Democrats and progs have taken a lot of hits lately, don't you agree?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
The first was of course Trump's election. They'll never get over it.

Then there was the Russian collusion. Turns out it was the Democrats that colluded, but that doesn't stop the narrative. There's no evidence of collusion. But the investigation will continue until Trump's status as POTUS ends, because progs are un-American and high on trickery and the true "Gastapo". On topic, there's evidence of a coup, right down to our FBI and Justice dept. This is the legacy Obama leaves behind. So FUNNY Trump said Obama spied on his campaign, what an idiot. Course he was right. He generally is.

If you're associated with Trump you're arrested in the wee hours of the morning supported by SWAT, for the only crime of being a Trump associate. Interesting to watch progs being arrested for real crimes on their own recognizance. Who is the Gestapo?

There's the conservatives are racist routine. All while it's progs who do all the talking. The evidence doesn't support the narrative, so they stage evidence to support the narrative. Meanwhile it's conservatives who are physically and verbally attacked on a regular basis.

There's progressive infiltration of education of course, where they're indoctrinating our youth to become emotional wrecks and ineffective. On one hand they talk about equality, all while they bribe schools to take their own under false pretenses. Elizabeth Warren comes to mind. She's very upset about the college admission scams........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa.

Trump is "totalitarian". Sure sounds cool. Meanwhile it's progs. who exercise thought-control.

Trump is accused of ???? while the Sanders are being investigated for bank fraud. But you know, Sanders is for the people and that.

There's Cortez. I hear she's college educated. You can't draw blood from a turnip, I swear she has the mentality of an 8th grader at best. Progs voted for the likes of this. No surprise, they support Waters as well as many others who only talk talk talk talk talk. Blows my mind the type of people they consider for leadership roles.

Oh yeah, the State of Union. Democrats showed up to exercise division. The only time they celebrated was to congratulate themselves. Progs support the selfish, foolish and classless.

There's the "Republicans are only concerned with the wealthy". Meanwhile it's progs who live in the wealthiest zip codes. The mega wealthy are primarily progs, and it's progs who have a strangle-hold on monopolies.

Worst of all Trump has proved to be highly competent and we have the results to prove it. Everyday they wake-up to a strong economy is a bad day for the prog.

Supposedly Trump would start WWIII because he's so dumb etc. He's the only POTUS in DECADES to have not initiated war. But he did manage to clean-up Obama's ISIS mess.

Energy independence, that has to suck.

Supposedly they desire more diversity in the white house. Meanwhile their front-runners for POTUS are all white male, go figure.

Feel free to add, there's no shortage of material. Other than that, here's Cortez with her sleeves rolled up, OMG..........
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"Why did Wells Fargo finance the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?"
The first was of course Trump's election. They'll never get over it.

Then there was the Russian collusion. Turns out it was the Democrats that colluded, but that doesn't stop the narrative. There's no evidence of collusion. But the investigation will continue until Trump's status as POTUS ends, because progs are un-American and high on trickery and the true "Gastapo". On topic, there's evidence of a coup, right down to our FBI and Justice dept. This is the legacy Obama leaves behind. So FUNNY Trump said Obama spied on his campaign, what an idiot. Course he was right. He generally is.

If you're associated with Trump you're arrested in the wee hours of the morning supported by SWAT, for the only crime of being a Trump associate. Interesting to watch progs being arrested for real crimes on their own recognizance. Who is the Gestapo?

There's the conservatives are racist routine. All while it's progs who do all the talking. The evidence doesn't support the narrative, so they stage evidence to support the narrative. Meanwhile it's conservatives who are physically and verbally attacked on a regular basis.

There's progressive infiltration of education of course, where they're indoctrinating our youth to become emotional wrecks and ineffective. On one hand they talk about equality, all while they bribe schools to take their own under false pretenses. Elizabeth Warren comes to mind. She's very upset about the college admission scams........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa.

Trump is "totalitarian". Sure sounds cool. Meanwhile it's progs. who exercise thought-control.

Trump is accused of ???? while the Sanders are being investigated for bank fraud. But you know, Sanders is for the people and that.

There's Cortez. I hear she's college educated. You can't draw blood from a turnip, I swear she has the mentality of an 8th grader at best. Progs voted for the likes of this. No surprise, they support Waters as well as many others who only talk talk talk talk talk. Blows my mind the type of people they consider for leadership roles.

Oh yeah, the State of Union. Democrats showed up to exercise division. The only time they celebrated was to congratulate themselves. Progs support the selfish, foolish and classless.

There's the "Republicans are only concerned with the wealthy". Meanwhile it's progs who live in the wealthiest zip codes. The mega wealthy are primarily progs, and it's progs who have a strangle-hold on monopolies.

Worst of all Trump has proved to be highly competent and we have the results to prove it. Everyday they wake-up to a strong economy is a bad day for the prog.

Supposedly Trump would start WWIII because he's so dumb etc. He's the only POTUS in DECADES to have not initiated war. But he did manage to clean-up Obama's ISIS mess.

Energy independence, that has to suck.

Supposedly they desire more diversity in the white house. Meanwhile their front-runners for POTUS are all white male, go figure.

Feel free to add, there's no shortage of material. Other than that, here's Cortez with her sleeves rolled up, OMG..........

America is turning more and more not American each year. AOC is certainly not a "hit". The fact that a person like her along with Muslims are getting elected in America is a sign that they are winning. There is a lot more to come.

In a few years right wing can't win elections at all anymore. From there, either they change their tune to "bring in more immigrants to the country than ever before" while Americans get shafted, or they lose.

So no, they are at war with American values and Western values, and they are winning. There is no wall in case you haven't noticed.
The first was of course Trump's election. They'll never get over it.

