Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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Why should simply going about your life require you to be "courageous?" That right there proves that multicultural societies suck.
Simply going about your life does not take courage but being understand and accepting of that which is unfamiliar to you does take courage and thats what these nationalist xenophobic racist fucks lack.
You aren't helping your argument. Why would anyone want to import a gang of people who want "payback?"

All you're proving is that you're an imbecile who doesn't understand the consequences of the policies you support.
Maybe one day you'll grow up and be able to communicate like an adult.

Or maybe not.
Yes, that's been my assumption. You guys are worried about payback.
Love my country. Don't want inner city criminals and Democrats to destroy it. Because of slavery millions of people of African decent live in the greatest nation on earth with the best economic and educational opportunities anywhere on earth. Rather than living in a war torn, ebola infested village in some African shit hole. They need to stop whining and appreciate what they have here. But liberals and their media propaganda machine churn racial tension everyday.
Which elements of our culture are being "erased" by importing these foreigners?
For one thing, the idea that hard work is the way to become successful. Now we have become a nation of moochers.

The belief that you should be held responsible for your actions is another.
Simply going about your life does not take courage but being understand and accepting of that which is unfamiliar to you does take courage and thats what these nationalist xenophobic racist fucks lack.
Be one who HATES illegal tresspassers a “nationalist, racist, xenophobic fuck”?
For one thing, the idea that hard work is the way to become successful. Now we have become a nation of moochers.

The belief that you should be held responsible for your actions is another.
You somehow think that immigrants are more on the moocher side than the hard work side?! Really?! Why do you think that? From what I've seen, immigrants are amoungst some of the hardest workers we have in this country. Especial when it comes to field workers
You somehow think that immigrants are more on the moocher side than the hard work side?! Really?! Why do you think that? From what I've seen, immigrants are amoungst some of the hardest workers we have in this country. Especial when it comes to field workers
They are also one of the major recipients of welfare.

For your information, immigrants rarely do field work anymore. They take construction jobs and other skilled labor occupations. They take good paying jobs from Americans.
You somehow think that immigrants are more on the moocher side than the hard work side?! Really?! Why do you think that? From what I've seen, immigrants are amoungst some of the hardest workers we have in this country. Especial when it comes to field workers
“Hard work” cleaning shitters doesn’t pay the doctor bills.
Gustavo’s labor over time yields X number of heads of lettuce at a 25% discount for Americans....Meanwhile we pick up the tab for his housing, his children’s food and education and all their healthcare for life....Did we really save 25% on that lettuce?
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