Democrats Are Killing Jobs

Then why do you keep changing the topic with nonsense like "it must suck to have a thread fail"?

I do remember that "pipe thingy" - Dumbocrats blocked it to ensure energy prices were sky-high (so they would match Dumbocrat "green energy" prices) and they blocked the jobs that would have come with it to keep people in poverty and dependent on the government plantation.

You are totally clueless on why energy costs what it does, hint: it has nothing to do with supply and demand. If that pipe were already in place gasoline would cost exactly what it does right now.

Talk about clueless... Hint: when GWB opened up the oil reserves, gas prices plummeted you buffoon.

Here is another hint: everything has to do with supply and demand. If you had an over abundance of doctors, healthcare prices would plummet as they competed with each other for business. If you had an over abundance of housing (as we saw in the housing market collapse), home prices DID plummet as banks competed with each other to unload foreclosed homes.

Thank you for illustrating how liberals are completely clueless about basic economics. You guys don't even understand supply & demand because you choose left-wing propaganda over education.

Oil is the most manipulated commodity in the world, prices are right where the speculators and the industry want it to be. Rarely is there an actual shortage of oil, more often it is simply panic and speculation driving up prices.
The private sector has hired at a pretty good clip over the last five years.

In fact..the private sector itself, has made up for all the private sector job losses during the Bush administration.

The problem is public sector jobs..which have not come back.

Also, XL pipeline would not be public infrastructure.

It would be a publicly backed private venture, which, once finished, would add no value, whatsoever to the American economy.

It would not even be owned by an American company.

What little job creation there has been is due to conservative governors, conservative state congress, and conservative city councils doing things like harvesting energy. All of the things Obama keeps blocking. North Dakota is experiencing the biggest economic boom the nation has seen because of fracking. Walmart and McDonald employees are being paid $25 per hour. Truck drivers are being paid over $100,000. They can't build homes fast enough. All because they are harvesting energy there while Dumbocrats block it everywhere they can.

And all that has done is keep energy prices and unemployment sky-high. The two things Dumnocrats want to ensure the masses are beholden to the government plantation.
get your facts straight. Who pushed for trade outside this country? Who signed nafta, et al? Clinton

We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?

At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?

Like you care. Conservatives cheered as manufacturing fled this country for cheap slave labor, you have no moral standing to chide anyone on jobs, the homeless or the hungry, none of them matter when it comes time for big business to make a buck or two. Quit treating a narrow corporate issue as a popular issue, it really makes you look like your big oil pimp daddy sent you out to turn another trick.
Study Finds Keystone XL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Department Suggests

The study was flawed.

WASHINGTON -- The State Department's final environmental impact analysis for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline downplays the significance the pipeline would have for development of the Canadian tar sands, according to a new analysis from a United Kingdom-based group. The analysis also argues that the State Department underestimated the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that would come with that development.

The Carbon Tracker Initiative, a nonprofit that focuses on how carbon budgets interact with financial markets, released the new report on Monday, making its case for why Keystone XL is more important in the context of global emissions than the State Department's study indicates.

The State Department released the final environmental impact statement, or FEIS, on Jan. 31. That analysis concluded that approval or denial of any specific project to transport oil, including Keystone XL, "remains unlikely to significantly impact the rate of extraction in the oil sands, or the continued demand for heavy crude oil at refineries in the United States."
Study Finds Keystone XL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Department Suggests

So you're saying the Obama Administration has been lying to the American people?


Is President Obama in the field doing the study?

Didn't know that.

The things you learn from your threads.

Would you please provide a link showing this?

Or showing that he authored this study?

Or showing his acumen in the energy sector?

Thanks in advance.
You are totally clueless on why energy costs what it does, hint: it has nothing to do with supply and demand. If that pipe were already in place gasoline would cost exactly what it does right now.

Talk about clueless... Hint: when GWB opened up the oil reserves, gas prices plummeted you buffoon.

Here is another hint: everything has to do with supply and demand. If you had an over abundance of doctors, healthcare prices would plummet as they competed with each other for business. If you had an over abundance of housing (as we saw in the housing market collapse), home prices DID plummet as banks competed with each other to unload foreclosed homes.

Thank you for illustrating how liberals are completely clueless about basic economics. You guys don't even understand supply & demand because you choose left-wing propaganda over education.

Oil is the most manipulated commodity in the world, prices are right where the speculators and the industry want it to be. Rarely is there an actual shortage of oil, more often it is simply panic and speculation driving up prices.

Again, we see radical left-wing propaganda over reality. Tell me, what brand of tin foil do you prefer for you hats?

By the way, increasing supply eliminates "speculation" as people would know that there is an abundance. Producing it here and in Canada eliminates "speculation" as people would know that there is an abundance from friendly sources.

But of course, this would drive down energy costs and Dumbocrats don't want that because then they wouldn't be able to keep funneling hundreds of billions of dollars per year into the "green energy" farce.
The private sector has hired at a pretty good clip over the last five years.

In fact..the private sector itself, has made up for all the private sector job losses during the Bush administration.

The problem is public sector jobs..which have not come back.

Also, XL pipeline would not be public infrastructure.

