Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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None of that is what you said.

You said immigration is an attack on white folks.


He wants to import minority voters so that he and his can implement an agenda that will be harmful to the interests of white Americans.

Thus it is an attack.

Is that cleared now?

Not at all. How does immigration harm white Americans?

In the context of the post you quoted it was because it empowers lefties like RW to implement their agenda.

Are you confused about what I said, or are you disagreeing with me? YOu are being unclear.

Choose one.

How so? Lefties aren't white? I'm white. I'm assuming you're white. What interests of whites are you protecting? Do you believe that you and I share interests at the the voting booth?

This is what I was saying. You have an issue being clear on what you're trying to say but the only thing you're clear on is attacks on whites. You've done a lousy job trying to explain your point beyond that.

It seems like you're tap dancing around something.

The majority of whites vote AGAINST the lefties.

This is a problem for people like RW, who want to advance their lefty agenda.

Solution. Import tens of millions of third world voters.

The agenda is hostile to whites, for reasons we can get to, if you are clear up to this point.

The majority of whites vote AGAINST the lefties.

I don't know that that's true at all.

RW doesn't have any agenda that you should be in a twist over. Funny how you shifted to that. Immigration doesn't occur for votes.
RW has started threads gloating how demographic shift to Majority Minority will lead to a long, long period of democratic dominance.

HE wants that, as does most long term thinking liberals.

They see White America, as a problem for their agenda. And their agenda included many policies that will be quite harmful for White Americans.
None of that is what you said.

You said immigration is an attack on white folks.

Why does America need to remain majority white?
Why does America need to become majority non-white?

That wasn't my question and it wasn't your question.
My question answers yours.

You are just too cowardly to answer mine.

It doesn't, dope. You merely stated another question. I am not concerned in the slightest over whites reaching minority status. The only reason you would be is that you believe America is for white folks. Not unlike your partner, you can't bring yourself to admit it on an anonymous internet forum.
One of the reasons why I am concerned is because I don't believe non-whites are morally superior.

Without any kind of anti-racist activism against the supremacist groups by the new majority, whites would be abused in the same way they are in South Africa.
He wants to import minority voters so that he and his can implement an agenda that will be harmful to the interests of white Americans.

Thus it is an attack.

Is that cleared now?

Not at all. How does immigration harm white Americans?

In the context of the post you quoted it was because it empowers lefties like RW to implement their agenda.

Are you confused about what I said, or are you disagreeing with me? YOu are being unclear.

Choose one.

How so? Lefties aren't white? I'm white. I'm assuming you're white. What interests of whites are you protecting? Do you believe that you and I share interests at the the voting booth?

This is what I was saying. You have an issue being clear on what you're trying to say but the only thing you're clear on is attacks on whites. You've done a lousy job trying to explain your point beyond that.

It seems like you're tap dancing around something.

The majority of whites vote AGAINST the lefties.

This is a problem for people like RW, who want to advance their lefty agenda.

Solution. Import tens of millions of third world voters.

The agenda is hostile to whites, for reasons we can get to, if you are clear up to this point.

The majority of whites vote AGAINST the lefties.

I don't know that that's true at all.

RW doesn't have any agenda that you should be in a twist over. Funny how you shifted to that. Immigration doesn't occur for votes.

1. THe dems have not won the white vote since Johnson.

2. RW has been quite good at expressing the Lefty Agenda. FOr a lefty he has a strong ability to think rationally, in order to make actual arguments, and short chains of logic. Or at least he did.

3. The strong dem support for Third World Immigration, legal and illegal, is certainly based on wanting more minority votes.
Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

When you have breeders like the Palin family, how can you have "fewer" whites?
This is great news...with the release of the 2020 census they are saying the quiet part out loud...just like we always knew they would.
Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

What do you call the flip side of that statement?

Let me help. White supremacy.

I just look at it this way.

Diversity isn't always a good thing. The swiss are almost all white and they have insanely high employment rates, great healthcare, high education rates, and little social issues. And being all white means everyone is familiar with eachother, there is no conflict of culture, they understand eachother even strangers, they all have a similar mentality. It makes their society more easy going with minimal friction. That's why Switzerland is a rich country, they have next to no gun crime despite having mandatory gun ownership, and so on. A society that all has a sense of familiarity is going to be a more comfortable society. Even in he wild you see very few species of animals always co habitating with other species.

Sure there are a lot of shitty white people. But I live close to Cincinnati Ohio which has a shit load of both black and white, been to Georgia, Los Angeles, Chicago, new York and several other places so I've seen a fair share of high population areas in the country. And from what I've seen blacks in general are obnoxious, loud, they blame everyone for their own problems, they don't speak very good English, are confrontational, commit more crimes, commit a lot of violent crimes, have a "ghetto mentality", don't want to work really, very very quick to anger and let emotions control them, are selfish, have little common curitosy and manners, and so on. Even in Las Vegas I was called a racist 3 or 4 seperate times on the street by blacks because I didn't want to buy their mix demo rap burned CD on the street. They can call eachother n words but we can't, we can't be racist but they can, they want everything their way and if they don't get it we're racist and so on.

I'm not a white supremacist, I just feel they bring down our society is all.

I've met some blacks I like a lot, but most of them I do not like. I'm not a racist, I don't dislike them because they are black, I dislike them because most of them represent "black Americans". There is nothing racist or wrong with disliking a group of people based on their commonly shared traits that are irritating to you.

Most people of every ethnicity (and I mean every ethnicity) acknowledge (at least in private) that Caucasians will be sorely missed.

