Democrats And Their Lies...Fomenting Sedition...The Daily Nutty Statements Of Liberals

The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser

The Democrat Party is in its death throes.
Only 62 million voters voted for him; while 160 registered voter did no
Hey dumbass. That's true of EVERY president. You're guy lost. Deal with it (preferably without libtard violence)
Hey Pole Dancer......President Obama won the Popular vote and the Electoral TWICE!!!!! Can ya say that about the Dick-Ta-Tor Red State conservatives put in the WH in 2016?????
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser

The Democrat Party is in its death throes.
Meh, the Conservatives need to enjoy their short victories. Trump and the GOP cannot sustain their power. Ya know why? Its because the GOP and Trump do not know how to govern!!! More importantly, Trump hasn't figured out to President for-to ALL THE PEOPLE!!!! The GOP congress hasn't figured that they must COMPROMISE in order to GOVERN.
Is not one monitoring these maniacs? How long before one of them takes themselves seriously enough to make an attempt on our President's life?
Trump has dementia.......he will get a free pass. Why waste a bullet. Retards are never assassinated.
Must be why nobody took Obama out.

Joe Biden was his Vice President, Mud...who would want that idiot sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office? That's why nobody took out Obama!
So who will take out Dick-Ta-Tor Tiny Hands?????? What are the Vegas Odds????
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser

The Democrat Party is in its death throes.
Meh, the Conservatives need to enjoy their short victories. Trump and the GOP cannot sustain their power. Ya know why? Its because the GOP and Trump do not know how to govern!!! More importantly, Trump hasn't figured out to President for-to ALL THE PEOPLE!!!! The GOP congress hasn't figured that they must COMPROMISE in order to GOVERN.

You partisan hacks have no idea. I work with several "left leaning" liberal types. Most supported Bernie, hated Hillary, and thought Trump was a jackass.
Now all they do is talk about how idiotic the feminists are, how dumb all the violent protest are, and how stupid the Democrats are for obstructing every nominee and protesting everything Trump is doing. They are all Trump supporters now.
Is not one monitoring these maniacs? How long before one of them takes themselves seriously enough to make an attempt on our President's life?

And this reminder....

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.
Socities losers, hypocritical nutjobs who scream " Love Trumps Hate" and in the same sentence say kill these people are fkn nuts.

Democrats Are Organizing A Coup Against Trump

Kill Trump
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser
Don't you have some gays to hate?
Don't you have some whites to hate?
Is not one monitoring these maniacs? How long before one of them takes themselves seriously enough to make an attempt on our President's life?
Trump has dementia.......he will get a free pass. Why waste a bullet. Retards are never assassinated.
Must be why nobody took Obama out.
Obama hasn't pissed off the world!!!! Obama hasn't made any emeny's. Besides, Trump is to fucking fat.....his heart may give out however. The world can pray for his demise. What good is he!!! Only 62 million voters voted for him; while 160 registered voter did not.
Awe the smell of liberal butthurt first thing in the morning. Priceless! You do realize Trump has done more in two weeks than your monkey wanna be did in 8. Get over it Trump will be your president for the next 4 years, possibly 8.
Only 62 million voters voted for him; while 160 registered voter did no
Hey dumbass. That's true of EVERY president. You're guy lost. Deal with it (preferably without libtard violence)
Hey Pole Dancer......President Obama won the Popular vote and the Electoral TWICE!!!!! Can ya say that about the Dick-Ta-Tor Red State conservatives put in the WH in 2016?????
Yeah and he also gave us complete power. Soon we will have the supreme court for decades. Now tell me what good Obama did again? Also Trump pretty much signed his legacy away! Liberals are ignorant, you make Gruber proud and happy! Lol
On CNN, Reich Pushes Theory Right-Wingers Staged Riots at UC Berkeley

Appearing as a guest on Thursday's CNN Tonight, former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich actually promoted a conspiracy theory that it was in reality a group of right-wingers -- perhaps linked to Breitbart News -- who were responsible for violent riots at UC Berkeley in reaction to Breitbart senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos planning to speak there. Rather than laughing off such a preposterous suggestion, host Don Lemon seemed to treat the "rumor" as plausible and asked conservative CNN political commentator Alice Stewart -- who was up against two liberal guests -- for her reaction.

At 11;17 p.m. ET, Lemon tagged Yiannopoulos as a "white supremacist' as he turned to Reich and posed: "This violence we saw at Berkeley -- we had it live here on CNN last night -- it ultimately, does it, it plays right into the hands of the right-wing white supremacists -- someone like Milo Yiannopoulos."

Reich suggested that conservatives were to blame for the violence as he began:

It absolutely does, Don, and I want to be very, very clear. I was there for part of last night, and I know what I saw. And those people were not Berkeley students. Those were outsiders, agitators. I've never seen them before. There's rumors that they actually were right-wingers, they were part of a kind of a group that were organized and were ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the police to cancel the event.

