Democrats and the media spewing more lies

I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
How are you going to do that? I’m simply showing what Trump has said and what he is proposing to do. What actually gets done could be something different as most of of trumps proclaim actions are hot air. As things stand now he is proposing to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and make up for that lost revenue by funding SS from the general fund. Those are his words about his plan. I don’t know where you got the crap you are talking about but it isn’t backed up by any evidence including your own link
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
How are you going to do that? I’m simply showing what Trump has said and what he is proposing to do. What actually gets done could be something different as most of of trumps proclaim actions are hot air. As things stand now he is proposing to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and make up for that lost revenue by funding SS from the general fund. Those are his words about his plan. I don’t know where you got the crap you are talking about but it isn’t backed up by any evidence including your own link
I'm beginning to belive you don't have a job.
You are posting on here when I'm up getting ready to go to work.
You're posting while I'm at work, and here you are again posting.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
I admire and respect your brainwashed "opinion"LOL. Just don't try it with educated or intelligent people....
He could be the greatest president ever if he did some reform
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
if he did some reform he could be the best president ever along with raising taxes on the rich and investing in America. And unite the country for crying out loud. I don't hate him at all I kind of like him but he's an idiot.
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
How are you going to do that? I’m simply showing what Trump has said and what he is proposing to do. What actually gets done could be something different as most of of trumps proclaim actions are hot air. As things stand now he is proposing to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and make up for that lost revenue by funding SS from the general fund. Those are his words about his plan. I don’t know where you got the crap you are talking about but it isn’t backed up by any evidence including your own link
I'm beginning to belive you don't have a job.
You are posting on here when I'm up getting ready to go to work.
You're posting while I'm at work, and here you are again posting.
Believe whatever you want as long as you don’t have to address the points I’ve made. Right?
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
How are you going to do that? I’m simply showing what Trump has said and what he is proposing to do. What actually gets done could be something different as most of of trumps proclaim actions are hot air. As things stand now he is proposing to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and make up for that lost revenue by funding SS from the general fund. Those are his words about his plan. I don’t know where you got the crap you are talking about but it isn’t backed up by any evidence including your own link
I'm beginning to belive you don't have a job.
You are posting on here when I'm up getting ready to go to work.
You're posting while I'm at work, and here you are again posting.
Believe whatever you want as long as you don’t have to address the points I’ve made. Right?
No son it's you can believe what ever your delusion mind has instore for you to day? You're on here way to much and way to long to not have a job unless your job is to monitor certain social media sources as this.
He could be the greatest president ever if he did some reform
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
if he did some reform he could be the best president ever along with raising taxes on the rich and investing in America. And unite the country for crying out loud. I don't hate him at all I kind of like him but he's an idiot.
It's your delusion. Maybe if you can try hard enough you can invission hillary as Donald Trump lol
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax

Those of us that work or have worked know the truth, those that haven't just spew...and protest.