It would be a publicly backed private venture, which, once finished, would add no value, whatsoever to the American economy.

It would not even be owned by an American company.

What little job creation there has been is due to conservative governors, conservative state congress, and conservative city councils doing things like harvesting energy. All of the things Obama keeps blocking. North Dakota is experiencing the biggest economic boom the nation has seen because of fracking. Walmart and McDonald employees are being paid $25 per hour. Truck drivers are being paid over $100,000. They can't build homes fast enough. All because they are harvesting energy there while Dumbocrats block it everywhere they can.

And all that has done is keep energy prices and unemployment sky-high. The two things Dumnocrats want to ensure the masses are beholden to the government plantation.

So your saying there has been job growth?

Or not?

Which is it?
Energy companies have had a lot of high profile spills and sundry other disasters in recent years, they need to do more to prevent that kind of thing rather than just lawyering up and hiring lobbyists, maybe then it would not be so scary to let them put their leaky pipes in places that they have not fucked up yet.

The ultimate aim of petroleum pipelines is to move crude to port to sell on the world market, is the environmental risk worth helping energy companies that barely pay taxes in this country? For some reason helping Exxon get richer is job number one on republican's energy agenda.

You are one stupid fuck if you think oil companies barely pay taxes.

The three largest oil companies paid the most in taxes in absolute terms of all major corporations, according to data on S&P 500 companies compiled by The New York Times.

ExxonMobil paid $146 billion in taxes; Chevron paid $85 billion; and ConocoPhillips paid $58 billion over the last five years.

In terms of their effective tax rates, the big three oil companies don’t get off easily either. Exxon had an effective tax rate of 37 percent, Chevron’s effective tax rate was 39 percent, and ConocoPhillips’s was a whopping 74 percent. The U.S. corporate tax rate is 35 percent.

Read more: NYT: Oil companies paid the most in taxes | The Daily Caller

So you're saying the Obama Administration has been lying to the American people?


Is President Obama in the field doing the study? Didn't know that. The things you learn from your threads.

Reading comprehension junior. I didn't say Barack Obama, I said the Obama Administration.

Would you please provide a link showing this? Or showing that he authored this study? Or showing his acumen in the energy sector? Thanks in advance.

The study was conducted by his State Department. Which is staffed by the people he hired. And nothing get published to the American people without his authorization.

So either the Obama and the people in his Administration are lying or you are lying. Since both of you have a history of lying every time you speak, there is no way for us to discern which one is actually telling the truth for once. Please let us know. Thanks in advance

(Note - please have a parent or teacher read this to you so you can understand what was written and respond appropriately).
The private sector has hired at a pretty good clip over the last five years.

In fact..the private sector itself, has made up for all the private sector job losses during the Bush administration.

The problem is public sector jobs..which have not come back.

Also, XL pipeline would not be public infrastructure.

It would be a publicly backed private venture, which, once finished, would add no value, whatsoever to the American economy.

It would not even be owned by an American company.

What little job creation there has been is due to conservative governors, conservative state congress, and conservative city councils doing things like harvesting energy. All of the things Obama keeps blocking. North Dakota is experiencing the biggest economic boom the nation has seen because of fracking. Walmart and McDonald employees are being paid $25 per hour. Truck drivers are being paid over $100,000. They can't build homes fast enough. All because they are harvesting energy there while Dumbocrats block it everywhere they can.

And all that has done is keep energy prices and unemployment sky-high. The two things Dumnocrats want to ensure the masses are beholden to the government plantation.

So your saying there has been job growth?

Or not?

Which is it?

I'm saying the facts - there have been job losses where Dumbocrat policy has been in effect and job growth where conservative policy had been in effect.

Of course, Obama keeps blocking job growth. If we would implement conservative policy nation-wide (low taxes, harvest energy, etc.) unemployment would cease to be an issue. But then Dumbocrats couldn't keep the masses beholden to the government plantation.
How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?

Recognizing the need for more energy supply and more jobs, both Democrats and Republicans expressed support for the Keystone XL pipeline, a $20 billion private-infrastructure investment in the United States. The states through which the pipeline would pass—Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas—would benefit greatly. The six states are collectively projected to receive $5.2 billion in property taxes from TransCanada in the course of the 100-year operating life of the pipeline.

Keystone Pipeline Research Report
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How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?

Recognizing the need for more energy supply and more jobs, both Democrats and Republicans expressed support for the Keystone XL pipeline, a $20 billion private-infrastructure investment in the United States. The states through which the pipeline would pass—Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas—would benefit greatly. The six states are collectively projected to receive $5.2 billion in property taxes from TransCanada in the course of the 100-year operating life of the pipeline.

Keystone Pipeline Research Report

So to recap, it utilizes private-sector funds to upgrade infrastructure (liberal wet dream) and produces $5.2 billion in tax revenues (liberal wet dream).

Literally, this is every liberals fantasy except for the fact that it will produce cheap energy (bad for the failed "green energy" agenda) and produce wealth & jobs (bad for the "keep people in poverty and beholden to the government plantation" agenda).
Energy companies have had a lot of high profile spills and sundry other disasters in recent years

Those disasters are nothing compared to the disaster Obama and the Dumbocrats have created out of our economy.

