quickly you drop your previous line of "argument" because the moment it is clearly stated, you sensibly want to run away from it.

Yet, tomorrow, or even later today, you will use the same bullshit lie to attack another, keeping the lie alive. Because that is what you are.

YOur reasons for wanting high immigration is what is "problematic", that is why you don't argue them, but instead viciously and falsely attack and smear the good people that dare to hold a different opinion.

Off the top of your head, what are your reason(s) for wanting high immigration?

one sentence each reason, limit the partisan spin as much as you can without hurting yourself, and save the hysterical drama for someone dumb enough to fall for it.

List them.




If you dare.
And just that quickly you drop your previous line of "argument"

I dropped nothing. I reinforced it, dope.
Your reason is problematic because it's white supremacist. That's why you chose to voice it in this thread. You know what you're saying.

1. I asked you for your reasons to support high immigration. YOu could not or would not give them.

2. YOu did drop your previous argument. YOur previous argument was that White Americans, did not have the full rights of other citizens, such as determining who to invite into their community. It was an idiotic position and your second post abandoned it, rightfully so.

3. Your second argument, such as it was, was a snide Race Card play. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

4. Your race baiting is noted and dismissed.

1. I asked you for your reasons to support high immigration. YOu could not or would not give them.

I never said I supported such a thing. I said your reason was problematic.

2. YOu did drop your previous argument. YOur previous argument was that White Americans, did not have the full rights of other citizens, such as determining who to invite into their community. It was an idiotic position and your second post abandoned it, rightfully so.

That was never my argument.

3. Your second argument, such as it was, was a snide Race Card play. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

4. Your race baiting is noted and dismissed.


Your whole argument is predicated on race, asshole.

Says the man that keeps race baiting, but can't bring himself to clearly state WHY HE SUPPORTS HIGH IMMIGRATION.
You keep using that word

I do not think it means what you think it means
I take you seriously.

NOt your words here. They are a smokescreen to hide the fact that you are a hard line Mexican Nationalist with great hatred for America and Americans.

But you are a fine representative of a type of people that mostly aren't talking in the open, to mixed audiences.

Most you your kind are careful to speak in spanish to spanish speakers.
That is your problem, "paler shade of white" nationalist. We should be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis. Why do you have a problem with making money from tourism?

Deporting them, and building a wall to keep them out, forever, is permanent.
How much of the other Peoples' tax money will that cost on a yearly basis, right wingers?
We should be making money not losing money on forms of tourism.

Like you care about US taxpayer's money.
More than You, apparently, right wingers. Capitalism not socialist enough for you on a national basis.

A well regulated market requires strong borders.
That is your problem, "paler shade of white" nationalist. We should be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis. Why do you have a problem with making money from tourism?

Deporting them, and building a wall to keep them out, forever, is permanent.
How much of the other Peoples' tax money will that cost on a yearly basis, right wingers?
We should be making money not losing money on forms of tourism.

Like you care about US taxpayer's money.
More than You, apparently, right wingers. Capitalism not socialist enough for you on a national basis.

A well regulated market requires strong borders.
Wellness of regulation, is a border.
Almost like the people of the United States decided that a different century called for a different policy.

How crazy is that?


The current policy is why so many are here illegally.

What part of the policy? THe part where the Sovereign Citizens of this nation, though their Democratically Enacted Will, did not want them to come to OUR nation?

Well it is true that that makes their presence here ILLEGAL, it is on them that they are here. They are unwelcome invaders.


The part that makes people wait a decade for a green card and another for citizenship.
P.S. it's not just Mexicans. Nearly half of people here illegally have simply overstayed their visas.

Just come out and say what you really want to. America is for white folks.

Have some balls, man.

If they are not welcome here, they should respect our democratically enacted wishes.

Your race card play is noted. YOU are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

Just as I thought. No balls.

And you are down to nothing but the race card and challenging my manhood.

YOu are pathetic.
Calling the Law of Supply and Demand racists does not mean it doesn't still function. THose illegals are taking jobs and lowering wages.

Calling me racist is just you being a Race Baiting asshole, as normal.

I'm sorry but the whole beleaguered white male syndrome is nothing but racism

This country was founded by white male Christians and for 200 years, the interests of white male Christians were protected.

When people eventually stood up and said.... ME TOO

White, male Christians felt threatened because they no longer had the best jobs, best schools and best opportunities set aside for them

We've talked enough that you know I just want equal treatment.

Thus you are a liar and a vile race baiter.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Also, it is worth noting that you feel you need to lie in order to defend your position.