Yeah, I can agree, when you take both parties to task for it. Which you won't do. Until then, you're merely nothing but fucking lip service.
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
How are you going to do that? I’m simply showing what Trump has said and what he is proposing to do. What actually gets done could be something different as most of of trumps proclaim actions are hot air. As things stand now he is proposing to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and make up for that lost revenue by funding SS from the general fund. Those are his words about his plan. I don’t know where you got the crap you are talking about but it isn’t backed up by any evidence including your own link
I'm beginning to belive you don't have a job.
You are posting on here when I'm up getting ready to go to work.
You're posting while I'm at work, and here you are again posting.
Believe whatever you want as long as you don’t have to address the points I’ve made. Right?
No son it's you can believe what ever your delusion mind has instore for you to day? You're on here way to much and way to long to not have a job unless your job is to monitor certain social media sources as this.
At this moment my job is to own your ass in this debate. You make claims and post a link to back up those claims. Except for if you actually read past the title you’d see that your own article contracts your claims. I pointed out the section That contradicted your claims and you failed to address it. I also pointed out Trumps actual words spoken in an interview with a link to the quote and video of him saying what his plan was, which contradicted your claims. Again you failed to respond and are now focusing on whether I have a job or not. What a joke. Go to bed. You lost this debate before it started.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
And who is president of the United States who screwed up the pandemic totally so this reopening is doomed or at least it's going to cost so many dead.... Great job!
in your deranged mind you believe the president failed. Hell son you're so fucking deranged if the President changed his views to your views you would change your views automatically
So no one with a sound mind gives a fuck what you believe
in the entire world only brainwashed functional moron GOP base idiots believe that. Change the channel to get some real news. I mean GOP supporters believe that not wearing a mask is patriotic. Absolute idiocy. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
It's your derangment you need to make the best of it lol
Our problem is we don't tax the rich enough to invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure. We are going to hell here.....
why don't you give more or should I force you to give an equal amount of money they rich pay?
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
How are you going to do that? I’m simply showing what Trump has said and what he is proposing to do. What actually gets done could be something different as most of of trumps proclaim actions are hot air. As things stand now he is proposing to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and make up for that lost revenue by funding SS from the general fund. Those are his words about his plan. I don’t know where you got the crap you are talking about but it isn’t backed up by any evidence including your own link
I'm beginning to belive you don't have a job.
You are posting on here when I'm up getting ready to go to work.
You're posting while I'm at work, and here you are again posting.
Believe whatever you want as long as you don’t have to address the points I’ve made. Right?
No son it's you can believe what ever your delusion mind has instore for you to day? You're on here way to much and way to long to not have a job unless your job is to monitor certain social media sources as this.
At this moment my job is to own your ass in this debate. You make claims and post a link to back up those claims. Except for if you actually read past the title you’d see that your own article contracts your claims. I pointed out the section That contradicted your claims and you failed to address it. I also pointed out Trumps actual words spoken in an interview with a link to the quote and video of him saying what his plan was, which contradicted your claims. Again you failed to respond and are now focusing on whether I have a job or not. What a joke. Go to bed. You lost this debate before it started.
lack of sleep delusion
So who gives you money to be on the internet 24/7?
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax

Those of us that work or have worked know the truth, those that haven't just spew...and protest.

Yeah, I can agree, when you take both parties to task for it. Which you won't do. Until then, you're merely nothing but fucking lip service.
You first sport
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I’m curious, did you even read that article before posting about it or did you just see the headline? Either way, would you explain how your OP aligns with these paragraphs from your link?

The payroll tax is paid separately from federal income taxes and funds Social Security and Medicare. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare, and an additional 0.9 percent is levied on the highest earners.

It is unclear what Mnuchin means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline.
I'm curious have you ever received a paycheck?
Take your time before you answer.
Yes I have. Now answer my question please
I told you there are three separate taxes that come out of a payroll check
question answered
How do 3 taxes make what the Dems are saying a lie?
the lie is the tax holiday will affect social security
it will not because of the separate tax.
You article from fox business says otherwise. I posted the section.
So you don't have a job
i do have a job. Why can’t you address the subject? Your article contradicts your point. What say you?
if that were true you would know social security is a separate tax
Social security is a tax that would be effected by Trumps payroll tax cut. there really isn’t debate over that, except for some spun up narrative that you’ve clutched to. You’re article contradicts your point and since you are failing time and time again to explain yourself and give a rational answer to questions the only conclusion is that you are full of shit. Happy for you to prove me wrong and present an intelligent argument to make your point
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You are mistaken. They would need to fund social security through other means because the payroll tax cut Trump is proposing would defund it. Trump was asked about this and he said “economic growth” would make up for the lost funds.

