Democrats and the media spewing more lies

So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
He has never said or done anything against Gays or minorities, You all just make shit up and then a bunch of you repeat it without a single link to any actual source of when Trump supposedly said it or did it.
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side

Sure. That is what populist narcissists do. It is the reason the Paris Hiltons/Kim Kardashians/Kanye Wests have any clout whatsoever in our society. We need to keep these superficial idiots away from politics at all costs!
republican run cities aren't rioting
just the democrat run cities and states.
So what? There are also many Democrat run cities that aren’t rioting
But all the cities getting burned down are Democrat run
That’s because almost all cities are run by democrats. There are only a few that are run by Republicans... one of which is Fort Worth and guess what?? They had riots and looting.
50 of them were arrested, and that was the end of the riots.
Yup... that’s what happened in most other cities included dem run cities. Obviously the situations are different in different places.
Wrong in Portland Minneapolis and Chicago No arrests for months. And the only police response is when the mob threatens the local officials houses or business then suddenly the cops are available to stop those attacks but everyone else? Burnt to the ground.
Ok then critique what those cities decided to do. Many other democratic run cities had issues and made different decisions and shut down the violence. Just like your bragging the Rep cities do. This is situational problem not an ideological one
Wrong most of the riots that ARE STILL GOING ON months later are because the cops don't arrest anyone and if they actually do for some reason the DA releases them or the Democrats like Harris PAY to have them released. In Portland the MAYOR attended riots and tried to get the feds to leave so rioters could burn down the federal buildings. In Minneapolis the Mayor and Governor ORDERED the cops NOT TO INTERVENE in any burning looting and rioting. The Governor REFUSED to call out the Guard and when the President offered assistance violently rejected it. In Chicago the Mayor did the same only calling out the police when her property was threatened.
The Electorate knows all this. When the Lying Fake News Denies it, The Electorate Knows They Are Lying.

The more interesting question, is how is the Left so completely fooling themselves?

How do poisonous ideologies bent on totalitarianism take control of people?

For decades we’ve wondered how the Germans, some of the most civilized people in Europe at the time, could have committed the atrocities of WWII. Honestly, they too don’t seem to know how that happened, and in Germany, among the older people in the eighties, you got the sense of their still not being sure how it got that far.

People within sight and smell of the camps who said they didn’t know what was going on there.

No, I don’t believe they didn’t know, or weren’t able to put it together. They’d convinced themselves they didn’t know what was going on there. Because they couldn’t live with knowing, and admitting they’d been supporting and aiding evil would break them. So, in self, preservation, they “didn’t know.” Hysterical denial is a thing.

They Left told lots and lots of lies about the horrors of a Trump Presidency. Their peer groups, social credit, the people that pass themselves as trend setters and really smart in their groups, all reinforced the pending horrors of a Trump Presidency. Trump's completing his first term. To admit they were wrong would break them. They have an investment in believing it. It tells them they are “smart” and “connected.” To suddenly doubt them would make them outcasts. And of course, the media sells these points over and over and over again.

The more they buy in, the more expensive it is to realize they’re wrong. Your own sunk costs hold you captive. You can’t admit you were encouraging evil people and supporting them, that you were their willing dupe, so the side you’re fighting must be even worse than you suspected, and it must be horrible 24/7.

This is why good people on the left — and there are still good people there — are still going along with the insanity.
that right there pins the truth on the stupidity of the left
It's only going to get worse for them. As 2020 advances, they are becoming progressively more desperate, realizing that the technology is moving people away from the conditions that foster central control, i.e. packed cities, largely illiterate workforce, repetitive mindless work in large conglomerates.
He has never said or done anything against Gays or minorities, You all just make shit up and then a bunch of you repeat it without a single link to any actual source of when Trump supposedly said it or did it.
Do you ever get the sense that you are trying to reason with Cult Members?
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
Be SPECIFIC, LINK to a statement or provable action by Trump that was against Gays or Racist. And no someone claiming he said it is not evidence he did.
You ever
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
Be SPECIFIC, LINK to a statement or provable action by Trump that was against Gays or Racist. And no someone claiming he said it is not evidence he did.
You ever get the sense that you are reasoning with cult members? They refuse to listen to anyone but an "approved" authority, who only feeds them the same propaganda that flows within their cocoon. To them "steadfastness" is the ability to tightly shut their eyes to disconfirming evidence. This "skill" is also known as invincible ignorance.

Green Bay Antifa ‘commander’ cried in ‘fetal position’ after being caught with flamethrower, smoke grenades on way to protest. Nice to see a whiny bitch get his.

