Democrats and the media spewing more lies

So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
That’s a dodge. Can’t you clearly just state what you propose we will see on September 1. Let’s just be clear if you are able
no it's not a dodge but your continued questioning is trolling if the thread get's shut down doesn't matter I have your post save come September 1 you'll be my bitch
Of course its a dodge. I’m asking you to clearly state what you expect to happen on September 1 and you responded “fuck off” that is the definition of a dodge. You don’t get to make up your own reality and expect others to believe it.

so since you have my post saved let’s just set up what’s going on here so everything is clear. You state what you expect to happen on September 1 and then what I said (the quote you have saved) which you expect to used to make me “your bitch”. Go ahead frame it up
of course not dodging but you are trolling
September 1
You won’t answer any questions yet you claim your not dodging... ok buddy :cuckoo:
You already know the answer we've already had this discussion in this thread
We’ve gone for pages and bounced around several different subjects. Another poster just asked about was happening on September 1. So why don’t you just sum it all up for us so we know exactly what is being debated. You could have done so in half the time it’s taken you to write out the several dodge/insult posts that you’ve been doing
TROLL is what trolls do.
Oh boy another dodge. Can’t answer the question? That’s fine. You lose. Thanks for playing
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
That’s a dodge. Can’t you clearly just state what you propose we will see on September 1. Let’s just be clear if you are able
no it's not a dodge but your continued questioning is trolling if the thread get's shut down doesn't matter I have your post save come September 1 you'll be my bitch
Of course its a dodge. I’m asking you to clearly state what you expect to happen on September 1 and you responded “fuck off” that is the definition of a dodge. You don’t get to make up your own reality and expect others to believe it.

so since you have my post saved let’s just set up what’s going on here so everything is clear. You state what you expect to happen on September 1 and then what I said (the quote you have saved) which you expect to used to make me “your bitch”. Go ahead frame it up
of course not dodging but you are trolling
September 1
You won’t answer any questions yet you claim your not dodging... ok buddy :cuckoo:
You already know the answer we've already had this discussion in this thread
We’ve gone for pages and bounced around several different subjects. Another poster just asked about was happening on September 1. So why don’t you just sum it all up for us so we know exactly what is being debated. You could have done so in half the time it’s taken you to write out the several dodge/insult posts that you’ve been doing
TROLL is what trolls do.
Oh boy another dodge. Can’t answer the question? That’s fine. You lose. Thanks for playing

I still have no idea what's happening Tuesday. Help me out, dudes.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
That’s a dodge. Can’t you clearly just state what you propose we will see on September 1. Let’s just be clear if you are able
no it's not a dodge but your continued questioning is trolling if the thread get's shut down doesn't matter I have your post save come September 1 you'll be my bitch
Of course its a dodge. I’m asking you to clearly state what you expect to happen on September 1 and you responded “fuck off” that is the definition of a dodge. You don’t get to make up your own reality and expect others to believe it.

so since you have my post saved let’s just set up what’s going on here so everything is clear. You state what you expect to happen on September 1 and then what I said (the quote you have saved) which you expect to used to make me “your bitch”. Go ahead frame it up
of course not dodging but you are trolling
September 1
You won’t answer any questions yet you claim your not dodging... ok buddy :cuckoo:
You already know the answer we've already had this discussion in this thread
We’ve gone for pages and bounced around several different subjects. Another poster just asked about was happening on September 1. So why don’t you just sum it all up for us so we know exactly what is being debated. You could have done so in half the time it’s taken you to write out the several dodge/insult posts that you’ve been doing
TROLL is what trolls do.
Oh boy another dodge. Can’t answer the question? That’s fine. You lose. Thanks for playing

I still have no idea what's happening Tuesday. Help me out, dudes.
I wish I could tell ya. Apparently bozo here is going to make me his bitch because he copied a statement I made that will be disproven on that date. The problem is he won’t state what his claim is or what post of mine he copied and is going to disprove. He thinks that me asking for him to frame the Elements in debate is TROLLING so he avoids answering every time I ask for clarification.

