Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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"Reenstatement day is purely a Dim meme." :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Gosh, we sure didn't see THAT coming when cult predictions failed. When things fall apart, blame the Left.....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
They're pretty transparent.

Anything that makes them uncomfortable is fake news, even if THEY SAID IT.
All the people I saw using food stamps couldn't speak a word of English.

Foreigners are erasing our culture. It's now considered racist to display the American flag. You also can't open a Mexican restaurant without being called a racist.

As always, the left is full of shit.

Take it easy on the Mexican thing, Pal. I've lived and worked around Mexicans my entire life. And they hold some extremely important values that many Americans today have lost.
Of course this isn't absolute. Not all Mexicans are like this. And not all Americans lack these values. But a lot have.

1. Extremely family oriented.
2. Almost all are hard working.
3. They are very protective of their children. Which is why you rarely see a mexican child molester.
4. They take care of their elderly, mostly at home. Where as us white folks just stick ours in old folks home and forget about it. <<< Trust me on that. I've worked in a nursing home before. And two my ex wives were nursing home nurses.
5. They support their families here, and still send money to their families in Mexico.
6. The vast majority of the ones here illegally, don't even apply for welfare. Nor do they go anywhere near a government building.
7. They've extremely pro life. A mexican mom would rather kill herself than have an abortion.
8. They're religious.

I know many illegals. The couple I just met, both the mom and dad work no less than 6 days a week. Many times 7 days a week. The wife works in a Mexican restaurant. She waits table and does almost all the cooking. But only gets $3hr. The owner pays her a waitress wage, even though she cooks too.
Alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are merely right-wing socialism on a national and international basis.

Except when you consider the fact that the left supports the war on terror and drugs.

How Joe Biden Led The War on Drugs​

Shall we get into Kamala Harris's record?
What is wrong with people being proud of themselves?

I'm a middle aged white guy, with like no white guilt. I'm not ashamed of it. Why should I be?
And why should anyone think I should feel guilty or be ashamed to be white?

Anyone who does think I should feel guilty, is obviously a racist.
LMAO.. You just don't realize how racist your statement is, do you? Do you honestly believe that just because they're black, that they can't improve their own lives?
Tell that to the millions of black middle class, who did just that. Tell that to the black millionaires who did just that. Tell that to the black billionaires who did just that.
If you look at the history of this nation……the answer is NO
Take it easy on the Mexican thing, Pal. I've lived and worked around Mexicans my entire life. And they hold some extremely important values that many Americans today have lost.
Of course this isn't absolute. Not all Mexicans are like this. And not all Americans lack these values. But a lot have.

1. Extremely family oriented.
2. Almost all are hard working.
3. They are very protective of their children. Which is why you rarely see a mexican child molester.
4. They take care of their elderly, mostly at home. Where as us white folks just stick ours in old folks home and forget about it. <<< Trust me on that. I've worked in a nursing home before. And two my ex wives were nursing home nurses.
5. They support their families here, and still send money to their families in Mexico.
6. The vast majority of the ones here illegally, don't even apply for welfare. Nor do they go anywhere near a government building.
7. They've extremely pro life. A mexican mom would rather kill herself than have an abortion.
8. They're religious.

I know many illegals. The couple I just met, both the mom and dad work no less than 6 days a week. Many times 7 days a week. The wife works in a Mexican restaurant. She waits table and does almost all the cooking. But only gets $3hr. The owner pays her a waitress wage, even though she cooks too.
The majority of them support free handouts from the government and vote for Democrats.

Case closed.
I have asked this question before and got no response.

I will ask it again though, just so the left (especially the white elitists like that harskey loser) get all pissed.

What country is a black in charge that is not a fucking cesspool?


Black neighborhoods (does not matter what country) smell like shit, look like shit, and are pure shit.

Can any stupid liberal explain that without blaming whites?
Sounds like you making a case to never ever vote black Americans into positions of power. I'm sure that would go over big with any black voters the GOP wants to attract.
If you look at the history of this nation……the answer is NO

Why does the left keep focusing on history? History shows that blacks have come full swing. From being considered less than human, to being elected president. If blacks don't take the opportunities that's available to better themselves, then that's on them.
What happened back in the 60's or before has nothing to do with what's going on now. That was 50+ years ago.
In the last 50 years, there have been millions of black middle class citizens, that got there from doing what they're supposed to do. Working, keeping their nose clean, not breaking any major laws.
Dude, the fact of the matter is, blacks that want someone to hand them success, isn't going to happen. They , like everyone else, have to work for it. What ever it takes.
So please stop with the "blacks are oppressed" BS. Because there are too many success stories in the black community to prove that the black oppression of 2021, is just propaganda.
What would the filthy Moon Bats do if the Republicans said publicly that America would a lot better off without those goddamn Negroes?

Would they burn down another 200 American cities and loot more Targets?
Why does the left keep focusing on history? History shows that blacks have come full swing. From being considered less than human, to being elected president. If blacks don't take the opportunities that's available to better themselves, then that's on them.
What happened back in the 60's or before has nothing to do with what's going on now. That was 50+ years ago.
In the last 50 years, there have been millions of black middle class citizens, that got there from doing what they're supposed to do. Working, keeping their nose clean, not breaking any major laws.
Dude, the fact of the matter is, blacks that want someone to hand them success, isn't going to happen. They , like everyone else, have to work for it. What ever it takes.
So please stop with the "blacks are oppressed" BS. Because there are too many success stories in the black community to prove that the black oppression of 2021, is just propaganda.
See post 234
Except when you consider the fact that the left supports the war on terror and drugs.

How Joe Biden Led The War on Drugs​

Shall we get into Kamala Harris's record?

The Democrats have had it with the war on drugs, a total failure. So is everybody else except for the usual brain dead conservatives...
We have never had a program of open borders

What we have always had was a 2500 mile border with Mexico where immigrants would move back and forth. That is not a threat to our beloved white America. In fact, white America has profited handsomely from cheap labor

Remember when democrats were supportive of the American working class? They supported more border enforcement, because it helped protect the American working class jobs?

What happened to those democrats?
See post 234

Republicans wouldn't say that. And you know it.
The main reason being, that most republicans aren't near as racist as the left makes them out to be.
Me thinks you know that too.
For the record, Flash isn't saying get rid of them. He's asking what would happen if the republicans said that.

Me thinks you're trying to make out like Flash is saying it.
Republicans wouldn't say that. And you know it.
The main reason being, that most republicans aren't near as racist as the left makes them out to be.
Me thinks you know that too.
For the record, Flash isn't saying get rid of them. He's asking what would happen if the republicans said that.

Me thinks you're trying to make out like Flash is saying it.
Ummm…evidently they are
Republicans wouldn't say that. And you know it.
The main reason being, that most republicans aren't near as racist as the left makes them out to be.
Me thinks you know that too.
For the record, Flash isn't saying get rid of them. He's asking what would happen if the republicans said that.

Me thinks you're trying to make out like Flash is saying it.

Reading comprehension is not exactly a strong suit for these Moon Bats.
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