They are the GLUE that holds this diverse nation together.

They try to make sure that the four major minority groups get a fair share of the American pie.

When Caucasians are gone, it AIN'T gonna be a pretty picture!
I just look at it this way.

Diversity isn't always a good thing. The swiss are almost all white and they have insanely high employment rates, great healthcare, high education rates, and little social issues. And being all white means everyone is familiar with eachother, there is no conflict of culture, they understand eachother even strangers, they all have a similar mentality. It makes their society more easy going with minimal friction. That's why Switzerland is a rich country, they have next to no gun crime despite having mandatory gun ownership, and so on. A society that all has a sense of familiarity is going to be a more comfortable society. Even in he wild you see very few species of animals always co habitating with other species.

Sure there are a lot of shitty white people. But I live close to Cincinnati Ohio which has a shit load of both black and white, been to Georgia, Los Angeles, Chicago, new York and several other places so I've seen a fair share of high population areas in the country. And from what I've seen blacks in general are obnoxious, loud, they blame everyone for their own problems, they don't speak very good English, are confrontational, commit more crimes, commit a lot of violent crimes, have a "ghetto mentality", don't want to work really, very very quick to anger and let emotions control them, are selfish, have little common curitosy and manners, and so on. Even in Las Vegas I was called a racist 3 or 4 seperate times on the street by blacks because I didn't want to buy their mix demo rap burned CD on the street. They can call eachother n words but we can't, we can't be racist but they can, they want everything their way and if they don't get it we're racist and so on.

I'm not a white supremacist, I just feel they bring down our society is all.

I've met some blacks I like a lot, but most of them I do not like. I'm not a racist, I don't dislike them because they are black, I dislike them because most of them represent "black Americans". There is nothing racist or wrong with disliking a group of people based on their commonly shared traits that are irritating to you.
I always appreciate honesty. Thank you.
I also appreciate when my points are illustrated so clearly.
I just look at it this way.

Diversity isn't always a good thing. The swiss are almost all white and they have insanely high employment rates, great healthcare, high education rates, and little social issues. And being all white means everyone is familiar with eachother, there is no conflict of culture, they understand eachother even strangers, they all have a similar mentality. It makes their society more easy going with minimal friction. That's why Switzerland is a rich country, they have next to no gun crime despite having mandatory gun ownership, and so on. A society that all has a sense of familiarity is going to be a more comfortable society. Even in he wild you see very few species of animals always co habitating with other species.

Sure there are a lot of shitty white people. But I live close to Cincinnati Ohio which has a shit load of both black and white, been to Georgia, Los Angeles, Chicago, new York and several other places so I've seen a fair share of high population areas in the country. And from what I've seen blacks in general are obnoxious, loud, they blame everyone for their own problems, they don't speak very good English, are confrontational, commit more crimes, commit a lot of violent crimes, have a "ghetto mentality", don't want to work really, very very quick to anger and let emotions control them, are selfish, have little common curitosy and manners, and so on. Even in Las Vegas I was called a racist 3 or 4 seperate times on the street by blacks because I didn't want to buy their mix demo rap burned CD on the street. They can call eachother n words but we can't, we can't be racist but they can, they want everything their way and if they don't get it we're racist and so on.

I'm not a white supremacist, I just feel they bring down our society is all.

I've met some blacks I like a lot, but most of them I do not like. I'm not a racist, I don't dislike them because they are black, I dislike them because most of them represent "black Americans". There is nothing racist or wrong with disliking a group of people based on their commonly shared traits that are irritating to you.

Right on! You hit the nail on the head!

Some of the nicest Americans are African Americans.

They are often more tolerant and less greedy than the other ethnicities in this strange country.

But in my 84 years, I have learned the hard way that they have a higher percentage of, let's just say, unpleasant people.
Right on! You hit the nail on the head!

Some of the nicest Americans are African Americans.

They are often more tolerant and less greedy than the other ethnicities in this strange country.

But in my 84 years, I have learned the hard way that they have a higher percentage of, let's just say, unpleasant people.
Likely a result of high poverty lower education and generations of systematic oppression by “The Man”. You get that don’t you?
Likely a result of high poverty lower education and generations of systematic oppression by “The Man”. You get that don’t you?
Got that why Oprah and Hussein Obama can’t succeed in America?
Likely a result of high poverty lower education and generations of systematic oppression by “The Man”. You get that don’t you?
No, I do NOT get that!

When a young gentleman robs a store and kills the clerk, and when a young gentleman sees an Asian and beats the blank out of her, and when a young gentleman loots the latest style of shoes, I do NOT excuse them because of poverty or education or systemic oppression.

Apparently, you do.

That's your right.

I, on the other hand, sympathize with the prey, not the predator.
No, I do NOT get that!

When a young gentleman robs a store and kills the clerk, and when a young gentleman sees an Asian and beats the blank out of her, and when a young gentleman loots the latest style of shoes, I do NOT excuse them because of poverty or education or systemic oppression.

Apparently, you do.

That's your right.

I, on the other hand, sympathize with the prey, not the predator.
I would never assume you or anybody else should excuse anybody for those crimes. You seem pretty confused
You must be pooping in your pants BL. Don’t worry. Everything is gonna be alright!
You should be...the data proves you should be...but your foolish bleeding heart hates data that doesn’t affirm your FEELZ.
Thankfully I have the means to stay insulated from the filth among us.
I know this; it won’t be long befor legit Americans will be eyeing a predominantly white nation to migrate know, like your pet human dark people do now.
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