Because you know that the truth is not on your side.

Unfortunately for the white apologists, equal treatment means that others also get a chance to fill rolls formerly set aside for white males

The result has been what we saw last weekend

Irate white males storming to fight for what they see is their rightful place in society

Why do you defend them?

Equal Treatment would mean that "others" would get a chance to fill those roles. Which is fine.

What we have now is that those "others" get favorable treatment.

As has been repeatedly, demonstrated for you.

YOu are a liar.
Affirmative action was about giving women, blacks and minorities a shot at performing jobs formerly reserved for white males

Part of the reason we have white males joining racist organizations

It was the reason, maybe in the 70s.

Somewhere since then it has become about giving racial preferences to minorities at the expense of whites.

YOur denial of this obvious truth is not credible.

YOu need to ask yourself why you have to stand firm on such an absurd lie.
Deporting them, and building a wall to keep them out, forever, is permanent.
How much of the other Peoples' tax money will that cost on a yearly basis, right wingers?
We should be making money not losing money on forms of tourism.

Like you care about US taxpayer's money.
More than You, apparently, right wingers. Capitalism not socialist enough for you on a national basis.

A well regulated market requires strong borders.
Wellness of regulation, is a border.

No it is not.

YOur word game is noted and dismissed as stupid.
The current policy is why so many are here illegally.

What part of the policy? THe part where the Sovereign Citizens of this nation, though their Democratically Enacted Will, did not want them to come to OUR nation?

Well it is true that that makes their presence here ILLEGAL, it is on them that they are here. They are unwelcome invaders.


The part that makes people wait a decade for a green card and another for citizenship.
P.S. it's not just Mexicans. Nearly half of people here illegally have simply overstayed their visas.

Just come out and say what you really want to. America is for white folks.

Have some balls, man.

If they are not welcome here, they should respect our democratically enacted wishes.

Your race card play is noted. YOU are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

Just as I thought. No balls.

And you are down to nothing but the race card and challenging my manhood.

YOu are pathetic.

I'm right where I started.
If your manhood feels challenged. That's on you. I say what I mean to say.
It's been implied over and over...usually through clever word play.
Since we're all link-whores I ask....where are the statistics and demographics to prove such a notion?
I can't help but a desperate, last-ditch effort when will Democrats public pitch this narrative? Imagine if they could guarantee themselves every single minority vote through such a shameless campaign. Remember there is NOTHING beneath the low is to low for Chuck, Nancy and Maxine.
Seem far-fetched to you? You better think again.

By using Quote we are looking for someone who made this statement. But this is a figment of your imagination...

The Democrats believe the US is a multicultural society and that all people deserve equal chance...

Nice try... BrokeLoser is a good name for you...
What part of the policy? THe part where the Sovereign Citizens of this nation, though their Democratically Enacted Will, did not want them to come to OUR nation?

Well it is true that that makes their presence here ILLEGAL, it is on them that they are here. They are unwelcome invaders.


The part that makes people wait a decade for a green card and another for citizenship.
P.S. it's not just Mexicans. Nearly half of people here illegally have simply overstayed their visas.

Just come out and say what you really want to. America is for white folks.

Have some balls, man.

If they are not welcome here, they should respect our democratically enacted wishes.

Your race card play is noted. YOU are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

Just as I thought. No balls.

And you are down to nothing but the race card and challenging my manhood.

YOu are pathetic.

I'm right where I started.
If your manhood feels challenged. That's on you. I say what I mean to say.

Errr, you questioned whether or not I have balls.

That's you doing that. It is not on me.

YOu, being an asshole.

Or are you too stupid to understand the meaning of the words you spew out?
I'm sorry but the whole beleaguered white male syndrome is nothing but racism

This country was founded by white male Christians and for 200 years, the interests of white male Christians were protected.

When people eventually stood up and said.... ME TOO

White, male Christians felt threatened because they no longer had the best jobs, best schools and best opportunities set aside for them

We've talked enough that you know I just want equal treatment.

Thus you are a liar and a vile race baiter.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Also, it is worth noting that you feel you need to lie in order to defend your position.

Because you know that the truth is not on your side.

Unfortunately for the white apologists, equal treatment means that others also get a chance to fill rolls formerly set aside for white males

The result has been what we saw last weekend

Irate white males storming to fight for what they see is their rightful place in society

Why do you defend them?

Equal Treatment would mean that "others" would get a chance to fill those roles. Which is fine.

What we have now is that those "others" get favorable treatment.

