Democrats are Demonic

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Ocasio-Cortez allegedly screamed at border agents during recent trip to southern border: report
Ocasio-Cortez allegedly screamed at border agents during recent trip to southern border: report

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., allegedly screamed at Customs and Border Protection agents "in a threatening manner" during a recent visit to a southern border facility in Texas, according to a report — after she made the explosive claim that women being held at at least one facility are being forced to drink "out of toilets."

“She comes out screaming at our agents, right at the beginning [of the tour] ... Crying and screaming and yelling," one witness said. “The agents, they wanted to respond, but they held back because she’s a congressional delegate. But when you have someone yelling at you in a threatening manner … They were like, ‘Hey, you need to kinda step back.’”

ME: I keep saying, Democrats are Demonic: Democrats are Demonic
This idiot has lost her mind, screaming lies like some insane idiot. She is the quintessential Democrat, a loudmouthed lying sack of shit and an imbecile, just like every Democrat in this forum.


All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
what difference?

I’m sorry you didn’t receive a quality education. The fault is kind of your own though. The internet is at your fingertips. Look it up.
well there is no difference. I don't have a thing to look up. you said there was a difference, therefore, I'm asking you to explain that.

Your choice to remain ignorant. Doesn't change Trump aligning himself with dictators when it comes to a free press.

How many times must you repeat the same point? It isn't working. It's completely false.

The media that has been weaponized by the left. The leftist media is the enemy of the people, and a bunch of liars. Do you honestly believe Americans will buy this drivel when your "free press" is encouraging tech companies to ban them for expressing their opinions? Yeah... not going to work.

Also it's a good question whether any of those people actually said the press is the enemy of the state. In those states, that I know, the media says whatever the dictators want it to. It's not about not lying to people, it is about LYING to people.
I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Not just the democrats. The republicans are just as bad.

Wrong. No Republicans behave as evil and insane as the Left does.

They do. They are just the same, they just say the stuff we like is all. If republicans are so holy, why haven’t they done anything about abortion? To them, the politicians being up there is nothing more then having job that employs losers. None of those people can run a business. They are all useless bags of skin. Nothing more. That’s an average politician from either party.
I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

I like to criticize Israel around boomers....makes their heads explode...:D
The history of the world revolves around Satan's desire to destroy Israel and its Jews. There's a reason that Godless, western leftists align with the Muslims in their hatred for and desire to see the destruction of Israel. Satan has deceived leftists into believing that abortion and homosexuality are acceptable.

Then, of course, you have the folks that think the universe caused itself to come into existence. Yea, Satan has them wrapped around his finger.
I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Perhaps not wrong. Mass insanity for certain. "Get his license plate", nuts.
Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears, why not address Crixus' point? Why haven't Republicans ended abortion?

Two words: Supreme Court, you half-witted piece of shit. Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade.

You either know that already and are just being a punk asshole, or you don't know that which makes you an ignorant POS.

I think you're both.

I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Your little childish cartoon only proves Trump correct.

Trump has said that FAKE news is the enemy of the people and he is correct.
Your little punkass cartoon makes it look like Trump thinks that ALL the press is the enemy, and he never said that.

Ironically, YOU have proven that YOU are the enemy because you just now willingly posted fake news. Well done, dumbfuck.

Your new Trump nickname is Lying Edgetho

You better do some recon, girl. Figure out what's-what

I know what's what Lying Edgetho. You are the demonic one here.
Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears, why not address Crixus' point? Why haven't Republicans ended abortion?

Two words: Supreme Court, you half-witted piece of shit. Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade.

You either know that already and are just being a punk asshole, or you don't know that which makes you an ignorant POS.

I think you're both.

A Boooosh appointed judge has already shown he will vote with liberal judges. I point to Obama care and John Roberts. He also threw a wrench into the question of citizenship at a republican president just last week. So the Supreme Court really ain’t that big a deal. You guys gotta stop falling for the hype. They want you posting what demons they are. They control you with your emotions.

I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Just gotta point out, notice this doesn’t happen here in Houston?
Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears, why not address Crixus' point? Why haven't Republicans ended abortion?

Two words: Supreme Court, you half-witted piece of shit. Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade.

You either know that already and are just being a punk asshole, or you don't know that which makes you an ignorant POS.

I think you're both.
A Boooosh appointed judge has already shown he will vote with liberal judges. I point to Obama care and John Roberts. He also threw a wrench into the question of citizenship at a republican president just last week. So the Supreme Court really ain’t that big a deal. You guys gotta stop falling for the hype. They want you posting what demons they are. They control you with your emotions.

Its not hype dude, its a stone cold fact: Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade. Short of that there ain't a damn thing we can do except nip around the edges, and the GOP has done that quite well in fact. We can't help it if judges don't do what we want. The best you can do is appoint a judge and hope for the best. Obama had quite a few unanimous rulings go against him so it swings both ways.
Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears, why not address Crixus' point? Why haven't Republicans ended abortion?

