Democrats Are Killing Jobs

President Obama was on the road this week touting the need for infrastructure jobs, and he’s got the story half right. America does have a gaping infrastructure crisis, but fixing this problem wouldn’t cost a penny of taxpayer dollars, never mind hundreds of billions of dollars added to the debt, so the White House probably won’t be interested.

The infrastructure crisis I’m talking about is the shortage of pipelines across America. This one snuck up on us: The drilling revolution that started so unpredictably about five or six years ago is only accelerating and spreading to nearly half the states across the country. Thanks to fracking, horizontal drilling, and other such innovative breakthroughs that enable us to extract a monumental amount of shale oil and gas, our recoverable energy resources have nearly tripled overnight. And some states like Texas and North Dakota have tripled their production.

But if you visit the drilling sites in Williston, N.D., you discover an amazing phenomenon: At night, this little energy town of fewer than 30,000 people lights up like Manhattan on New Year’s Eve. All these lights are flares burning off the natural gas that was drilled that day. Why on earth would the drillers do that? Because they want oil, which sells at $100 a barrel, as opposed to natural gas, which is now so abundant that it’s cheap.

But why don’t they sell the natural gas too? Because they don’t have the pipeline capacity to bring it to the markets where it’s needed. So they are burning off an energy source, without capturing the power. What a waste.

The pipelines aren’t getting built, simply because the government isn’t letting them get built. It has been an eye-opening experience to watch liberals block an infrastructure project — the Keystone XL pipeline — that two of three Americans (and even a plurality of Democrats) support. Pew had an amazing poll last month reporting that just about every demographic group in America supports the Keystone pipeline, except for Democrats with Ph.D.s and Democrats who earn more than $100,000.

But this problem goes well beyond the Keystone pipeline. We need to build in America a national network of pipelines from coast to coast, much as Eisenhower built the interstate highway system. Unlike the highways, the private sector will gladly build the pipelines; they just need the permits. And Uncle Sam won’t give them out.

We are talking about a lot of jobs here — and really high-paying, often union, jobs. Welders and pipe fitters and construction workers and truckers earn $70,000 or more — well above the median salary in America.

The Future of the Keystone Pipeline

Building infrastructure is "socialism" and Republicans are against "socialism". Epic fail thread.
President Obama was on the road this week touting the need for infrastructure jobs, and he’s got the story half right. America does have a gaping infrastructure crisis, but fixing this problem wouldn’t cost a penny of taxpayer dollars, never mind hundreds of billions of dollars added to the debt, so the White House probably won’t be interested.

The infrastructure crisis I’m talking about is the shortage of pipelines across America. This one snuck up on us: The drilling revolution that started so unpredictably about five or six years ago is only accelerating and spreading to nearly half the states across the country. Thanks to fracking, horizontal drilling, and other such innovative breakthroughs that enable us to extract a monumental amount of shale oil and gas, our recoverable energy resources have nearly tripled overnight. And some states like Texas and North Dakota have tripled their production.

But if you visit the drilling sites in Williston, N.D., you discover an amazing phenomenon: At night, this little energy town of fewer than 30,000 people lights up like Manhattan on New Year’s Eve. All these lights are flares burning off the natural gas that was drilled that day. Why on earth would the drillers do that? Because they want oil, which sells at $100 a barrel, as opposed to natural gas, which is now so abundant that it’s cheap.

But why don’t they sell the natural gas too? Because they don’t have the pipeline capacity to bring it to the markets where it’s needed. So they are burning off an energy source, without capturing the power. What a waste.

The pipelines aren’t getting built, simply because the government isn’t letting them get built. It has been an eye-opening experience to watch liberals block an infrastructure project — the Keystone XL pipeline — that two of three Americans (and even a plurality of Democrats) support. Pew had an amazing poll last month reporting that just about every demographic group in America supports the Keystone pipeline, except for Democrats with Ph.D.s and Democrats who earn more than $100,000.

But this problem goes well beyond the Keystone pipeline. We need to build in America a national network of pipelines from coast to coast, much as Eisenhower built the interstate highway system. Unlike the highways, the private sector will gladly build the pipelines; they just need the permits. And Uncle Sam won’t give them out.

We are talking about a lot of jobs here — and really high-paying, often union, jobs. Welders and pipe fitters and construction workers and truckers earn $70,000 or more — well above the median salary in America.

