Democrats and ATF Want to Stop 5.56 Ammo

Yes hunters need their armor piercing ammo for those really tough does. Why not spent uranium? You never know when you'll come across some buck who just had his body clad in titanium plates. And everyone knows it's every American's god given right to cut a buck in half with one shot.

Gun lickers have just lost their shit.

The Second Amendment never mentions hunting, not once.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
This is why private citizens need to have arms.

LOL, they HAD arms.

Family members were murdered by federal government.

They HAD arms. what did it get them?

An acquittal

All the more reason not to have resisted arrest and got people killed.

Apparently, you aren't all that aware of how it went down. It was the government who attacked first and murdered without any warning, but I'm sure you're totally cool with that since A, it happened during a Democratic administration and criticizing the action would be an acknowledgement on your part a Democrat did something wrong and B, we all know what a loyal worshiper of government force and abuse you are (as long as Republican isn't doing it.)
LOL, they HAD arms.
Family members were murdered by federal government.

They HAD arms. what did it get them?

An acquittal

All the more reason not to have resisted arrest and got people killed.

Apparently, you aren't all that aware of how it went down. It was the government who attacked first and murdered without any warning, but I'm sure you're totally cool with that since A, it happened during a Democratic administration and criticizing the action would be an acknowledgement on your part a Democrat did something wrong and B, we all know what a loyal worshiper of government force and abuse you are (as long as Republican isn't doing it.)

No, you aren't.
Yes hunters need their armor piercing ammo for those really tough does. Why not spent uranium? You never know when you'll come across some buck who just had his body clad in titanium plates. And everyone knows it's every American's god given right to cut a buck in half with one shot.

Gun lickers have just lost their shit.

They aren't "armor piercing," dumbass. They are merely copper jacketed, which is required by the Geneva Conventions. Of course, the does make them penetrate metal better than a lead round, but the military does not classify them as "armor piercing." Only dumbasses like you do.
Yes hunters need their armor piercing ammo for those really tough does. Why not spent uranium? You never know when you'll come across some buck who just had his body clad in titanium plates. And everyone knows it's every American's god given right to cut a buck in half with one shot.

Gun lickers have just lost their shit.
not all 5.56 are armor piecing you know that right?
The Truth About M855 5.56 NATO Ammunition - The Truth About Guns

highly unlikely that a leftard would know that

they spew what they are told to spew

no more

no less
The sheep, who are terrified of their own shadow and need a gun to 'pertect them from the world'. Go to your safe space snowflakes. 65 million school children go through life every day without a gun but the snowflakes are so scared of life they need a blanky.

Except when criminals go to the gun free school zones and kill mean except for that...right?

lol, you want to arm children for their own self defense? That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.
where was that said?

now arming adults to protect children is perfectly reasonable
Yes hunters need their armor piercing ammo for those really tough does. Why not spent uranium? You never know when you'll come across some buck who just had his body clad in titanium plates. And everyone knows it's every American's god given right to cut a buck in half with one shot.

Gun lickers have just lost their shit.
It's about being able to defend ones self from the government. People don't have guns in North Korea.

You plan to take up arms against the Government? lol
You really think that the military, police and fire would take up arms against their own population for the federal government? go back to your safe place you stupid motherfucker…
Yes hunters need their armor piercing ammo for those really tough does. Why not spent uranium? You never know when you'll come across some buck who just had his body clad in titanium plates. And everyone knows it's every American's god given right to cut a buck in half with one shot.

Gun lickers have just lost their shit.

They aren't "armor piercing," dumbass. They are merely copper jacketed, which is required by the Geneva Conventions. Of course, the does make them penetrate metal better than a lead round, but the military does not classify them as "armor piercing." Only dumbasses like you do.

Most of my bullets are copper-jacketed and a hella lot bigger than 5.56 with just about same velocity.

Much more weight and 200fps slower.

Even da 9mm are copper-jacketed.
LOL, they HAD arms.
Family members were murdered by federal government.

They HAD arms. what did it get them?

An acquittal

All the more reason not to have resisted arrest and got people killed.

Apparently, you aren't all that aware of how it went down. It was the government who attacked first and murdered without any warning, but I'm sure you're totally cool with that since A, it happened during a Democratic administration and criticizing the action would be an acknowledgement on your part a Democrat did something wrong and B, we all know what a loyal worshiper of government force and abuse you are (as long as Republican isn't doing it.)

