Democrats Are Killing Jobs

It's an integral part of fundamental change; breaking us down - Cloward + Piven

Quit being a drama queen, if this thing is such a good idea then you should be able to sell it without a stupid ideological slant. What does it cost in fresh water contamination? How many jobs for how long? Who get's rich? Who gets shafted? And most importantly, what's in it for me? It's a harder sell that way isn't it?

How can you call that "being a drama queen" with a "stupid ideological slant" when Cloward & Piven are real Dumbocrats who devised a real plan to collapse capitalism and who really taught that plan to ignorant liberals at Columbia.

And guess who just happened to attending Columbia during the time Cloward & Piven were pitching their Collapse Capitalism plan? You guessed it - Barack Obama! Let me guess junior, it's all just one giant, massive, huge, statistically impossible, coincidence? :eusa_doh:
How is Obama collapsing capitalism if 95% of financial gains have gone to the richest 1% of the population during Obama's presidency?
It's an integral part of fundamental change; breaking us down - Cloward + Piven

Quit being a drama queen, if this thing is such a good idea then you should be able to sell it without a stupid ideological slant. What does it cost in fresh water contamination? How many jobs for how long? Who get's rich? Who gets shafted? And most importantly, what's in it for me? It's a harder sell that way isn't it?

How can you call that "being a drama queen" with a "stupid ideological slant" when Cloward & Piven are real Dumbocrats who devised a real plan to collapse capitalism and who really taught that plan to ignorant liberals at Columbia.

And guess who just happened to attending Columbia during the time Cloward & Piven were pitching their Collapse Capitalism plan? You guessed it - Barack Obama! Let me guess junior, it's all just one giant, massive, huge, statistically impossible, coincidence? :eusa_doh:
Way to show us all what a real drama queen acts like. Big oil wants this, they suck in all ways it is possible to suck, why should we do what they want? You cannot prove the pipeline will continue to benefit a significant number of people other than the stockholders and speculators after it's built.
How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?

Not sure if it does or even can considering how oil is traded, the pipeline is meant to move crude to port for sale on the world market, not to keep it here for us.

Vintage Dumbocrat insanity here. Keep buying over priced oil from the Middle East because (for some odd reason) they can't imagine us harvesting our own oil and keeping it here. If we do finally harvest it, we must "move it to port to sale to the world market". Seriously, where do you come up with this absurd left-wing propaganda?!?

Even if we just "move it to port to sale to the world market" - that's going to bring enormous wealth to America. Wealth that will create jobs. Wealth that will be taxable for the government parasites you worship, wealth that will be used to invest and create more wealth.

But nope, lefty here thinks people should die homeless and hungry in the streets so that a frigg'n large mouth bass doesn't experience an oil spill (because that happens once every 40,000,000 times)... :eusa_doh:
Quit being a drama queen, if this thing is such a good idea then you should be able to sell it without a stupid ideological slant. What does it cost in fresh water contamination? How many jobs for how long? Who get's rich? Who gets shafted? And most importantly, what's in it for me? It's a harder sell that way isn't it?

How can you call that "being a drama queen" with a "stupid ideological slant" when Cloward & Piven are real Dumbocrats who devised a real plan to collapse capitalism and who really taught that plan to ignorant liberals at Columbia.

And guess who just happened to attending Columbia during the time Cloward & Piven were pitching their Collapse Capitalism plan? You guessed it - Barack Obama! Let me guess junior, it's all just one giant, massive, huge, statistically impossible, coincidence? :eusa_doh:
Way to show us all what a real drama queen acts like. Big oil wants this, they suck in all ways it is possible to suck, why should we do what they want? You cannot prove the pipeline will continue to benefit a significant number of people other than the stockholders and speculators after it's built.

In other words, you can't dispute what was said so you'll just nonsensically cry "drama queen" and pray nobody actually reads what was written...:lol:

We shouldn't do what "big oil" wants - we should do what is good for America. And harvesting our natural energy sources drives down energy prices (so people can actually heat their homes junior), creates an abundance of jobs, and creates an even larger abundance of wealth.

But of course, if we do that, then the masses won't be dependent on the government plantation and Dumbocrats won't - gasp - get elected to control the masses!
We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?

At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?


Sadly it's the Dumbocrats who make that ^ happen because they want those children to grow up beholden to government and thus voting Dumbocrat.

How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?

Will those jobs be filled with locals? One of the great things about a transformer plant in East Texas being built is that the contract was forced to include 85% local fill in wage and salary positions.
It must suck to have a thread fail so miserably.

It must suck to have your ass handed to you so severely in a debate that your left with absolutely nothing of value to add and nothing intelligent to say... :dunno:

To win a debate you have to actually discuss the topic. Remember the pipe thingy?

Then why do you keep changing the topic with nonsense like "it must suck to have a thread fail"?

I do remember that "pipe thingy" - Dumbocrats blocked it to ensure energy prices were sky-high (so they would match Dumbocrat "green energy" prices) and they blocked the jobs that would have come with it to keep people in poverty and dependent on the government plantation.
It must suck to have your ass handed to you so severely in a debate that your left with absolutely nothing of value to add and nothing intelligent to say... :dunno:

To win a debate you have to actually discuss the topic. Remember the pipe thingy?