so who do you think the real troll is here?
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
That’s a dodge. Can’t you clearly just state what you propose we will see on September 1. Let’s just be clear if you are able
no it's not a dodge but your continued questioning is trolling if the thread get's shut down doesn't matter I have your post save come September 1 you'll be my bitch
Of course its a dodge. I’m asking you to clearly state what you expect to happen on September 1 and you responded “fuck off” that is the definition of a dodge. You don’t get to make up your own reality and expect others to believe it.

so since you have my post saved let’s just set up what’s going on here so everything is clear. You state what you expect to happen on September 1 and then what I said (the quote you have saved) which you expect to used to make me “your bitch”. Go ahead frame it up
of course not dodging but you are trolling
September 1
You won’t answer any questions yet you claim your not dodging... ok buddy :cuckoo:
You already know the answer we've already had this discussion in this thread
We’ve gone for pages and bounced around several different subjects. Another poster just asked about was happening on September 1. So why don’t you just sum it all up for us so we know exactly what is being debated. You could have done so in half the time it’s taken you to write out the several dodge/insult posts that you’ve been doing
TROLL is what trolls do.
Oh boy another dodge. Can’t answer the question? That’s fine. You lose. Thanks for playing

I still have no idea what's happening Tuesday. Help me out, dudes.
I wish I could tell ya. Apparently bozo here is going to make me his bitch because he copied a statement I made that will be disproven on that date. The problem is he won’t state what his claim is or what post of mine he copied and is going to disprove. He thinks that me asking for him to frame the Elements in debate is TROLLING so he avoids answering every time I ask for clarification.

so who do you think the real troll is here?

Ah, thanks for the clarification. I'd lean towards bigreb at this point.
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
Great city, I lived there for 5 years
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
That’s a dodge. Can’t you clearly just state what you propose we will see on September 1. Let’s just be clear if you are able
no it's not a dodge but your continued questioning is trolling if the thread get's shut down doesn't matter I have your post save come September 1 you'll be my bitch
Of course its a dodge. I’m asking you to clearly state what you expect to happen on September 1 and you responded “fuck off” that is the definition of a dodge. You don’t get to make up your own reality and expect others to believe it.

so since you have my post saved let’s just set up what’s going on here so everything is clear. You state what you expect to happen on September 1 and then what I said (the quote you have saved) which you expect to used to make me “your bitch”. Go ahead frame it up
of course not dodging but you are trolling
September 1
You won’t answer any questions yet you claim your not dodging... ok buddy :cuckoo:
You already know the answer we've already had this discussion in this thread
We’ve gone for pages and bounced around several different subjects. Another poster just asked about was happening on September 1. So why don’t you just sum it all up for us so we know exactly what is being debated. You could have done so in half the time it’s taken you to write out the several dodge/insult posts that you’ve been doing
TROLL is what trolls do.
Oh boy another dodge. Can’t answer the question? That’s fine. You lose. Thanks for playing

I still have no idea what's happening Tuesday. Help me out, dudes.
I wish I could tell ya. Apparently bozo here is going to make me his bitch because he copied a statement I made that will be disproven on that date. The problem is he won’t state what his claim is or what post of mine he copied and is going to disprove. He thinks that me asking for him to frame the Elements in debate is TROLLING so he avoids answering every time I ask for clarification.

so who do you think the real troll is here?
you unemployed trolling fucker you know what I said about September 1 so fuck off
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
That’s a dodge. Can’t you clearly just state what you propose we will see on September 1. Let’s just be clear if you are able
no it's not a dodge but your continued questioning is trolling if the thread get's shut down doesn't matter I have your post save come September 1 you'll be my bitch
Of course its a dodge. I’m asking you to clearly state what you expect to happen on September 1 and you responded “fuck off” that is the definition of a dodge. You don’t get to make up your own reality and expect others to believe it.

