Democrats and the media spewing more lies

That is because the Democrats that controlled Congress voted for SS funds to be general funds, their logic, if you can call it that, is that the US Government would keep track of what was owed and replace the funds. Of course one must ask where the money to repay what they took comes from since they spend every penny they get.
I believe it was president Johnson, that combined social security revenues and expenditures in to the total, overall budget, so that LBJ could mask the amount of tax dollars spent on the VietNam war/ SS spending put in to the discretionary budget, it made the percent of tax monies spent on the war, a smaller percentage....

Johnson did not do this to steal SS Surplus monies to use for what income taxes should be paying....

There were no social security surplus funds to rob or borrow from, until Pres Reagan increased and doubled our payroll taxes on SS from 3% to 6%, two decades later.

Money flowing into the trust funds is invested in U. S. Government securities. Because the government spends this borrowed cash, some people see the trust fund asset reserves as an accumulation of securities that the government will be unable to make good on in the future. Without legislation to restore long-range solvency of the trust funds, redemption of long-term securities prior to maturity would be necessary.

Far from being "worthless IOUs," the investments held by the trust funds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U. S. Government. The government has always repaid Social Security, with interest. The special-issue securities are, therefore, just as safe as U.S. Savings Bonds or other financial instruments of the Federal government.

Many options are being considered to restore long-range trust fund solvency. These options are being considered now, well in advance of the year the trust fund reserves are likely to be depleted. It is thus likely that legislation will be enacted to restore long-term solvency, making it unlikely that the trust funds' securities will need to be redeemed on a large scale prior to maturity.

Social Security is fine.
"[Trump will] go back to Congress when he wins the election and ask Congress to have this money forgiven and have the Social Security trust fund fully topped up so that in no way does this impact Social Security.” (Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin)

Which means squat. I do not have faith in the Democrats capturing both the House and Senate in this fall's election. Republicans have had past opportunity to fully top off the Social Security trust fund and trusting that their response would be any different this time is idiocy.
The GOP of Trump has changed, dude.
"[Trump will] go back to Congress when he wins the election and ask Congress to have this money forgiven and have the Social Security trust fund fully topped up so that in no way does this impact Social Security.” (Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin)

Which means squat. I do not have faith in the Democrats capturing both the House and Senate in this fall's election. Republicans have had past opportunity to fully top off the Social Security trust fund and trusting that their response would be any different this time is idiocy.
The GOP of Trump has changed, dude.
Isn't it sad and a break down of democracy that those GOP Congressmen no longer are Representatives to we the People, but solely represent Trump.... :(
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
no Democrat is talking about equality of outcome, just more opportunity so that there will be less inequality which at the moment is the worst ever anywhere after 40 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwjob for everyone else.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
no Democrat is talking about equality of outcome, just more opportunity so that there will be less inequality which at the moment is the worst ever anywhere after 40 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwjob for everyone else.
You are aware that until 1996 the democrats controlled congress right and that even then only the house was republican?
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
Isn't it sad and a break down of democracy that those GOP Congressmen no longer are Representatives to we the People, but solely represent Trump.... :(
If their constituents dont like it, they can vote them out in 60 days.

But I suspect that supporting Trump is EXACTLY what they want their Rep to do.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
no Democrat is talking about equality of outcome, just more opportunity so that there will be less inequality which at the moment is the worst ever anywhere after 40 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwjob for everyone else.
DUDE, you do realize democrats have controlled the federal government in whole or part for a majority of the history of the United States? They held the house for decades.
But needless to say what exactly has changed for Americans in the minority?
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
"[Trump will] go back to Congress when he wins the election and ask Congress to have this money forgiven and have the Social Security trust fund fully topped up so that in no way does this impact Social Security.” (Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin)

Which means squat. I do not have faith in the Democrats capturing both the House and Senate in this fall's election. Republicans have had past opportunity to fully top off the Social Security trust fund and trusting that their response would be any different this time is idiocy.
The GOP of Trump has changed, dude.

You know what they say....

"[Trump will] go back to Congress when he wins the election and ask Congress to have this money forgiven and have the Social Security trust fund fully topped up so that in no way does this impact Social Security.” (Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin)

Which means squat. I do not have faith in the Democrats capturing both the House and Senate in this fall's election. Republicans have had past opportunity to fully top off the Social Security trust fund and trusting that their response would be any different this time is idiocy.
The GOP of Trump has changed, dude.
Isn't it sad and a break down of democracy that those GOP Congressmen no longer are Representatives to we the People, but solely represent Trump.... :(
you're just as crazy as the rioters you refuse to be represented
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would

What's happening on September 1st?
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would
I'm going to state specifically fuck off if I have to explain what has already been discussed in this thread.
That’s a dodge. Can’t you clearly just state what you propose we will see on September 1. Let’s just be clear if you are able
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
History has proven that a flat tax system like we have just gives you horrible inequality and upward mobility like we have now. Only lying greedy swine and brainwashed ignoramuses don't agree....
You will never have equality life is unsustainable with equality, lives basic necessities can never be taken care of with equality.

You, as a part of the majority, will never know. You are speaking from the pedistal of that privilege. If that's not clear enough, you're talking out of your asshole, Jethro, and your stupid argument is easily dismissed.
if everybody is equal no one would do the work necessary to make life sustainable.
You would have to change human nature
Hell yes I am privileged I earned that right I'm not going to do work that is beneath my capabilities
You sound pretty humble too!
shrugs September 1
What do you think September 1 is going to reveal?
lol if I have to explain you're too ignorant to understand the answer.
I just want to you state specifically what you think September 1 will reveal so I can use your own words against you to win the debate. I understand that you don’t want to put it out there but if you truly believed your argument you would

What's happening on September 1st?
I don’t know... that’s when smart guy here says he will show me that he is right and I am wrong but he doesn’t seem able to say what will happen or what exactly his position is.

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