Democrats are going to pay in the midterms for forcing vaccinated people to wear masks

Covid reneged on the deal

Dems assumed we would have enough people vaccinated to gain collective immunity.
Republican misinformation kept that from happening
You buy that explanation?

The CDC knew darn well that the virus would mutate. They all do. When they issued the recommendation that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks, as announced by Biden on May 13th (after Delta variant was classified as a variant of concern by some international health organizations), they knew the situation could change.

It has a lot less to do with the number of vaccinated folks than it does with the fact that the vaccines are not so effective against Delta. You'll be hearing more about this soon...

"As of Thursday, 882 people were tied to the Provincetown outbreak. Among those living in Massachusetts, 74% of them were fully immunized, yet officials said the vast majority were also reporting symptoms. Seven people were reported hospitalized."

CDC and Biden Admin failed in their duty to give complete and accurate people to the American public. Don't believe their bogus explanations. Everything they do is driven by politics, not science. Your explanation makes no sense. If the vaccines work, there is no reason to wear a mask, regardless of the vaccination status of other individuals.

And don't believe their BS about asymptomatic vaccinated people spreading COVID. It's BS too. CDC says they observed "no cases of asymptomatic transmission" here:

The pouting toddler thread.

Actually it’s the people with autoimmune diseases, whom are easily infected, that will die because the pouting toddler that won’t wear their mask, and is to stupid to realize they can still infect others.

Awwwww, and skews breaks out crying. Poor baby. Here's a bottle.

skews13: That isn't what Democrats told me to think!?!?! Whaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Yawn. You can’t address a simple question. You’re no match for me.
I did answer your question.

Three times over ....

You are just too stupid to admit it.

It's people like you who continue to foment doubt about the vaccine by trying to cancel open debate about it, resulting in Americans being hesitant to get it.

And, rightfully so.
Actually it’s the people with autoimmune diseases, whom are easily infected, that will die because the pouting toddler that won’t wear their mask, and is to stupid to realize they can still infect others.

What skews calls people who GOT THE VACCINE.

skews13: "the pouting toddler"

This is my point exactly. You're a fascist. No amount of government control over our lives is enough for you, Stalin
You buy that explanation?

The CDC knew darn well that the virus would mutate. They all do. When they issued the recommendation that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks, as announced by Biden on May 13th (after Delta variant was classified as a variant of concern by some international health organizations), they knew the situation could change.

It has a lot less to do with the number of vaccinated folks than it does with the fact that the vaccines are not so effective against Delta. You'll be hearing more about this soon...

"As of Thursday, 882 people were tied to the Provincetown outbreak. Among those living in Massachusetts, 74% of them were fully immunized, yet officials said the vast majority were also reporting symptoms. Seven people were reported hospitalized."

CDC and Biden Admin failed in their duty to give complete and accurate people to the American public. Don't believe their bogus explanations. Everything they do is driven by politics, not science. Your explanation makes no sense. If the vaccines work, there is no reason to wear a mask, regardless of the vaccination status of other individuals.

And don't believe their BS about asymptomatic vaccinated people spreading COVID. It's BS too. CDC says they observed "no cases of asymptomatic transmission" here:

When those decisions are a threat to public health and safety …you have to step in

You don’t have to get vaccinated
But if you aren’t you should have limited exposure to others.

Not vaccinated
Get tested weekly
Wear a mask
Socially Distance
Vaccinated people have to do all these things too, since the cdc doesn't think that the jab works.
I did answer your question.

Three times over ....

You are just too stupid to admit it.

It's people like you who continue to foment doubt about the vaccine by trying to cancel open debate about it, resulting in Americans being hesitant to get it.

And, rightfully so.
I asked you to explain why only unvaxxed are dying if it’s not working. Your answer was it’s ‘Murcia live free or die (basic summary). You did not explain how you can have a rational view of the vaccine not working with the evidence.
I am not optimistic about the future of our country. That has been clear. It's frankly too easy for the Democrats to sell their free shit message. Democrats are evil and Republicans are useless. Americans who recognize and appreciate how lucky we are to live here are stuck in the 40s, which makes us a clear minority. But on this one, Democrats screwed up.

Many of us got the vaccine because we wanted to move on with our lives and that was the price. Now Democrats in their endless quest for control over our lives are reneging on the deal even though Trump's vaccine works and vaccinated people are protected.

Democrats have made a mistake by going back to mask mandates for vaccinated people. They are trying desperately to get people to blame the unvaccinated for the mandates. But no one is buying it. We are blaming the Democrats, and rightly so. If you are vaccinated, it doesn't matter what anyone else does. No one is buying their crap. And this one pisses people off and will be remembered.

Because wearing masks is too much to ask our brave, tough Americans to do.
Because, vaccination does not prevent someone infected with the virus from potentially spreading it to others; it only lessens the effects of the infection to the point where hospitalization or death may not occur.
All your life you believed the truth - that vaccines create effective anitbodies which protect one from getting infected with a virus and preventing such infection from spreading to others.

And now you believe CNN unscientific spin.

Stop believing the lies constantly fed to you; it makes no sense. The truth is the exact opposite and makes perfect sense.

The vaccines are not working.

"As of Thursday, 882 people were tied to the Provincetown outbreak. Among those living in Massachusetts, 74% of them were fully immunized, yet officials said the vast majority were also reporting symptoms. Seven people were reported hospitalized."

They are trying to spin it that the unvaccinated are responsible. It's BS, The vaccinated and unvaccinated spread at the same rate...

This is why they had everyone mask up again. Being vaccinated apparently has negligible benefit. The facts are right there for everyone to see, but good, obedient people want to have faith in the Biden Admin and CDC which has gotten just about everything wrong so far, as they are blinded by politics and to heck with established science.
That doesn't seem to be the case with this pathogen.
It's exactly the same behavior as other respiratory viruses. They mutate rapidly and become resistant to the vaccines, normally in less than a year.

We have had influenza vaccines for decades. Yet in a good year, they are about 50% effective. In some years, less than 20%. Yet they are tuned annually. When the vaccines don't work well, more people get infected.

Everyone is observing the same thing right now. It's right in front of everyone's eyes, but the gullible among us believe the unscientific spin from CNN that this respiratory virus has some "unique behavior" which can only be rationalized with nonsensical convoluted explanations.

The true explanation is simple and makes complete sense.

Quit falling for the hype.
60s leftists were all against the man and authority
I think they were more against the involuntary drafting of 18 year olds, to go fight, kill and possibly be KIA a half a world away, but maybe it was just a stoner like Tommy Chong "We're against the Man, man".

Now they don't even ask why they are supporting naked government aggression.

Yeah killing an maiming young men who've been impressed into service, verse the horrible, despotic inconvenience of mask wearing......What pussified bunch of losers the NEO-GOP has spawned.
When those decisions are a threat to public health and safety …you have to step in

You don’t have to get vaccinated
But if you aren’t you should have limited exposure to others.

Not vaccinated
Get tested weekly
Wear a mask
Socially Distance
You don’t know if I am or not.

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