Democrats are going to pay in the midterms for forcing vaccinated people to wear masks

Say what now? What convoluted tripe you got for that?
Let’s see

Once the vaccines became available, COVID infections and deaths dropped dramatically.

Due to those resistant to get vaccinated, that drop stopped and COVID rebounded

Democrats: EVERYONE needs to get vaccinated
Republicans: You don’t need to vaccinate if you don‘t want to
While recovered COVID-19 survivors do have some level of natural immunity, they do require a COVID-19 vaccine at this moment. This is because while the levels of antibodies may offer some protection, a vaccine can go over and beyond natural protection and benefit them. It could also benefit those who are immunocompromised, or at a higher risk of reinfection.
Daniel, not one study has suggested that people who have the antibodies from previous infection need further vaccination. In fact, there are studies that they now have the antibodies for life.
Let’s see

Once the vaccines became available, COVID infections and deaths dropped dramatically.

Due to those resistant to get vaccinated, that drop stopped and COVID rebounded

Democrats: EVERYONE needs to get vaccinated
Republicans: You don’t need to vaccinate if you don‘t want to
How dare we allow people to make their own decisions.
How dare we allow people to make their own decisions.

When those decisions are a threat to public health and safety …you have to step in

You don’t have to get vaccinated
But if you aren’t you should have limited exposure to others.

Not vaccinated
Get tested weekly
Wear a mask
Socially Distance
Daniel, not one study has suggested that people who have the antibodies from previous infection need further vaccination. In fact, there are studies that they now have the antibodies for life.
Not what India discovered when they thought they had achieved some form of herd immunity.
If California is able to overcome the normal fraud and recall Gruesome Newsom you can be assured that the communist democrats are facing their worst elections ever.
You can't even bring a point across without making it personal. It's quite a deficiency. I haven't reneged on any 'deal', fuckwit. I don't make deals with inferior magaturds. Wearing a mask is a mandatory thing for me, Covid or not. I don't give any fucks about you or anyone else.

Nor do I give any fucks about your ridiculous sense of entitlement.

So when I say Democrats reneged on the deal that if we vax we don't have to mask, you decide it's about you personally and chastise me for making it personal. You're a bizarre chick.

No one is telling you not to wear a mask. That has nothing to do with the thread.

Are you PMSing or are you always like this?
What is truly amazing to me is that with each action, mandate, or recommendation the Dems make, which contradict prior actions, they have a convoluted non-nonsensical explanation for why the change makes sense now based upon "science."

Yet, they won't share the data that guides these contradictory recommendations.

The narrative is propelled by the MSM, and countless people lap it up without thinking about why it does not make sense. Then many of them even parrot the unscientific explanations here on USMB and elsewhere in social media.,

It's pretty sick. Remember how in the 60s leftists were all against the man and authority?

Now they don't even ask why they are supporting naked government aggression. They get their orders to support another mask mandate and go out and pump it. They don't have a fucking clue why they are supporting that either. But they don't blink, they do.

Not one leftist on the board can actually explain why vaccinated people need to wear masks. Obviously we don't
So when I say Democrats reneged on the deal that if we vax we don't have to mask,
Covid reneged on the deal

Dems assumed we would have enough people vaccinated to gain collective immunity.
Republican misinformation kept that from happening
Not one leftist on the board can actually explain why vaccinated people need to wear masks

Because we have no way of knowing who is vaccinated and who is not.
Republicans blocked a Passport showing you are vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated will just lie and say they are.
Not one leftist on the board can actually explain why vaccinated people need to wear masks. Obviously we don't
Because, vaccination does not prevent someone infected with the virus from potentially spreading it to others; it only lessens the effects of the infection to the point where hospitalization or death may not occur.
Do you just post whatever pops into your head without any support or evidence? Must be nice in your fantasyland in your head, eh?
^ Trolling/derailing personal attacks; the last refuge of those with nothing to contribute.

Watch your mouth when addressing me, traitor.

The vaccine doesn't stop working. Did I say it did? No... I said that vaccinated people can still spread the virus, though they're not catching it themselves. They are immune to its effects, get it, due to vaccination. Do you know what vaccination is? Do you know what an antibody is? Could you pass a 5th grade science test?
Fuck off dumbass.
I am not optimistic about the future of our country. That has been clear. It's frankly too easy for the Democrats to sell their free shit message. Democrats are evil and Republicans are useless. Americans who recognize and appreciate how lucky we are to live here are stuck in the 40s, which makes us a clear minority. But on this one, Democrats screwed up.

Many of us got the vaccine because we wanted to move on with our lives and that was the price. Now Democrats in their endless quest for control over our lives are reneging on the deal even though Trump's vaccine works and vaccinated people are protected.

Democrats have made a mistake by going back to mask mandates for vaccinated people. They are trying desperately to get people to blame the unvaccinated for the mandates. But no one is buying it. We are blaming the Democrats, and rightly so. If you are vaccinated, it doesn't matter what anyone else does. No one is buying their crap. And this one pisses people off and will be remembered.

The pouting toddler thread.

Actually it’s the people with autoimmune diseases, whom are easily infected, that will die because the pouting toddler that won’t wear their mask, and is to stupid to realize they can still infect others.
Let’s see

Once the vaccines became available, COVID infections and deaths dropped dramatically.

Due to those resistant to get vaccinated, that drop stopped and COVID rebounded

Democrats: EVERYONE needs to get vaccinated
Republicans: You don’t need to vaccinate if you don‘t want to
What I do not get is that yourself and all others with same view believe and live your lives at extremes. No matter the outcome, you promote it and demand it. Because of this, everything is massively more expensive. A minimum of One million and two hundred thousand Americans have HIV. The Federal cost is 30 billion dollars year and growing to keep these people alive. Not a word from you. This does not include state, local, regional and city costs. And those who have health insurance with costs hidden in their bills. Let us elect Hitler's. There will be no more problems. And it is coming. We will all be happy.

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