This isn't rocket science:

  • Harvest energy to create jobs and drive down costs on it
  • Lower taxes
  • Simplify the tax code with a flat rate and eliminate loopholes
  • Eliminate senseless, costly regulation
  • Simplify necessary regulation and streamline it
Within 6 months, unemployment would be 5% or less. And yet the Dumbocrats do the exact opposite of these simple and proven steps. They raise taxes, increase regulations, and block energy production. It's very clear why. They need to increase the people dependent on government in order to expand their voter base.
Whatever keeps them in power.
How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?

Recognizing the need for more energy supply and more jobs, both Democrats and Republicans expressed support for the Keystone XL pipeline, a $20 billion private-infrastructure investment in the United States. The states through which the pipeline would pass—Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas—would benefit greatly. The six states are collectively projected to receive $5.2 billion in property taxes from TransCanada in the course of the 100-year operating life of the pipeline.

Keystone Pipeline Research Report
Six states are going to make $5.2 billion over 100 years? THIS is your grand Teabagger reasoning for constantly bitching to build the pipeline!? THIS is why you mutts want to go so far as to entirely abolish the EPA and end environmental regulations?? To divide $5b among six states over the next 100 years!? Are you retarded? I mean that literally. What is your IQ?

Recognizing the need for more energy and more jobs:



[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Feasibility of Industrial Hemp Production in the United States Pacific Northwest, SB681
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
Marijuana Timeline | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS
Consultation Document on the Review of the Industrial Hemp Framework
Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario

That's a projected value of "several hundred million" dollars divided every year among all 50 states. Also, take into account the US saving another $20 billion every year by ending the drug war. So which is more now? $20.5b annually over 100 years, or $5.2b total over 100 years?
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How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?

Recognizing the need for more energy supply and more jobs, both Democrats and Republicans expressed support for the Keystone XL pipeline, a $20 billion private-infrastructure investment in the United States. The states through which the pipeline would pass—Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas—would benefit greatly. The six states are collectively projected to receive $5.2 billion in property taxes from TransCanada in the course of the 100-year operating life of the pipeline.

Keystone Pipeline Research Report
Six states are going to make $5.2 billion over 100 years? THIS is your grand Teabagger reasoning for constantly bitching to build the pipeline!? THIS is why you mutts want to go so far as to entirely abolish the EPA and end environmental regulations?? To divide $5b among six states over the next 100 years!? Are you retarded? I mean that literally. What is your IQ?

That's a projected value of "several hundred million" dollars divided every year among all 50 states. Also, take into account the US saving another $20 billion every year by ending the drug war. So which is more now? $20.5b annually over 100 years, or $5.2b total over 100 years?

First of all, come the fuck down junior. Geez...

Second, it's not divided among all 50 states you buffoon, it's divided among 6 states.

Third, why would you assholes block any project which builds public infrastructure with private funds? All you guys ever suggest is "investing in infrastructure" (though sadly that means choo-choo's).

Fourth, why would you assholes block any project which creates tax revenues? Who gives a fuck if it is $5 per year? That's $5 more than you had.

So to recap, the party that has collapsed the world economy and run up $17 trillion in debt won't approve the Keystone Pipeline because it doesn't create "enough" jobs or "enough" tax dollars. So why create any? Now that's some Dumbocrat logic for you... :eusa_doh:
That's a projected value of "several hundred million" dollars divided every year among all 50 states. Also, take into account the US saving another $20 billion every year by ending the drug war. So which is more now? $20.5b annually over 100 years, or $5.2b total over 100 years?

Yeah, and we could prevent unemployment by executing anyone without a job. We could also increase the population when necessary by authorizing the rape of women.

In short, you reject building a pipeline but you support legalizing heinous criminal activity which has a catastrophic impact on society.

Well aren't you just as bright as a broken lightbulb. Typical Dumbocrat
How come there are no links to the actual environmental studies in the linked article? That seems odd. They are touting a study but don't actually link to the study? Things that make you go hmmmm....

Not to mention when the pipeline breaks (which every pipeline does at some point), if it burst over the aquifer in Nebraska, it will have devastating effects on agriculture in the state and our country's economy. I don't trust big oil, thus giving them the land and say "please don't screw it up" is absurd. They must go around it or find some way to fortify the pipe so it won't leak and if it does, have a quick cleanup plan to negate the damage.
How come there are no links to the actual environmental studies in the linked article? That seems odd. They are touting a study but don't actually link to the study? Things that make you go hmmmm....

Not to mention when the pipeline breaks (which every pipeline does at some point), if it burst over the aquifer in Nebraska, it will have devastating effects on agriculture in the state and our country's economy. I don't trust big oil, thus giving them the land and say "please don't screw it up" is absurd. They must go around it or find some way to fortify the pipe so it won't leak and if it does, have a quick cleanup plan to negate the damage.

Well, you people love to regulate corporations out of business. How hard can it be to require certain standards for the pipe and a contingency plan for any spills?

It's no wonder Dumbocrats kill jobs, they consider ever simple issue to be a mountain that is impossible to climb :eusa_doh:

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