Moments later, Lemon followed up: "You think this was a strategy by Yiannopoulos or right-wingers to -- they put this on so they could -- in an effort to show that, you know, there's no free speech on a college campus like UC Berkeley?"

Reich repeated the tin foil hat theory:

I wouldn't bet against it, Don. You know, again, I saw these people. They were very -- they all looked almost paramilitary. They were not from the campus, and I've heard, you know, again, I don't want to say factually, but I heard that there was some relationship there between these people and the right-wing, and the right-wing movement that is affiliated with Breitbart News.

The CNN host responded: "It is interesting because there have been protests, but nothing this violent. We haven't seen anything to this level."

He soon turned to Stewart and posed: "Alice, what do you think of what Robert said? Do you think these could have been paid actors?"
Once again....the left attempts to blame what they do on rightwingers.......
Nobody's buying it.

Blog: Mayor of Berkeley apologizes, yet keeps digging the hole he has excavated

February 3, 2017
Mayor of Berkeley apologizes, yet keeps digging the hole he has excavated
By Thomas Lifson

The new Mayor of Berkeley, Jesse Arreguin, made a fool of himself on Twitter both in the run-up to and the aftermath of the riots that denied First Amendment rights to Milo Yiannopoulos and the many students who bought tickets to his sold out speaking engagement at the University of California. The rookie mayor, now in a national spotlight, bears some responsibility for signaling the rioters that their attack is understandable because, as he put it in a tweet just a couple of hours before the event was scheduled to begin, "[h]ate speech isn't welcome in our community."

Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable. Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.

— Jesse Arreguin (@JesseArreguin) February 2, 2017

This was highly irresponsible. How does "speech ... silence marginalized communities"? Milo or anyone else who expresses ideas the mayor doesn't like is not silencing people. But by maintaining that allowing him to speak would "silence" groups that the mayor likes, he provides justification for those who would and did silence Milo. After all, in the mayor's telling of it, Milo was striking first by "silencing marginalized communities," so retaliatory silencing is only fair play.

As the riots predictably happened, the mayor must have had an "oops" moment.

Violence and destruction is not the answer

— Jesse Arreguin (@JesseArreguin) February 2, 2017

Twitter exploded with well justified mockery of the mayor. Twitchy has collected a number of gems, but this one documents the mayor's consistent fanboy attitude toward protesters and hostility toward police.

@JesseArreguin you demonized police and were cool with protesters engaging in criminal behavior

— Razor (@hale_razor) February 2, 2017

But the mayor wasn't done making an ass of himself. He went on the throw the Berkeley Police Department under the bus:

Police strategy was ordered by the department, not me. They did an excellent job in preventing further risk to safety. (4/5)

— Jesse Arreguin (@JesseArreguin) February 2, 2017

Now, I have a lot of sympathy for the Berkeley Police Department, working in the most politically correct city in the world. But the officers on the line were guided by policy of the department, and there was ample time for the mayor to review the threat posed by enemies of free speech and discuss the use of force by the cops. The last time the BPD used tear gas on rioters in downtown Berkeley, they came in for criticism from then-mayor Tom Bates, a man who used to vacation in East Germany before the wall came down. His successor, Mayor Arreguin, is widely considered to be well to his left. In fact, it is widely believed that the endorsement of Bernie Sanders was a key to his election victory.


Now this is what must be understood:

The Berkeley and university cops, and whatever other law enforcement might have been present (Alameda County sheriff?), allowed over a hundred masked demonstrators, carrying weapons and dressed in all black uniforms, to march through the streets of Berkeley onto the campus. That violated multiple laws but went unopposed. That was the moment to act, and for reasons that ought to be investigated (Hello, A.G.-to-Be Sessions!), nothing was done to stop this imminent threat.

That is the scandal.

But Mayor Arreguin still was not done beclowning himself. He issued an official statement via Twitter that called Milo Yiannopoulos a "white nationalist." After a firestorm...

@JesseArreguin YOU are attacking a LGBT jewish immigrant with a black boyfriend, and calling him a "White Nationalist"? Seriously?

— 2017:Exit the Matrix (@ShutdownDUMBS) February 2, 2017

...he apologized:

I consider much of what Mr. Yiannopoulos says to be hateful. But I regret and apologize for the white national label.

— Jesse Arreguin (@JesseArreguin) February 2, 2017

...and issued a revised statement that called Milo an "alt-rightist," another trigger word for violence by the fascist left.
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.

Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day — particularly since Trump won the presidency — all they do is prove the opposite is true.

It’s rather difficult to take claims of “inclusivity” and “tolerance” seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in people’s faces, because they’ve lost an election,

What’s worse, this sort of immaturity isn’t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, it’s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trump’s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.”

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trump’s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

“It’s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the group’s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on “issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.”

“What’s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You’re no longer permanent members,’” Pelosi said.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannon’s character and it doesn’t appear there’s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser

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