Two words: Supreme Court, you half-witted piece of shit. Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade.

You either know that already and are just being a punk asshole, or you don't know that which makes you an ignorant POS.

I think you're both.
A Boooosh appointed judge has already shown he will vote with liberal judges. I point to Obama care and John Roberts. He also threw a wrench into the question of citizenship at a republican president just last week. So the Supreme Court really ain’t that big a deal. You guys gotta stop falling for the hype. They want you posting what demons they are. They control you with your emotions.

Its not hype dude, its a stone cold fact: Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade. Short of that there ain't a damn thing we can do except nip around the edges, and the GOP has done that quite well in fact. We can't help it if judges don't do what we want. The best you can do is appoint a judge and hope for the best. Obama had quite a few unanimous rulings go against him so it swings both ways.

But Roe will never be overturned. Not by SCOTUS, and it never should be. Congress needs to be held to account on Roe. On abortion in general. They need to make it a law, they need to define it but they never will, not even the republicans who have been huge cowards on the issue. Both parties keep it an issue to manipulate folks who hang out on political talk forums. You want change? Stop voting for the lesser of two evils. Let your politicians know they can lose their jobs.
Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears, why not address Crixus' point? Why haven't Republicans ended abortion?

Two words: Supreme Court, you half-witted piece of shit. Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade.

You either know that already and are just being a punk asshole, or you don't know that which makes you an ignorant POS.

I think you're both.
A Boooosh appointed judge has already shown he will vote with liberal judges. I point to Obama care and John Roberts. He also threw a wrench into the question of citizenship at a republican president just last week. So the Supreme Court really ain’t that big a deal. You guys gotta stop falling for the hype. They want you posting what demons they are. They control you with your emotions.

Its not hype dude, its a stone cold fact: Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade. Short of that there ain't a damn thing we can do except nip around the edges, and the GOP has done that quite well in fact. We can't help it if judges don't do what we want. The best you can do is appoint a judge and hope for the best. Obama had quite a few unanimous rulings go against him so it swings both ways.

But Roe will never be overturned. Not by SCOTUS, and it never should be. Congress needs to be held to account on Roe. On abortion in general. They need to make it a law, they need to define it but they never will, not even the republicans who have been huge cowards on the issue. Both parties keep it an issue to manipulate folks who hang out on political talk forums. You want change? Stop voting for the lesser of two evils. Let your politicians know they can lose their jobs.
What you are saying makes no sense. Congress cannot overturn a Supreme Court decision. There is absolutely nothing that Congress can do about Roe versus Wade. The only thing that could be done is a constitutional amendment. Other than that the Supreme Court is the only body that can undo a previous Supreme Court decision. Don't you understand that
Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears, why not address Crixus' point? Why haven't Republicans ended abortion?

Two words: Supreme Court, you half-witted piece of shit. Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade.

You either know that already and are just being a punk asshole, or you don't know that which makes you an ignorant POS.

I think you're both.
A Boooosh appointed judge has already shown he will vote with liberal judges. I point to Obama care and John Roberts. He also threw a wrench into the question of citizenship at a republican president just last week. So the Supreme Court really ain’t that big a deal. You guys gotta stop falling for the hype. They want you posting what demons they are. They control you with your emotions.

Its not hype dude, its a stone cold fact: Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade. Short of that there ain't a damn thing we can do except nip around the edges, and the GOP has done that quite well in fact. We can't help it if judges don't do what we want. The best you can do is appoint a judge and hope for the best. Obama had quite a few unanimous rulings go against him so it swings both ways.

But Roe will never be overturned. Not by SCOTUS, and it never should be. Congress needs to be held to account on Roe. On abortion in general. They need to make it a law, they need to define it but they never will, not even the republicans who have been huge cowards on the issue. Both parties keep it an issue to manipulate folks who hang out on political talk forums. You want change? Stop voting for the lesser of two evils. Let your politicians know they can lose their jobs.
What you are saying makes no sense. Congress cannot overturn a Supreme Court decision. There is absolutely nothing that Congress can do about Roe versus Wade. The only thing that could be done is a constitutional amendment. Other than that the Supreme Court is the only body that can undo a previous Supreme Court decision. Don't you understand that

They can make law. The court can not. That aside, they can make it a non issue and they won’t. Republicans, just like democrats use the issue to keep us divided and their fat ass’s on the hill. They are scum. Both sides. And the court? Again, I’ll point out that a super conservatives pick bent over backwards to make Obama care law. He also went out of his way to make it impossible for our government to count how many illegals live here. So the SCOTUS means nothing.
Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears, why not address Crixus' point? Why haven't Republicans ended abortion?

Two words: Supreme Court, you half-witted piece of shit. Only another Supreme Court decision can overturn Roe v Wade.

You either know that already and are just being a punk asshole, or you don't know that which makes you an ignorant POS.

I think you're both.
The Supreme Court leans right, ya dumbass. Can't you think up a better excuse?
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