Then why do you keep changing the topic with nonsense like "it must suck to have a thread fail"?

I do remember that "pipe thingy" - Dumbocrats blocked it to ensure energy prices were sky-high (so they would match Dumbocrat "green energy" prices) and they blocked the jobs that would have come with it to keep people in poverty and dependent on the government plantation.

You are totally clueless on why energy costs what it does, hint: it has nothing to do with supply and demand. If that pipe were already in place gasoline would cost exactly what it does right now.
A new environmental impact statement released Friday said again that the Keystone XL pipeline is safe.

“It finds that the pipeline, a Canada-based project to deliver up to 830,000 barrels of oil per day to Gulf Coast refineries, would pose no significant environmental risk and would not contribute substantially to carbon dioxide emissions,” explained Nicolas Loris, Heritage’s Herbert and Joyce Morgan Fellow.

Will Obama Keep Ignoring Positive Reports on the Keystone Pipeline?
How come there are no links to the actual environmental studies in the linked article? That seems odd. They are touting a study but don't actually link to the study? Things that make you go hmmmm....
To win a debate you have to actually discuss the topic. Remember the pipe thingy?

Then why do you keep changing the topic with nonsense like "it must suck to have a thread fail"?

I do remember that "pipe thingy" - Dumbocrats blocked it to ensure energy prices were sky-high (so they would match Dumbocrat "green energy" prices) and they blocked the jobs that would have come with it to keep people in poverty and dependent on the government plantation.

You are totally clueless on why energy costs what it does, hint: it has nothing to do with supply and demand. If that pipe were already in place gasoline would cost exactly what it does right now.

Talk about clueless... Hint: when GWB opened up the oil reserves, gas prices plummeted you buffoon.

Here is another hint: everything has to do with supply and demand. If you had an over abundance of doctors, healthcare prices would plummet as they competed with each other for business. If you had an over abundance of housing (as we saw in the housing market collapse), home prices DID plummet as banks competed with each other to unload foreclosed homes.

Thank you for illustrating how liberals are completely clueless about basic economics. You guys don't even understand supply & demand because you choose left-wing propaganda over education.
How come there are no links to the actual environmental studies in the linked article? That seems odd. They are touting a study but don't actually link to the study? Things that make you go hmmmm....

Ask and he shall receive (straight from the Obama controlled government website):

Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)

If you prefer the Cliff Note's version:

The State Department concluded in its final environmental assessment issued Friday that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline would be unlikely to alter global greenhouse gas emissions, but officials cautioned that they are still weighing whether the project would meet the test of President Obama’s broader climate strategy.

State Department releases Keystone XL final environmental impact statement - The Washington Post
The private sector has hired at a pretty good clip over the last five years.

In fact..the private sector itself, has made up for all the private sector job losses during the Bush administration.

The problem is public sector jobs..which have not come back.

Also, XL pipeline would not be public infrastructure.

It would be a publicly backed private venture, which, once finished, would add no value, whatsoever to the American economy.

It would not even be owned by an American company.
The real problem here is that people have invested a lot of money in Canadian tar sands and will see a better pay-off with a pipeline. All this talk of jobs and prosperity is just crap they are using to sell this thing. It would make a few new billionaires, put some people to work in temporary jobs, and facilitate the ruination of hundreds of square miles of pristine land and water sources. Presented without all the hype this issue is not a winner, it is more of a question of how far should we go to help make new billionaires who will return our consideration by not paying taxes?
Study Finds Keystone XL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Department Suggests

The study was flawed.

WASHINGTON -- The State Department's final environmental impact analysis for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline downplays the significance the pipeline would have for development of the Canadian tar sands, according to a new analysis from a United Kingdom-based group. The analysis also argues that the State Department underestimated the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that would come with that development.

The Carbon Tracker Initiative, a nonprofit that focuses on how carbon budgets interact with financial markets, released the new report on Monday, making its case for why Keystone XL is more important in the context of global emissions than the State Department's study indicates.

The State Department released the final environmental impact statement, or FEIS, on Jan. 31. That analysis concluded that approval or denial of any specific project to transport oil, including Keystone XL, "remains unlikely to significantly impact the rate of extraction in the oil sands, or the continued demand for heavy crude oil at refineries in the United States."
Study Finds Keystone XL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Department Suggests
Study Finds Keystone XL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Department Suggests

The study was flawed.

WASHINGTON -- The State Department's final environmental impact analysis for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline downplays the significance the pipeline would have for development of the Canadian tar sands, according to a new analysis from a United Kingdom-based group. The analysis also argues that the State Department underestimated the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that would come with that development.

The Carbon Tracker Initiative, a nonprofit that focuses on how carbon budgets interact with financial markets, released the new report on Monday, making its case for why Keystone XL is more important in the context of global emissions than the State Department's study indicates.

The State Department released the final environmental impact statement, or FEIS, on Jan. 31. That analysis concluded that approval or denial of any specific project to transport oil, including Keystone XL, "remains unlikely to significantly impact the rate of extraction in the oil sands, or the continued demand for heavy crude oil at refineries in the United States."
Study Finds Keystone XL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Department Suggests

So you're saying the Obama Administration has been lying to the American people?

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