so since you have my post saved let’s just set up what’s going on here so everything is clear. You state what you expect to happen on September 1 and then what I said (the quote you have saved) which you expect to used to make me “your bitch”. Go ahead frame it up
of course not dodging but you are trolling
September 1
You won’t answer any questions yet you claim your not dodging... ok buddy :cuckoo:
You already know the answer we've already had this discussion in this thread
We’ve gone for pages and bounced around several different subjects. Another poster just asked about was happening on September 1. So why don’t you just sum it all up for us so we know exactly what is being debated. You could have done so in half the time it’s taken you to write out the several dodge/insult posts that you’ve been doing
TROLL is what trolls do.
Oh boy another dodge. Can’t answer the question? That’s fine. You lose. Thanks for playing

I still have no idea what's happening Tuesday. Help me out, dudes.
I wish I could tell ya. Apparently bozo here is going to make me his bitch because he copied a statement I made that will be disproven on that date. The problem is he won’t state what his claim is or what post of mine he copied and is going to disprove. He thinks that me asking for him to frame the Elements in debate is TROLLING so he avoids answering every time I ask for clarification.

so who do you think the real troll is here?
you unemployed trolling fucker you know what I said about September 1 so fuck off
Youve said “September 1” but failed to explain what you think will happen and what I said that you think is wrong
So you FREELY admit that Republicans run a better Government, thanks for that.

If by 'better' you mean 'more fiscally corrupt', I would concede.
You FREELY admit that republicans can rule with a simple majority while claiming Democrats need a major Majority to pass anything. Of course it isn't true but any lie will do when trying to blame the problems dems made on republicans.

I'm not the one attempting to proclaim that one party is the super fiscally responsible salt of the earth party. The GOP has literally decades of dirt on it. Do you require several examples?
Be specific now and post where i said any such thing? The dems ran this country into the hole and then you morons claim the republicans did it. Remember the Housing crisis in 2006 and 7 that was created by DEMOCRATS and when Bush tried to do something about it DEMOCRATS stopped him 3 TIMES. 4 of the 8 years Bush was President the Senate belonged to the Democrats, yet you all make idiotic claims like Bush was in total control and he never had more then 51 senators. the last 2 years he was in Office the Dems ran the House. Go make your asinine claims somewhere else.

You seem to think I champion the Democratic party. :auiqs.jpg: Uh, no. I don't dispute anything you said. Both parties are accomplices in fucking over the American people.
You made a claim about me specifically be so kind as to back it up or admit you are wrong.

No, my claim is that types like you pretend your shit doesn't stink, IE 'republicans run a better government'. I called bullshit, you got triggered.
It's not bullshit. How many riots have their been in Republican controlled cities?
Which republicans controlled cities have similar populations and diversity as the cities that have the riots? Can you name a couple?
You believe Portland Oregon has diversity? Portland is about as white as you can get, moron.
Good, then name a few cities of similar size and diversity that are run by republicans. I’ll compare the stats
San Diego
San Diego has had their share of incidents. True not as bad as we’ve seen in Portland, Seattle and Chicago but there are also other dem cities of similar Size that have had similar levels of incidents as San diego... such as San Jose.

Fact is that this situation is much more complicated than Democrat Run or Republican run. It’s a simple minded and weak political talking point that your using... easily countered.

No, it's really not. A Republican mayor would never allow things to get out of control like they have in Portland and Seattle. The mayors there rejected federal help, prevented law enforcement from making arrests, and encouraged the rioters in many other ways.
Well now you are speculating and cherry picking
How am I "cherry picking" anything? I listed some of the actions that Dim moron scumbags took to cause their problems. Republicans would never do those things. BLM is never going to try to start a riot in San Diego because they know all that will get them is a weekend in jail.

Learn the meaning of the term "cherry picking."

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