Matthew Banta was previously arrested — and bailed out by Democrats — after pointing a loaded rifle at cop. He's fortunate that he lived through that episode of deadly stupidity.
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
Be SPECIFIC, LINK to a statement or provable action by Trump that was against Gays or Racist. And no someone claiming he said it is not evidence he did.
Did you not read what I said?? “I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do..”
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
Maybe you can explain what he's ever said that shows he hates gays?
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
Be SPECIFIC, LINK to a statement or provable action by Trump that was against Gays or Racist. And no someone claiming he said it is not evidence he did.
Did you not read what I said?? “I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do..”
That's because of a shitty attitude you have derived from 98% negative media coverage.
It has nothing to do with reality.
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
Be SPECIFIC, LINK to a statement or provable action by Trump that was against Gays or Racist. And no someone claiming he said it is not evidence he did.
The primary reason gays hate Trump is because Hollywood is filled with gays and Pedophiles.....and because all of these people are close friends with Trump's political opposition in the Democrat Party, they all sound off on a regular basis about how much they hate him.
Tom Hanks had to insulate himself by claiming he contracted COVID-19....then he promptly left the country and became a Greek citizen. If he really had the disease, then why did Greece allow him to immigrate to their country? I'll tell you, money allowed it.
All of the former friends of Jeffery Epstein are sounding off in public or are working behind the scenes to help bring down Trump.
Harvey Weinstein was another bigtime pervert, and he finally got nailed.
But the people who seem to be pulling the strings are the Clintons and the Obamas.
They've been funded by billionaire Deepstaters and royalty including Prince Andrew.
They all know Donald Trump from when he was just a billionaire running an international corporation.
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
Maybe you can explain what he's ever said that shows he hates gays?

What would be the point of that?
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
Be SPECIFIC, LINK to a statement or provable action by Trump that was against Gays or Racist. And no someone claiming he said it is not evidence he did.
Did you not read what I said?? “I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do..”
That's because of a shitty attitude you have derived from 98% negative media coverage.
It has nothing to do with reality.
My opinions about Trump have nothing to do with media coverage. What the media thinks has the same effect on me as people like yourself... zero. I can see and hear Trump for myself. He is an embarrassment to this country and needs to be out of that office
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do... as long as they play to his advantage he is good with anything. If they challenge him then they are the enemy

Well yeah, there's that, but I don't believe he's a supporter of the gays, but I could be wrong.
No, the evangelicals and homophobes are more of his base so he will stay on that side
Be SPECIFIC, LINK to a statement or provable action by Trump that was against Gays or Racist. And no someone claiming he said it is not evidence he did.
Did you not read what I said?? “I don’t think Trump cares what or who people do..”
That's because of a shitty attitude you have derived from 98% negative media coverage.
It has nothing to do with reality.
My opinions about Trump have nothing to do with media coverage. What the media thinks has the same effect on me as people like yourself... zero. I can see and hear Trump for myself. He is an embarrassment to this country and needs to be out of that office
Boy are you full of shit.
You're one of those swells that thinks their knee-jerk opinions are gospel.
You cannot view Trump or form an opinion about him without being influenced by the media......primarily because you don't know him personally. He just doesn't line up with your idiological beliefs. He doesn't appeal to people that think American values are trailer park and second class. Usually academics think they're better than everyone around them.

Some of us have been in college and met some of these academics. Self-centered assholes is what they are. Trump is too honest and loves his country, and academics hate both of those things. They think they're smarter than they sneer at him.

Apparently they aren't smarter than Trump.

He made his billions in business thru hard work and brains while most in academia are barely struggling along making less than $100k.
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
Maybe you can explain what he's ever said that shows he hates gays?

What would be the point of that?
The point is obvious.