As has been repeatedly, demonstrated for you.

YOu are a liar.
Affirmative action was about giving women, blacks and minorities a shot at performing jobs formerly reserved for white males

Part of the reason we have white males joining racist organizations

It was the reason, maybe in the 70s.

Somewhere since then it has become about giving racial preferences to minorities at the expense of whites.

YOur denial of this obvious truth is not credible.

YOu need to ask yourself why you have to stand firm on such an absurd lie.

Somewhere since then it has become about giving racial preferences to minorities at the expense of whites.

Of course you believe the natural order to be the opposite.
We've talked enough that you know I just want equal treatment.

Thus you are a liar and a vile race baiter.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Also, it is worth noting that you feel you need to lie in order to defend your position.

Because you know that the truth is not on your side.

Unfortunately for the white apologists, equal treatment means that others also get a chance to fill rolls formerly set aside for white males

The result has been what we saw last weekend

Irate white males storming to fight for what they see is their rightful place in society

Why do you defend them?

Equal Treatment would mean that "others" would get a chance to fill those roles. Which is fine.

What we have now is that those "others" get favorable treatment.

As has been repeatedly, demonstrated for you.

YOu are a liar.
Affirmative action was about giving women, blacks and minorities a shot at performing jobs formerly reserved for white males

Part of the reason we have white males joining racist organizations

It was the reason, maybe in the 70s.

Somewhere since then it has become about giving racial preferences to minorities at the expense of whites.

YOur denial of this obvious truth is not credible.

YOu need to ask yourself why you have to stand firm on such an absurd lie.

Somewhere since then it has become about giving racial preferences to minorities at the expense of whites.

Of course you believe the natural order to be the opposite.

Nothing I have ever said, gives you any excuse to make that claim.

YOu are a foul lying asshole. Fuck you.
How much of the other Peoples' tax money will that cost on a yearly basis, right wingers?
We should be making money not losing money on forms of tourism.

Like you care about US taxpayer's money.
More than You, apparently, right wingers. Capitalism not socialist enough for you on a national basis.

A well regulated market requires strong borders.
Wellness of regulation, is a border.

No it is not.

YOur word game is noted and dismissed as stupid.
Yes, it is. It is why, nobody should ever take the right wing seriously about the law or economics.

Wellness of regulation is a distinction for an entire class.
Like you care about US taxpayer's money.
More than You, apparently, right wingers. Capitalism not socialist enough for you on a national basis.

A well regulated market requires strong borders.
Wellness of regulation, is a border.

No it is not.

YOur word game is noted and dismissed as stupid.
Yes, it is. It is why, nobody should ever take the right wing seriously about the law or economics.

Wellness of regulation is a distinction for an entire class.

You're veering off into gibberish again, which I can't be bothered to sift though.

Here is a picture of a cute kitty for your nationalistic and racist ass.

The part that makes people wait a decade for a green card and another for citizenship.
P.S. it's not just Mexicans. Nearly half of people here illegally have simply overstayed their visas.

Just come out and say what you really want to. America is for white folks.

Have some balls, man.

If they are not welcome here, they should respect our democratically enacted wishes.

Your race card play is noted. YOU are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

Just as I thought. No balls.

And you are down to nothing but the race card and challenging my manhood.

YOu are pathetic.

I'm right where I started.
If your manhood feels challenged. That's on you. I say what I mean to say.

Errr, you questioned whether or not I have balls.

That's you doing that. It is not on me.

YOu, being an asshole.

Or are you too stupid to understand the meaning of the words you spew out?

Errr, you questioned whether or not I have balls.

I did indeed. I did because you seem to argue for something but you struggle to articulate just what that is. If you feel challenged, then obviously you know there is something to be challenged.
More than You, apparently, right wingers. Capitalism not socialist enough for you on a national basis.

A well regulated market requires strong borders.
Wellness of regulation, is a border.

No it is not.

YOur word game is noted and dismissed as stupid.
Yes, it is. It is why, nobody should ever take the right wing seriously about the law or economics.

Wellness of regulation is a distinction for an entire class.

You're veering off into gibberish again, which I can't be bothered to sift though.

Here is a picture of a cute kitty for your nationalistic and racist ass.

Wellness of regulation means, organized in such a way as to be, made regular.
Moron thinks building a wall will keep " them" out forever.
You really drunk the Koolaide.

A big wall was built south of San Diego to keep "illegals" out......Want to guess what the border patrol found fairly soon after?...................Lots of TUNNELS...........LOL
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