Ruby Ridge happened in August 1992. George H W Bush was president. A Republican. So you would just replace 'Democrat' with 'Republican' in this paragraph one would think? Are you now a worshiper of government force?
For what reason? I haven't seen the statistics, but presumably the casualties due to armor piercing ammo are non-existent.

They probably want to disarm the citizenry so that the Marxists can take over without resistance.
Yes hunters need their armor piercing ammo for those really tough does. Why not spent uranium? You never know when you'll come across some buck who just had his body clad in titanium plates. And everyone knows it's every American's god given right to cut a buck in half with one shot.

Gun lickers have just lost their shit.

They aren't "armor piercing," dumbass. They are merely copper jacketed, which is required by the Geneva Conventions. Of course, the does make them penetrate metal better than a lead round, but the military does not classify them as "armor piercing." Only dumbasses like you do.

Yes and tell us toothless what the bullet drop is and the grain and how about the metal content, or perhaps go into a three page dissertation on how .556 is not optimal for that round, .558 is because you are the expert and the military knows nothing!

You bungs just need desperately to see yourselves as 'knowing things' when all the information is easily available to anyone. It's called the internet and has been around for quite a while now. Check into it! You aren't weapons experts or ammo experts. Most of the minutiae that you know is meaningless, much like a Star Wars fan that knows what Han was wearing on Hoth. Who gives a shit. I, like many humans, infuse humor which is a humans way of laughing or causing others to laugh, into speech. Don't get my humor? Who gives a shit.

"Oh these funny 'lubruls' they'll say 'pull the trigger', HA! Nobody 'pulls' a trigger, if these idiots knew something they'd know you 'squeeze' the trigger. Thank god we're here to set the world and universe back into order after that gigantic calamity."

Who gives a shit.
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that's OK I'll use 6.8

That's a rather pricey decision.

This is just a leftover from Obama. He was very anti-American.

Many gun shops closed because of Obama. Ammunition was scarce, I think

because he had the government buying it.

LOL- the gun industry made mint off of gullible gun buyers during the Obama administration- because remember he stole all of your guns!
that's OK I'll use 6.8

That's a rather pricey decision.

This is just a leftover from Obama. He was very anti-American.

Many gun shops closed because of Obama. Ammunition was scarce, I think

because he had the government buying it.

LOL- the gun industry made mint off of gullible gun buyers during the Obama administration- because remember he stole all of your guns!

Why did prices skyrocket and 0 .22 ammo was available?


He was against Americans having guns. True story.

I hope I live to see him impeached post presidency.

I voted for him the 1st time, yes I did, because McCain is a globalist wanker.

The 2nd time, I had learned my lesson, I'm pretty sure fraud got him through that one.
that's OK I'll use 6.8

That's a rather pricey decision.

This is just a leftover from Obama. He was very anti-American.

Many gun shops closed because of Obama. Ammunition was scarce, I think

because he had the government buying it.

LOL- the gun industry made mint off of gullible gun buyers during the Obama administration- because remember he stole all of your guns!

Why did prices skyrocket and 0 .22 ammo was available?


He was against Americans having guns. True story.

I hope I live to see him impeached post presidency.
LOL- 'impeached post presidency'- how idiotic
Why did prices sky rocket? I don't know but you idiots were buying ammo and guns right and left- the gun industry made a fortune because of you gullible idiots.
that's OK I'll use 6.8

That's a rather pricey decision.

This is just a leftover from Obama. He was very anti-American.

Many gun shops closed because of Obama. Ammunition was scarce, I think

because he had the government buying it.

LOL- the gun industry made mint off of gullible gun buyers during the Obama administration- because remember he stole all of your guns!

Why did prices skyrocket and 0 .22 ammo was available?


He was against Americans having guns. True story.

I hope I live to see him impeached post presidency.

I voted for him the 1st time, yes I did, because McCain is a globalist wanker.

The 2nd time, I had learned my lesson, I'm pretty sure fraud got him through that one.
Yet he is not the president and the price has not been reduced..
that's OK I'll use 6.8

That's a rather pricey decision.

This is just a leftover from Obama. He was very anti-American.

Many gun shops closed because of Obama. Ammunition was scarce, I think

because he had the government buying it.

LOL- the gun industry made mint off of gullible gun buyers during the Obama administration- because remember he stole all of your guns!

Why did prices skyrocket and 0 .22 ammo was available?


He was against Americans having guns. True story.

I hope I live to see him impeached post presidency.

I voted for him the 1st time, yes I did, because McCain is a globalist wanker.

The 2nd time, I had learned my lesson, I'm pretty sure fraud got him through that one.

Expect Ammunition Prices to Rise -

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