Democrats And Their Lies...Fomenting Sedition...The Daily Nutty Statements Of Liberals


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Jul 21, 2009
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser

Sarah Silverman wasn’t joking when she called for an overthrow of the government.

In a tweet posted late Wednesday evening, the Jewish comedienne ranted in all caps: “WAKE UP & JOIN THE RESISTANCE. ONCE THE MILITARY IS W US FASCISTS GET OVERTHROWN. MAD KING & HIS HANDLERS GO BYE BYE.” Her tweet incongruously included four red hearts, and linked to a list of President Donald Trump’s appointments and actions that day.

For years, Silverman has used her Twitter account to bash all things conservative, and has been an especially virulent critic of Trump over the past few months. But her calls for resistance have often been mixed with despair. On election night, she tweeted the tearful plea: “Someone give me hope.”

Early Thursday morning, just two hours after her call for an overthrow, her spirits flagged again. She added on Twitter, “We’re all gonna die sounds so dire but we are though (all gonna die).”

Although Silverman tries to be funny, her humor is often offensive, hyper-sexual and degrading. She has called Christianity “f---ing crazy,” Mother Teresa an “f---ing bitch,” and has admitted her love of rape jokes.

Sarah Silverman Calls For Military Overthrow of ‘Mad King’ Trump
Magnatone CEO Tells People ‘Rest Easy,’ Predicts Trump Assassination Within 100 Days
Posted on February 1, 2017 by DCG | 18 Comments

Paging the Secret Service.

From Newsbusters: There has been no shortage of vitriol directed at President Donald Trump, but one CEO recently went beyond criticism to what could be viewed as a threat.

Ted Kornblum, Founder and CEO of Magnatone guitar amplifier company, posted on Jan. 30, “Rest easy people, it’ll take only 100 days till Trump gets a bullet in the head!”

Kornblum posted the statement via his personal Facebook page, which now appears to have been deactivated. He issued an apology on the Magnatone company Facebook page for the original post. That page may also have been taken down. The content had been visible on the Magnatone website early Jan. 31.

In that apology, Kornblum downplayed the seriousness of his original post stating, “Earlier today a frivolous, insensitive political post went out on Facebook. It should not have. Magnatone is not a political organization, respects the beliefs and opinions of all people and does business accordingly.”
Magnatone CEO Tells People ‘Rest Easy,’ Predicts Trump Assassination Within 100 Days
He also said “I sincerely regret this careless mistake, and apologize to anyone, anywhere, who may have been offended.”

Many people, including talk radio host John Cardillo, have reported the incident to law enforcement and Secret Service through social media.
Liberals should be encouraged. They are teetering on the cusp. It should not take much to push them over the edge into complete civil war.
CNN – starting with its media correspondent and Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter – has boldly declared that the media cannot tolerate politicians like President Trump making wild overstatements without challenging him on the facts. So why didn’t CNN challenge House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi last night on her smear of Neil Gorsuch in an hour-long town hall program?

Host Jake Tapper asked for her take on the brand-new Neil Gorsuch nomination to the Supreme Court, and she made a wild overstatement: “If you breathe air, drink water, eat food, take medicine, or in any other way interact with the courts, this is a very bad decision.” What? Excuse me? Wouldn’t it seem natural to ask Pelosi how precisely it is that Gorsuch opposes air, water, food, and medicine? She uncorked this line twice.

Tapper allowed the slanders, and casually moved on to the hot question inside the Democratic Party bubble: allow a vote, or filibuster for four years? So much for checking facts or hyperpartisan rhetoric. Here's how the smear slimed across the screen:

PELOSI: What I do want to say about this is that elections have ramifications. And here is a living, breathing example of it, the president and his first appointment to the court, and hopefully his only appointment to the court, has appointed someone who has come down on the side of corporate America versus class action suits, on securities fraud, he's come down against employees' rights, clean air, clean water, food safety, safety in medicine and the rest. If you care about that for your children, he's not your guy.

Gabby Giffords’ group, the group for responsible solutions relating to gun safety, said that he comes down on the side of felons over gun safety. Hostile to women's reproductive rights. Hobby Lobby case, for example. The list goes on and on. Criticized progressives for bringing cases that relate to LGBT progress, taking those cases to the court.

What saddens me the most as a mom and a grandmother, though, is his hostility towards children in school, children with autism. He has ruled that they don't have the same rights under the IDEA [Individuals with Disabilies Education Act] that children -- that they could reach their intellectual and social advancement under the law. He has said that doesn't apply to them. He's come down against them under the ADA, as well, and again under IDEA.

So it's a very hostile appointment -- hail fellow, well met, lovely family, I'm sure. But as far as your family is concerned, and all the -- if you breathe air, drink water, eat food, take medicine, or in any other way interact with the courts, this is a very bad decision. Well outside the mainstream of American legal thought. Not committed to Supreme Court precedents, Supreme Court precedents.

Tapper signaled it was time to move on, except for a process question for all the Pelosi fans watching CNN at home:

TAPPER: I want to get to the questions, but I just want to do a quick follow with you, which is there's a big division in the Democratic Party right now about whether or not Judge Gorsuch should be treated the way that Supreme Court nominees normally are or turnabout is fair play, given the fact that Republicans would not even hold a hearing for Merrick Garland, President Obama's pick after the Supreme Court vacancy roughly a year ago.

Where do you come down? Should Democrats allow hearings? Should they allow Judge Gorsuch a vote on the Senate floor?
CNN Lets Pelosi Smear Gorsuch As Opposed to Air, Water, Food, and Medicine Without Challenge
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser
9 Ways Donald Trump Show Symptoms of Dementia

  • He cannot sustain mental focus in unfamiliar surroundings or while doing an unfamiliar action
  • He frequently displays a faulty memory and a defensive attitude about it
  • He cannot pay attention or remain focused sufficiently to accomplish the task at hand
  • He cannot learn a new technology or skill
  • He reverses day and night
  • He has unexplained changes in personality and behavior
  • He has been unable to continue working in his chosen profession
  • He demonstrates paranoid or self-aggrandizing behavior
  • He’s running for President despite having no political background
  • 9 Signs that Donald Trump has Dementia
Is not one monitoring these maniacs? How long before one of them takes themselves seriously enough to make an attempt on our President's life?
Trump has dementia.......he will get a free pass. Why waste a bullet. Retards are never assassinated.
Must be why nobody took Obama out.
Obama hasn't pissed off the world!!!! Obama hasn't made any emeny's. Besides, Trump is to fucking fat.....his heart may give out however. The world can pray for his demise. What good is he!!! Only 62 million voters voted for him; while 160 registered voter did not.
Is not one monitoring these maniacs? How long before one of them takes themselves seriously enough to make an attempt on our President's life?
Trump has dementia.......he will get a free pass. Why waste a bullet. Retards are never assassinated.
Must be why nobody took Obama out.

Joe Biden was his Vice President, Mud...who would want that idiot sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office? That's why nobody took out Obama!
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser
Don't you have some gays to hate?

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