WTF has he ever said or done that would lead anyone to believe he was a homophobe?
Expecting men to use the men's room?
The only reason gays don't like him is because Democrats told him not to like him. Yet we're supposed to like Joe Biden, a guy who whenever he opens his mouth he comes off as a classless pervert and an idiot. Always has. I've been watching that jerk since 1992. He hasn't changed much except now he speaks alot of jibberish.
Last edited:
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
Maybe you can explain what he's ever said that shows he hates gays?
Do you get the feeling you are attempting to reason with a cult member that prides themselves in their ability to bitterly cling to a belief despite the growing stack of disconfirming evidence and the pile of evidence that supports the negation of their position?
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."
I just sent an example of vandalism in San Diego. You don’t know what your talking about. You’re just repeating retarded talking points.
Really? there have been nightly riots burning looting and murder there? Funny none of that made the news.
I don’t know what news you watch but I see it constantly. Perhaps try changing the station
Be specific now and link to a RIOT in San Diego.
I didn’t stay there was a riot. I linked to vandalism and then referenced San Jose that is a dem run city if similar size as San Diego that also doesn’t have riots and has had a similar amount of vandalism as SD. Point being it’s not an ideology you can just blanketly blame. That’s a small minded political attack. There are many different factors that lead to violence so there should be an honest debate about it
Go ahead then LINK to a Republican run city with riots.
This record is on repeat. I’ve explained why this is a retarded and small minded argument. Go back and read my posts. If you don’t agree then fine, just don’t ask me to repeat myself.
Why not?
Do you think your fib will make any more sense than it did the first time?
I don’t fib
Clearly you did...or you're just willfully-ignorant.
The reason Democrat cities are having a hard time is because Democrats refuse to control the rioters.
As a matter of fact....they're literally encouraging them.
If any of these degenerates try the same thing in a Republican controlled city...they get their asses handed to them and are arrested. Many of the rioters are recently released criminals....and radicalized school teachers. Seems mostly Democrats are releasing criminals into our streets so they can get paid to burn businesses down.
Thems the facts......try convincing me I'm wrong.
You act like Democrat’s are a single organism. They are people. People who agree on some things and disagree on other things. Some mayors made choices and other made other choices. It’s disingenuous to try and them all by the actions of some.
You don't seem to understand what they are. If they don't all get with the program...some hoe accuses them of they have to do what they're told or else. This is how Marxists operate. Then some of them are Gay....and they do it because they think Trump is some sort of homophobe.

The Orange Virus is not a homophobe? :omg: I guess I'll take your word for it. Good for him.
Maybe you can explain what he's ever said that shows he hates gays?
Do you get the feeling you are attempting to reason with a cult member that prides themselves in their ability to bitterly cling to a belief despite the growing stack of disconfirming evidence and the pile of evidence that supports the negation of their position?
There's so much they know that isn't true.
If I were a business owner I'd have no part in this deferred payroll tax scheme. Based on my understanding the plan doesn't change a bit on what's eventually owed the government. It only puts off payment until April 2021 or there about.

So first you'd have to go through trouble of changing the payroll tax rate to 0%. Then at the start of 2021 increasing it to an above normal rate that makes up for the amount deferred. Then finally lowering it to its normal rate when the deferred collection is fully caught up. Plus a system would need to be put in place to collect dough due from employees that leave the company before April because the chances of collecting their portion of the shortage after their butts hit the door are at best slim-to-none.

Is that the way you understand it? I know they talked about forgiving the amount due but that opens a whole 'nother can of worms.
If I were a business owner I'd have no part in this deferred payroll tax scheme. Based on my understanding the plan doesn't change a bit on what's eventually owed the government. It only puts off payment until April 2021 or there about.

So first you'd have to go through trouble of changing the payroll tax rate to 0%. Then at the start of 2021 increasing it to an above normal rate that makes up for the amount deferred. Then finally lowering it to its normal rate when the deferred collection is fully caught up. Plus a system would need to be put in place to collect dough due from employees that leave the company before April because the chances of collecting their portion of the shortage after their butts hit the door are at best slim-to-none.

Is that the way you understand it? I know they talked about forgiving the amount due but that opens a whole 'nother can of worms.
Yes thats a good outline of what was proposed... And just to note... That 0% is what funds social security and medicaid so if it is forgiven then those funds would need to be replenished from the general fund
If I were a business owner I'd have no part in this deferred payroll tax scheme. Based on my understanding the plan doesn't change a bit on what's eventually owed the government. It only puts off payment until April 2021 or there about.

So first you'd have to go through trouble of changing the payroll tax rate to 0%. Then at the start of 2021 increasing it to an above normal rate that makes up for the amount deferred. Then finally lowering it to its normal rate when the deferred collection is fully caught up. Plus a system would need to be put in place to collect dough due from employees that leave the company before April because the chances of collecting their portion of the shortage after their butts hit the door are at best slim-to-none.

Is that the way you understand it? I know they talked about forgiving the amount due but that opens a whole 'nother can of worms.
Yes. Trump was trying to give a break to the American Worker after Pelosi refused, but, its really not workable. Major Payroll systems like ADP simply have no easy way to reprogram these withholding schedules and while it gives you more money now, it could mean it's all due on your first paycheck in January, which could easily about wipe out that check, and, if the employee has left the company, the company really has no way to recoup the money from them, so they owe it.

Bottom line, most companies are saying "thanks" but "no thanks."

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