Democrats and media spent 24 hours masturbating that Trump was finished!

Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
Another Trumpanzee done in by Faux News. The Special Prosecutor's office never said that the Buzzfeed story was false, just not accurate in all respects. This does not clear Trump; he's up to his eyeballs in Mueller's sights. Just be patient; the end is coming for Dumpf and Putin,

Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
You`ll be seeing Cohen again on February 7th when he testifies publicly in front of a House panel so you`re advised to put your ticker tape parade on hold. He`s got plenty to say and it won`t be favorable for Mango Mussolini. He`s not going to be talking about the Super Bowl.
Cohen is already a proven liar (he lied to Congress) so I'd say anything he says to Congress this time might also be a pack of lies.
Because Cohen wants a longer sentence he`ll lie?
Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
You`ll be seeing Cohen again on February 7th when he testifies publicly in front of a House panel so you`re advised to put your ticker tape parade on hold. He`s got plenty to say and it won`t be favorable for Mango Mussolini. He`s not going to be talking about the Super Bowl.
Cohen is already a proven liar (he lied to Congress) so I'd say anything he says to Congress this time might also be a pack of lies.
Because Cohen wants a longer sentence he`ll lie?

When your looking at a very long prison sentence will do or say anything to make it shorter... Singing like a little birdy... OR rather COMPOSING for Mueller to get a reduced sentence.
Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?

So Pence the Destroyer isn't going to be carrying out my fantasy of seeing every leftard in this country rounded up and shipped off to live in those GW-era FEMA trailers?

Dammit! Come on you Democrats. You're slacking.
Both Kovach and Rosenstiel said: "The essence of journalism is a discipline ofverification." In their book, The Elements of Journalism, they emphasize the importance of verification: "In the end, the discipline of verification is what separates journalism from entertainment, propaganda, fiction, or art.Nov 23, 2015
Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
You`ll be seeing Cohen again on February 7th when he testifies publicly in front of a House panel so you`re advised to put your ticker tape parade on hold. He`s got plenty to say and it won`t be favorable for Mango Mussolini. He`s not going to be talking about the Super Bowl.
Cohen has no credibility. His testimony carries no weight

If the media's credibility hadn't already hit bottom, I think they'd be hitting bottom with their report of the false Buzzfeed story.
It's no surprise liberals are so brainwashed when these
fake progressive leaders like Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert
are getting a million views a day on Youtube alone.

Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
You`ll be seeing Cohen again on February 7th when he testifies publicly in front of a House panel so you`re advised to put your ticker tape parade on hold. He`s got plenty to say and it won`t be favorable for Mango Mussolini. He`s not going to be talking about the Super Bowl.

Yeah everyone is sitting on the edge of their seats to hear this utter beacon of absolute truism bedazzle the drooling vultures in Congress.

You're actually still dreaming of a Pelosi

Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
What part is not true? The characterization of the documents and the testimony? Maybe? But did it all happen? Mueller never said it didn't happen.
Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?
You`ll be seeing Cohen again on February 7th when he testifies publicly in front of a House panel so you`re advised to put your ticker tape parade on hold. He`s got plenty to say and it won`t be favorable for Mango Mussolini. He`s not going to be talking about the Super Bowl.
Cohen is already a proven liar (he lied to Congress) so I'd say anything he says to Congress this time might also be a pack of lies.
And since Trump is implicated as the ring leader in the crime that will put Cohen in jail, we also know Trump is an even bigger liar. Shouldn't he go to jail too?
Do you feel let down now that it turns out the Cohen story wasn't true?

No one said it was completely false.

They said it wasn't accurate.

So Trump ^& Cohen told the exact same lie at the same time.

Yep that was just a coincidence.
Ken Starr was on FOX today and said he was a lot more "transparent" in conducting his investigation.

What that means, I guess, is he didn't hide the ball like Mueller has.

Here's the trick to "hiding the ball."

Sometimes it means there is no ball.
Trump is implicated in the crime Cohen is going to jail for. There are plenty of balls.
Ken Starr was on FOX today and said he was a lot more "transparent" in conducting his investigation.

What that means, I guess, is he didn't hide the ball like Mueller has.

Here's the trick to "hiding the ball."

Sometimes it means there is no ball.
Trump is implicated in the crime Cohen is going to jail for. There are plenty of balls.
Let's see it then. Let's see it.

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