Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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What would the filthy Moon Bats do if the Republicans said publicly that America would a lot better off without those goddamn Negroes?

Would they burn down another 200 American cities and loot more Targets?
I would ask: "What do you intend to do with 50M people?"
Fascinating......just don't understand why minorities don't flock to the Right.
People looking for handouts will never flock to the Republican party. Apparently you're saying is that politicians should promise handouts to minorities. The only question here is why taxpayers should ever vote for a Democrat.
Republicans wouldn't say that. And you know it.
The main reason being, that most republicans aren't near as racist as the left makes them out to be.
Me thinks you know that too.
For the record, Flash isn't saying get rid of them. He's asking what would happen if the republicans said that.

Me thinks you're trying to make out like Flash is saying it.
Of course he is. Putting words in the mouths of Republicans is what the left does.
Sounds like you making a case to never ever vote black Americans into positions of power. I'm sure that would go over big with any black voters the GOP wants to attract.
We did that once, and it proved to be a big mistake.
It's been implied over and over...usually through clever word play.
Since we're all link-whores I ask....where are the statistics and demographics to prove such a notion?
I can't help but a desperate, last-ditch effort when will Democrats public pitch this narrative? Imagine if they could guarantee themselves every single minority vote through such a shameless campaign. Remember there is NOTHING beneath the low is to low for Chuck, Nancy and Maxine.
Seem far-fetched to you? You better think again.

I believe that is an assumption from you and has no support from any literature what so ever. You are a liar.

It's just another ratbag Republican statement searching for another reason to blame democrats for everything.
I'll bet you don't one Democrat who thinks lime that. Not one. You are a mitigated lying fool.
This mentality should not surprise anyone. Euro-Caucasians don’t generally take very well to being lorded over and ruled by a Central Government. We never have. We tend to revolt and fight back against Government oppression more than other groups.

Therefore a less Caucasian America is a more easily controlled America; which is exactly what the Democrats want.
You don't care if people are robbing our welfare programs?

That's what makes you a douchebag.
I’d expect those in charge to do their jobs better and make sure the programs are not abused. Those that fail at their jobs should be replace with people who can do better. We can also call for legislators to make a better system through the legal process. What more do you want from me?
I’d expect those in charge to do their jobs better and make sure the programs are not abused. Those that fail at their jobs should be replace with people who can do better. We can also call for legislators to make a better system through the legal process. What more do you want from me?
as the Republicans always cut the funding for stuff like oversight and system infrastructure. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.
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