Here read this and educate yourself

No, I'm not mistaken as I said the media is pushing the fear tactic
You'll still be paying social security and medicare
You’re not backing up that argument. The link you posted contradicted your argument. I can’t take you seriously anymore. You don’t know what you are talking about
I've backed it up dumbass here it is once again
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Trump clearly said that he would end the payroll tax and would fund social security through the general fund. When pushed how he would raid the extra funds he said through economic growth. That’s the plan. I would commend you on spinning up this narrative you are pushing if I respected that kind of dishonesty but alas, I don’t.

Here is a link showing Trump saying what I just claimed
As I posted this in post number 43
to those who work and get a paycheck when you read these figures you realize you'll still be paying FICA which is Social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Stop trolling. Trump plans on funding SS through the general fund. I posted a link to him saying it. You don’t know what the hell youre talking about. Nice try but game over. Thanks for playing
It's MY thread I don't troll my threads but your trolling
It's you that doesn't know what you are talking about
Here is what the experts say will happen and you're no expert
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
You’ve just posted the same passage 4 times in a row. You’re not addressing any of the points or links that I’m posting. That’s trolling. I don’t care what your “experts” say if you can’t back up the content. Your own link contradicted your points and the words of Trump when talking about his plan contradict your points. You’re done.
And I'm repeating what you experts have said about how much money will be left in your paycheck
Clearly it shows that you will be still paying social security and medicare
How much will each person receive?
It depends on your income. If you earn $100,000 or less annually before taxes, you’ll see each paycheck increase by about 6.2%. If you make $50,000 per year before taxes, you’ll see an extra $258 per month distributed across your paychecks. Over the four-month holiday period, you’d receive an extra $1,032.
Ok genius. Last time I’m going to show your stupidity then I’m done with your games.

The passage you have on auto repeat says that people’s paychecks will go up by 6.2% correct? Well where was that 6.2% going? Go ahead and google “payroll tax 6.2%” and find out yourself... you’re done... again

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes. ... Workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax on annual earnings up to $137,700. Meanwhile, the employer pays the same rate per paycheck, adding up to a combined 12.4% Social Security tax and 2.9% Medicare tax
ok dumb ass you're going to find out September 1
I don’t need to find anything out. I know what it is. Trump plan is to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and wants to fund those programs through the general fund with the assumption that the tremendous economic growth That will result from the tax cut will fund Social security
If you make a paycheck you're going to find out come Sept. 1 nothing you can do to change that
You're done now
Haha. Ok. Way to give up on the debate. See you sept 1
What's to debate? you're wrong and I'm right
Not according to the facts I laid out... the ones you ignored
and I said you were mistaken come September 1 you'll see and I will embarrass your ass in this forum
How are you going to do that? I’m simply showing what Trump has said and what he is proposing to do. What actually gets done could be something different as most of of trumps proclaim actions are hot air. As things stand now he is proposing to cut the payroll tax which funds SS and Medicaid and make up for that lost revenue by funding SS from the general fund. Those are his words about his plan. I don’t know where you got the crap you are talking about but it isn’t backed up by any evidence including your own link
I'm beginning to belive you don't have a job.
You are posting on here when I'm up getting ready to go to work.
You're posting while I'm at work, and here you are again posting.
Believe whatever you want as long as you don’t have to address the points I’ve made. Right?
No son it's you can believe what ever your delusion mind has instore for you to day? You're on here way to much and way to long to not have a job unless your job is to monitor certain social media sources as this.
At this moment my job is to own your ass in this debate. You make claims and post a link to back up those claims. Except for if you actually read past the title you’d see that your own article contracts your claims. I pointed out the section That contradicted your claims and you failed to address it. I also pointed out Trumps actual words spoken in an interview with a link to the quote and video of him saying what his plan was, which contradicted your claims. Again you failed to respond and are now focusing on whether I have a job or not. What a joke. Go to bed. You lost this debate before it started.
lack of sleep delusion
So who gives you money to be on the internet 24/7?
I own two online businesses so unfortunately I spend waaaay more time on the internet than I like. Why are we talking about my personal life though? Are you done with the debate? Care to address the conflicts in your link and conflicts in Trumps statements?

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