Democrats Are Intentionally Sabotaging The Legal Process Of The Country With Their Fake Impeachment

You all sound very worried. How come?
Corruption is something for everyone to worry about. Everyone who has the nation's best interests in mind, anyway.
You obviously needn't be concerned.
I'm all for eliminating corruption, even Trump's.
No you're not.
If you were for eliminating corruption you wouldn't be supporting it.
I'm all for taking the whole fucking lot down, but starting at the top seem appropriate.
Spoken like a true Socialist.
You want to take down the only honest person in this whole pit filled viper nest.
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government. They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.
I've had it with those who would defend a president that publicly asks a COMMUNIST dictatorship to investigate a political rival. How is that not treason?
Trump has the right to ask questions about Joe Biden's corruption.
I've had it with those who would defend a president that publicly asks a COMMUNIST dictatorship to investigate a political rival. How is that not treason?
Grrrr...those dirty commies make me so mad! How about you?

Are you just as mad at Joe Biden who got a deal from the Communist Chinese Bank of China to bankroll his son's
just formed equity company (with partner John Kerry's son) so they could invest in highly sensitive "Anti-vibration technologies (which) are considered “dual-use” because they can have a military application, according to both the State Department and Department of Commerce."

Hunter Biden and the Kerry kid investing in technology valued by the Communist Chinese military that can be used against this nation in future military conflicts. I'll bet that really really makes you angry....right?
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government. They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.
I've had it with those who would defend a president that publicly asks a COMMUNIST dictatorship to investigate a political rival. How is that not treason?
So corruption committed in collusion with communists is good?
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government.

They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.

Yet another America hating piece of shit blaming the Democrats for doing their job according to the US Constitution instead of blaming their fat assed orange buddy who did the deeds that warrntred the investigation./

You assfucks forget that the impeachment inquiry began when Trump blocked release of a whistleblower report.
I've had it with those who would defend a president that publicly asks a COMMUNIST dictatorship to investigate a political rival. How is that not treason?
Grrrr...those dirty commies make me so mad! How about you?

Are you just as mad at Joe Biden who got a deal from the Communist Chinese Bank of China to bankroll his son's
just formed equity company (with partner John Kerry's son) so they could invest in highly sensitive "Anti-vibration technologies (which) are considered “dual-use” because they can have a military application, according to both the State Department and Department of Commerce."

Hunter Biden and the Kerry kid investing in technology valued by the Communist Chinese military that can be used against this nation in future military conflicts. I'll bet that really really makes you angry....right?

There is no evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong or that Joe Biden was involved.
I'm all for eliminating corruption, even Trump's.
So when Trump goes against the blatant corruption of Joe Biden, colluding with the Ukraine and China in order to enrich himself and his rotten kid at the expense of America, it just offends your righteous sense of justice...right?
Libertarian just means one has no balls to join the fray
I've joined in, so you fail EPICALLY! Please try again soon. :biggrin:
Was trump impeached?


The fail is yours
I just love watching him squirm, he's a orange fat fuck of a funny guy. Way funnier than that boring Obummer.
He set this up himself somehow, the whistleblower is working for trump or it will seem that way soon
Nah, but he's about to come undone! :popcorn:

no he's not-----he will prove his "mettle" (whatevahdahell that means) by
surviving this ordeal
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government. They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.
I've had it with those who would defend a president that publicly asks a COMMUNIST dictatorship to investigate a political rival. How is that not treason?
So corruption committed in collusion with communists is good?
What proof do you have? I'm not going to fall for Trump's gaslighting; why are you? Wild accusations without proof are slander.
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government. They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.
I've had it with those who would defend a president that publicly asks a COMMUNIST dictatorship to investigate a political rival. How is that not treason?
Because the son of that political rival was selling the communists access and possibly state secrets.
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government.

They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.

More desperation.
here is no evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong or that Joe Biden was involved.
Are you admitting you are stupid enough to believe coke headed failure Hunter Biden got a big paying do nothing job with energy giant Burisma and a $1.5 billion dollar investment deal from the Bank of China all on his own independent merit?

Do you even realize what you are saying? Do you know how insane that sounds?
Democrats hate us.....and they're rigging elections so that they can steal Congress and eventually the White House. Then once they do that they'll take our health care, take our guns, take our money, and eventually kill us by taking away our HVAC and our ability to heat our homes, take our cars so we can't get to work or transport food from one part of the country to another thus destroying the economy.

Their New Green Deal will result in starvation, disease, and death. Their ultimate goal is to control and eventually reduce what they consider to be excess populations. They feel that humans are a virus infesting the planet and that only the cool people deserve to live. They feel this is the only way they can save the planet. Man-made Climate Change is their secret excuse to murder as many humans as possible.

This is the dirty little secret behind these sick fucks in Washington. They holding meetings in secret and are secretly plotting our deaths.
Who's rigging elections, Comrade?
If the American people object to the Democrats holding an inquiry into President Trump, then send a message in 2020. Vote them out and put the GOP in power.

That being said, Congress has the constitutional authority to impeach(HoR) a President and try him(Senate). High crimes and misdemeanors are subjective to what the House says whether people like it or not. The Senate has the power to run the trial it’s own way under the same pretense.
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government. They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.
I've had it with those who would defend a president that publicly asks a COMMUNIST dictatorship to investigate a political rival. How is that not treason?
So corruption committed in collusion with communists is good?
What proof do you have? I'm not going to fall for Trump's gaslighting; why are you? Wild accusations without proof are slander.
Oh need better excuses.
Democrats have all their pieces lined up. They have our education system conditioning our youth to be radical liberals. They have the media backing every suicidal play they make. And they have phony Hollywood crowd. repeating everything they say. The only things that are nowhere in sight are a platform and a candidate
Conspiracy theories are fun!

You hit like four of them in one post!
here is no evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong or that Joe Biden was involved.
Are you admitting you are stupid enough to believe coke headed failure Hunter Biden got a big paying do nothing job with energy giant Burisma and a $1.5 billion dollar investment deal from the Bank of China all on his own independent merit?

Do you even realize what you are saying? Do you know how insane that sounds?

He & his partners had an investment company. It is not illegal.

Corp boards will put "name" people in their boards because it looks good. Not a crime.

I think he earlier served on the Amtrak board. Quit lying about some sort of crime happened.,
You being tool fucking stupid to understand it does not make it wrong.

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