Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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Be one who HATES illegal tresspassers a “nationalist, racist, xenophobic fuck”?
haha yet again you are way off... one can respect the rule of law and be against illegal immigration (such as myself) and not be any of those horrible things. But people like you that spews the hate and bigotry and name calling that you do are definitely all of those things.
They are also one of the major recipients of welfare.

For your information, immigrants rarely do field work anymore. They take construction jobs and other skilled labor occupations. They take good paying jobs from Americans.
So your argument against them working is that they are getting jobs and working?? haha
“Hard work” cleaning shitters doesn’t pay the doctor bills.
Gustavo’s labor over time yields X number of heads of lettuce at a 25% discount for Americans....Meanwhile we pick up the tab for his housing, his children’s food and education and all their healthcare for life....Did we really save 25% on that lettuce?
Hard work was the exact thing you said they weren't doing... But now your saying they work hard but the shit jobs they work can't pay the bills. Interesting... And that is somehow all their fault? And you wonder why unions and labor laws and minimum wage hikes are a growing movement
So your argument against them working is that they are getting jobs and working?? haha
Plenty of them are on welfare, douchebag. Do you actually believe both things can't be true?

Do you know how many times I've been in line at the grocery store checkout behind some woman using food stamps who doesn't speak a word of English?
haha yet again you are way off... one can respect the rule of law and be against illegal immigration (such as myself) and not be any of those horrible things. But people like you that spews the hate and bigotry and name calling that you do are definitely all of those things.
You aren't against illegal immigration or for the rule of law.
Plenty of them are on welfare, douchebag. Do you actually believe both things can't be true?

Do you know how many times I've been in line at the grocery store checkout behind some woman using food stamps who doesn't speak a word of English?
I don't... how many times?! Haha, where do you shop?
Blacks can't "compete?" Why do you think blacks are stupid? There's a lot of middle class blacks, millionaire blacks and billionaire blacks. All of those didn't allowed anything to oppress them. In fact, some of them used their "black privilege card" to help pay for their college education, and to get jobs where the company needed a minority(s) to be compliant with affirmative action laws.
They can’t compete when they are not given an opportunity to compete
They can’t compete on an uneven playing field
That sounds like a horrible experience for you. I'm sorry you have to go through such trauma
It proves that illegal aliens are on welfare, asshole.

I realize it doesn't bother you when foreigners break our laws and then collect welfare. Self loathing assholes like you are the reason this country is swirling down the toilet bowel.
It's been implied over and over...usually through clever word play.
Since we're all link-whores I ask....where are the statistics and demographics to prove such a notion?
I can't help but a desperate, last-ditch effort when will Democrats public pitch this narrative? Imagine if they could guarantee themselves every single minority vote through such a shameless campaign. Remember there is NOTHING beneath the low is to low for Chuck, Nancy and Maxine.
Seem far-fetched to you? You better think again.
Feeling replaced? :itsok:
How many negroes would choose to be white if they could? How many whites would choose to be negroes if they could?
Nuff said.
Interesting take...admitting that majority whites have treated minorities like crap for centuries.
A program of open borders and high immigration is NOT just NOT protecting White America, but an active attack on White America.

YOu want the One Party State that Minority Majority will bring you, and your policies are leading to it.
We do not have a program for open borders. Lying cultists...............again. Like Reenstatement Day.
We do not have a program for open borders. Lying cultists...............again. Like Reenstatement Day.
Biden and the Democrat party does.

"Reenstatement day" is purely a Dim meme. Trump never said anything of the sort.
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