Democrats Are Intentionally Sabotaging The Legal Process Of The Country With Their Fake Impeachment

Democrats hate us.....and they're rigging elections so that they can steal Congress and eventually the White House. Then once they do that they'll take our health care, take our guns, take our money, and eventually kill us by taking away our HVAC and our ability to heat our homes, take our cars so we can't get to work or transport food from one part of the country to another thus destroying the economy.

Their New Green Deal will result in starvation, disease, and death. Their ultimate goal is to control and eventually reduce what they consider to be excess populations. They feel that humans are a virus infesting the planet and that only the cool people deserve to live. They feel this is the only way they can save the planet. Man-made Climate Change is their secret excuse to murder as many humans as possible.

This is the dirty little secret behind these sick fucks in Washington. They holding meetings in secret and are secretly plotting our deaths.


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Democrats are even too terrified to put their name on a vote to investigate impeachment. This is all about keeping the I word around because Democrats know they can’t win on policy.
At some point they'll need to come up with serious meat on the bones, or they'll look terrible.

They think they'll have it. Pelosi wouldn't have approved this otherwise.

Since I don't believe the "news" sources & claims & accusations & rumors & assumptions from either end, I'm stuck waiting for the Articles.
At some point they'll need to come up with serious meat on the bones, or they'll look terrible.

Russia Russia Russia we got Trump with Russia for over two years.

It was all a lie.

There is no honor left in the Democratic Party, it’s just a room full of poop flinging monkeys now with the media spinning for them at every opportunity.
You all sound very worried. How come? :dunno:
Worried about psychopaths who might take full power in Washington?
Yeah....that's something to worry about.
Man up and admit it, you're worried about the Big Cheeto's show getting cancelled early.
No......because the Dummycraps are nothing but a bunch of talk.
They lie about the process.....claim that the opposite is true when we all know what the process is. They claim that it's okay for Democrats to break the law but Trump can't follow the law. Black is white....lies are truth....the Earth is flat and the sky is Orange. Don't pay attention to the facts....just believe us.
Your fartsmoke says you're pretty worried, and that deep down, you agree that Trump has gone too far this time.
I think you should worry about what will happen if Democrats get away with this.
The Democrats are purposely sabotaging our government.

They know what they are doing is hindering the operation of the government. Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.

Nothing is getting done because of the intentional sabotage that Democrats are openly engaged in.
That is due to the Grim Reaper.

You've been talking to him lately.
At some point they'll need to come up with serious meat on the bones, or they'll look terrible.

They think they'll have it. Pelosi wouldn't have approved this otherwise.

Since I don't believe the "news" sources & claims & accusations & rumors & assumptions from either end, I'm stuck waiting for the Articles.
I’m sorry, but you are really choosing to be blind in this instance. Just like they convinced you he was an agent for Russia, when it’s obvious they created that illusion for people such as you that would fall for it, they are creating this one, thus why they refuse to follow established rules and procedures. Maybe one day you will wake up. I hope so.
They didn't convince me that "he was an agent for Russia".

So you just made that up. You just fabricated "facts" to support a conclusion.

And this is the problem.
My wording should have read - They had all but convinced you, Mac.
Be honest here. You seriously considered it might be true.
You're welcome to pull a quote of mine. Funny how people who accuse me of things can never do that.

Your point was a perfect example of the problem. Simplistic assumptions. Made-up facts. Accusations based on pure ignorance. Zero honest curiosity.

Our wingers are killing us, and we're watching it happen in real time.
We need Mueller to say what he actually THINKS
Try this thread.
What, the post where I said "could be"? Is that the best you can do? Assuming English is your first language, that is not the same as "is".

Actually, that IS the best you can do, because I have never accused him of being an agent of Russia, or of being in cahoots in any way with them. Ever.

You keep making my point for me.
You mean when they give copyrights to Ivanka & stay at Trump properties. When they book & prepay for Trump rooms at Trump properties and don't show up?

That is direct money going into Trump's pockets.

There are lots of investment companies working to China. Not illegal.
Investment companies in and of themselves are not the issue. Are you actually that dumb or just playing the fool?

How many of these companies have been given money by the Bank of China and are owned by the son of the vice president and son of the Obama Secretary of State?
AND how many are kicking back money to China investing in sensitive properties with military applications that benefit the generals in Bejing?
There is only one, dumb shit.
No, I'm all for getting everyone who's corrupt, starting with Trump though.
What a clever way to declare you are a partisan hypocrite who has to manufacture Trump "corruption" while the blatant billions of dollars of corruption the Bidens represent is over looked.

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