Democrats And Their Lies...Fomenting Sedition...The Daily Nutty Statements Of Liberals

The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day ā€” particularly since Trump won the presidency ā€” all they do is prove the opposite is true.

Itā€™s rather difficult to take claims of ā€œinclusivityā€ and ā€œtoleranceā€ seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in peopleā€™s faces, because theyā€™ve lost an election,

Whatā€™s worse, this sort of immaturity isnā€™t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, itā€™s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trumpā€™s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a ā€œwhite supremacist.ā€

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trumpā€™s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

ā€œItā€™s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,ā€ Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the groupā€™s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on ā€œissues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ā€˜Donā€™t call us, weā€™ll call you. Youā€™re no longer permanent members,ā€™ā€ Pelosi said.

This isnā€™t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannonā€™s character and it doesnā€™t appear thereā€™s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser
Lock them up. They're kooks.
I agree, lock up conservative red state America......deport them SOMALIA.
Shut yo black ass up, rasta. Whut in dee bumbaclat?
Is not one monitoring these maniacs? How long before one of them takes themselves seriously enough to make an attempt on our President's life?
Trump has dementia.......he will get a free pass. Why waste a bullet. Retards are never assassinated.
Must be why nobody took Obama out.
Obama hasn't pissed off the world!!!! Obama hasn't made any emeny's. Besides, Trump is to fucking fat.....his heart may give out however. The world can pray for his demise. What good is he!!! Only 62 million voters voted for him; while 160 registered voter did not.
You know what...I'm not even going to proceed
posting what first came to mind as I intended.

There are so many people, so far gone, it's pathetic.
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day ā€” particularly since Trump won the presidency ā€” all they do is prove the opposite is true.

Itā€™s rather difficult to take claims of ā€œinclusivityā€ and ā€œtoleranceā€ seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in peopleā€™s faces, because theyā€™ve lost an election,

Whatā€™s worse, this sort of immaturity isnā€™t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, itā€™s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trumpā€™s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a ā€œwhite supremacist.ā€

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trumpā€™s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

ā€œItā€™s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,ā€ Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the groupā€™s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on ā€œissues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ā€˜Donā€™t call us, weā€™ll call you. Youā€™re no longer permanent members,ā€™ā€ Pelosi said.

This isnā€™t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannonā€™s character and it doesnā€™t appear thereā€™s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day ā€” particularly since Trump won the presidency ā€” all they do is prove the opposite is true.

Itā€™s rather difficult to take claims of ā€œinclusivityā€ and ā€œtoleranceā€ seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in peopleā€™s faces, because theyā€™ve lost an election,

Whatā€™s worse, this sort of immaturity isnā€™t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, itā€™s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trumpā€™s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a ā€œwhite supremacist.ā€

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trumpā€™s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

ā€œItā€™s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,ā€ Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the groupā€™s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on ā€œissues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ā€˜Donā€™t call us, weā€™ll call you. Youā€™re no longer permanent members,ā€™ā€ Pelosi said.

This isnā€™t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannonā€™s character and it doesnā€™t appear thereā€™s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser

Who honestly gives a fuck anymore? Faggot ass leftists like you looooove identity politics. Then you cry when small groups of whites play the same game.

Kill yourselves please.
Deport Rasta's jamaican ass home. That brother is too high to be here.
Is that YOU "Charles?".......Bring the car around and STFU!!!!
Shut your musty headed ass up, Island Coon.
Just bring the car around and shut up.
Tap dance some more!
View attachment 110784
You mean fat white women, right?
The left is getting more and more nuts by the minute. Fake news, sanctuary cities, Snowflakes trying to escape reality. The psychosis is spreading.


Liberals like to claim they possess the high moral ground in the battle for the future of America, but it seems with each passing day ā€” particularly since Trump won the presidency ā€” all they do is prove the opposite is true.

Itā€™s rather difficult to take claims of ā€œinclusivityā€ and ā€œtoleranceā€ seriously when angry protesters take to the streets, destroy private property, and shoot pepper spray in peopleā€™s faces, because theyā€™ve lost an election,

Whatā€™s worse, this sort of immaturity isnā€™t reserved for the grown-ups in diapers we call college students, itā€™s also flowing freely from the mouths of leftists in Congress.

The most recent example of this syndrome comes from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who decided to take an opportunity during a press conference to call Trumpā€™s foremost political adviser, Steve Bannon, a ā€œwhite supremacist.ā€

The Hill reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed Stephen Bannon on Thursday, saying President Trumpā€™s senior adviser is a racist who has no business sitting on the National Security Council (NSC).

ā€œItā€™s a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of the National Security Council,ā€ Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Bannon, a former executive with Breitbart News, is a senior adviser to the president.

Trump reorganized the NSC last week to regularly include Bannon, a former executive for Breitbart News, at meetings of the groupā€™s principals committee. At the same time, he removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the panel. Those figures have instead been asked to participate only during meetings on ā€œissues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member while the chairman of the joint chiefs and the director of national intelligence are told, ā€˜Donā€™t call us, weā€™ll call you. Youā€™re no longer permanent members,ā€™ā€ Pelosi said.

This isnā€™t the first time Pelosi has lobbed some jabs at Bannon, feebly attempting to throw a haymaker in his direction back in November.

Pelosi apparently tried to sway Vice President Mike Pence to get Trump to drop Bannon, painting him up as a white nationalist.

In other words, Pelosi is thoroughly convinced that Bannon is a full-fledged, card carrying member of the racist club. You know, the same establishment the left thinks we all belong to if we dare support limitations on immigration and desire secure borders.

The truth of the matter is, plenty of people continue to stand up for Bannonā€™s character and it doesnā€™t appear thereā€™s been any evidence to support such allegations.
Pelosi hits ROCK bottom with DESPICABLE claim about Trump adviser

Who honestly gives a fuck anymore? Faggot ass leftists like you looooove identity politics. Then you cry when small groups of whites play the same game.

Kill yourselves please.

Have you finished cleaning the Pool.....if not get on it please.
Is that YOU "Charles?".......Bring the car around and STFU!!!!
Shut your musty headed ass up, Island Coon.
Just bring the car around and shut up.
Tap dance some more!
View attachment 110784
You mean fat white women, right?
You mean to sit on your face???
Democrats quote Republicans. And then Republicans scream "liar".
More news from the left... experts agree:

Actualy Trump Dementia causes him to FORGET to hold Melania's hand. Also, Trump can't get out of his head about Melania's past life as a call girl and all the males who had her before he got his chance.

Used Goods are......used goods.
More news from the left... experts agree:

Actualy Trump Dementia causes him to FORGET to hold Melania's hand. Also, Trump can't get out of his head about Melania's past life as a call girl and all the males who had her before he got his chance.

Used Goods are......used goods.

Is that you talking, or... envy?
I don't want to make fun of Melania any more. I think she is abused by Trump.

To a LESSOR extent - Tiffany.

More news from the left... experts agree:

Actualy Trump Dementia causes him to FORGET to hold Melania's hand. Also, Trump can't get out of his head about Melania's past life as a call girl and all the males who had her before he got his chance.

Used Goods are......used goods.

Is that you talking, or... envy?
I don't want to make fun of Melania any more. I think she is abused by Trump.

To a LESSOR extent - Tiffany.

You're incapable of thinking... you repeat.

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