Then there was the Russian collusion. Turns out it was the Democrats that colluded, but that doesn't stop the narrative. There's no evidence of collusion. But the investigation will continue until Trump's status as POTUS ends, because progs are un-American and high on trickery and the true "Gastapo". On topic, there's evidence of a coup, right down to our FBI and Justice dept. This is the legacy Obama leaves behind. So FUNNY Trump said Obama spied on his campaign, what an idiot. Course he was right. He generally is.

If you're associated with Trump you're arrested in the wee hours of the morning supported by SWAT, for the only crime of being a Trump associate. Interesting to watch progs being arrested for real crimes on their own recognizance. Who is the Gestapo?

There's the conservatives are racist routine. All while it's progs who do all the talking. The evidence doesn't support the narrative, so they stage evidence to support the narrative. Meanwhile it's conservatives who are physically and verbally attacked on a regular basis.

There's progressive infiltration of education of course, where they're indoctrinating our youth to become emotional wrecks and ineffective. On one hand they talk about equality, all while they bribe schools to take their own under false pretenses. Elizabeth Warren comes to mind. She's very upset about the college admission scams........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa.

Trump is "totalitarian". Sure sounds cool. Meanwhile it's progs. who exercise thought-control.

Trump is accused of ???? while the Sanders are being investigated for bank fraud. But you know, Sanders is for the people and that.

There's Cortez. I hear she's college educated. You can't draw blood from a turnip, I swear she has the mentality of an 8th grader at best. Progs voted for the likes of this. No surprise, they support Waters as well as many others who only talk talk talk talk talk. Blows my mind the type of people they consider for leadership roles.

Oh yeah, the State of Union. Democrats showed up to exercise division. The only time they celebrated was to congratulate themselves. Progs support the selfish, foolish and classless.

There's the "Republicans are only concerned with the wealthy". Meanwhile it's progs who live in the wealthiest zip codes. The mega wealthy are primarily progs, and it's progs who have a strangle-hold on monopolies.

Worst of all Trump has proved to be highly competent and we have the results to prove it. Everyday they wake-up to a strong economy is a bad day for the prog.

Supposedly Trump would start WWIII because he's so dumb etc. He's the only POTUS in DECADES to have not initiated war. But he did manage to clean-up Obama's ISIS mess.

Energy independence, that has to suck.

Supposedly they desire more diversity in the white house. Meanwhile their front-runners for POTUS are all white male, go figure.

Feel free to add, there's no shortage of material. Other than that, here's Cortez with her sleeves rolled up, OMG..........
The first was of course Trump's election. They'll never get over it.

Then there was the Russian collusion. Turns out it was the Democrats that colluded, but that doesn't stop the narrative. There's no evidence of collusion. But the investigation will continue until Trump's status as POTUS ends, because progs are un-American and high on trickery and the true "Gastapo". On topic, there's evidence of a coup, right down to our FBI and Justice dept. This is the legacy Obama leaves behind. So FUNNY Trump said Obama spied on his campaign, what an idiot. Course he was right. He generally is.

If you're associated with Trump you're arrested in the wee hours of the morning supported by SWAT, for the only crime of being a Trump associate. Interesting to watch progs being arrested for real crimes on their own recognizance. Who is the Gestapo?

There's the conservatives are racist routine. All while it's progs who do all the talking. The evidence doesn't support the narrative, so they stage evidence to support the narrative. Meanwhile it's conservatives who are physically and verbally attacked on a regular basis.

There's progressive infiltration of education of course, where they're indoctrinating our youth to become emotional wrecks and ineffective. On one hand they talk about equality, all while they bribe schools to take their own under false pretenses. Elizabeth Warren comes to mind. She's very upset about the college admission scams........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa.

Trump is "totalitarian". Sure sounds cool. Meanwhile it's progs. who exercise thought-control.

Trump is accused of ???? while the Sanders are being investigated for bank fraud. But you know, Sanders is for the people and that.

There's Cortez. I hear she's college educated. You can't draw blood from a turnip, I swear she has the mentality of an 8th grader at best. Progs voted for the likes of this. No surprise, they support Waters as well as many others who only talk talk talk talk talk. Blows my mind the type of people they consider for leadership roles.

Oh yeah, the State of Union. Democrats showed up to exercise division. The only time they celebrated was to congratulate themselves. Progs support the selfish, foolish and classless.

There's the "Republicans are only concerned with the wealthy". Meanwhile it's progs who live in the wealthiest zip codes. The mega wealthy are primarily progs, and it's progs who have a strangle-hold on monopolies.

Worst of all Trump has proved to be highly competent and we have the results to prove it. Everyday they wake-up to a strong economy is a bad day for the prog.

Supposedly Trump would start WWIII because he's so dumb etc. He's the only POTUS in DECADES to have not initiated war. But he did manage to clean-up Obama's ISIS mess.

Energy independence, that has to suck.

Supposedly they desire more diversity in the white house. Meanwhile their front-runners for POTUS are all white male, go figure.

Feel free to add, there's no shortage of material. Other than that, here's Cortez with her sleeves rolled up, OMG..........

America is turning more and more not American each year. AOC is certainly not a "hit". The fact that a person like her along with Muslims are getting elected in America is a sign that they are winning. There is a lot more to come.

In a few years right wing can't win elections at all anymore. From there, either they change their tune to "bring in more immigrants to the country than ever before" while Americans get shafted, or they lose.

So no, they are at war with American values and Western values, and they are winning. There is no wall in case you haven't noticed.

Don't be so sure, but the immigration thing is kind of a problem. I know some younger generation who see it, ID as conservative. As people age they generally wise up to things, and learn to distinguish between a narrative (propaganda) and rational thought.

Course progs won't chime in. You'll notice the more truth of their core the better to avoid.

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