The Future of the Keystone Pipeline

How many natural-gas pipelines has the government blocked?
Recognizing the need for more energy supply and more jobs, both Democrats and Republicans expressed support for the Keystone XL pipeline, a $20 billion private-infrastructure investment in the United States. The states through which the pipeline would pass—Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas—would benefit greatly. The six states are collectively projected to receive $5.2 billion in property taxes from TransCanada in the course of the 100-year operating life of the pipeline.

Keystone Pipeline Research Report
Six states are going to make $5.2 billion over 100 years? THIS is your grand Teabagger reasoning for constantly bitching to build the pipeline!? THIS is why you mutts want to go so far as to entirely abolish the EPA and end environmental regulations?? To divide $5b among six states over the next 100 years!? Are you retarded? I mean that literally. What is your IQ?

That's a projected value of "several hundred million" dollars divided every year among all 50 states. Also, take into account the US saving another $20 billion every year by ending the drug war. So which is more now? $20.5b annually over 100 years, or $5.2b total over 100 years?

First of all, come the fuck down junior. Geez...
First of all, you're fucking retarded.

Second, it's not divided among all 50 states you buffoon, it's divided among 6 states.
Second, the legalization and mass production of Cannabis Sativa will bring at least $20.5b every year to ALL 50 STATES beginning as soon as it is legalized. That was reported in all of those links that you didn't read. The Keystone XL pipeline, according to your link to the .01%'s Heritage Foundation, will generate $5.2b for only 6 states over the course of the next 100 years. Do you understand the difference? 50 states generating $20.5 billion every year for the next 100 years, or 6 states generating $5.2 billion total over the next 100 years. Is $20.5b more than $5.2b?

Third, why would you assholes block any project which builds public infrastructure with private funds? All you guys ever suggest is "investing in infrastructure" (though sadly that means choo-choo's).
We would block this project because it is a lie. It will benefit the oil companies at the expense of the People and our environment. Yet another pipeline shipping poison across a thousand miles is unnecessary, especially given your generous estimate that it will only make $5b for six states spread out over 100 years. How much per year is $5.2b spread out over 100 years?

Fourth, why would you assholes block any project which creates tax revenues? Who gives a fuck if it is $5 per year? That's $5 more than you had.
Yeah, and as soon as the pipeline ruptures (and it will) because the Teabaggers have killed the EPA and there's no government agency regulating the company which cuts maintenance costs to maximize quarterly profits for the shareholders, it's going to cost everyone a fuck lot more than $5 to clean it up.

So to recap, the party that has collapsed the world economy and run up $17 trillion in debt won't approve the Keystone Pipeline because it doesn't create "enough" jobs or "enough" tax dollars. So why create any? Now that's some Dumbocrat logic for you... :eusa_doh:
Yes, Dumbocrap George W. Bush oversaw the US Federal government during the Liberal financial meltdown of 2007 when wealthy left-wing hippie progressive international bankers screwed the general public out of billions and then demanded public funds to remain in business. You're very fucking smart.
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"One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary"-Ayn Rand
"One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary"-Ayn Rand
Except that corporations don't solve their own problems. Have you heard about GM's recall? They let a problem with their ignitions go since 2001 and so far 13 people are known to have died from that problem.

Is the Teabagger solution to abolish the Transportation Safety Administration and all of those lying leftist consumer advocacy groups who try to impose job-killing regulations on GM's freedom to make profit?
We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?

At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?

Like you care. Conservatives cheered as manufacturing fled this country for cheap slave labor, you have no moral standing to chide anyone on jobs, the homeless or the hungry, none of them matter when it comes time for big business to make a buck or two. Quit treating a narrow corporate issue as a popular issue, it really makes you look like your big oil pimp daddy sent you out to turn another trick.

Are you kidding? Conservatives cheer jobs moving offshore? How? Cheap labor means sub quality products and services. Off shoring jobs is an economic reaction to policies that result in high corporate taxes, increased regulation, increased legal liability. Nothing wrong with taxes, regulation, and legal liability until their comparative levels vs. other economies results in lost jobs. It's economics not ideology.
"One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary"-Ayn Rand
Except that corporations don't solve their own problems. Have you heard about GM's recall? They let a problem with their ignitions go since 2001 and so far 13 people are known to have died from that problem.

Is the Teabagger solution to abolish the Transportation Safety Administration and all of those lying leftist consumer advocacy groups who try to impose job-killing regulations on GM's freedom to make profit?

A whole 13 people [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION]?!? Really? Oh my gosh!!! Well thank God we have the government. I mean, when LBJ instructed his military to conduct the false flag operation known as the Gulf of Tonkin so that he could justify invading Vietnam, over 58,000 Americans were killed. And these were not Americans who signed up - they were drafted by the government you worship and forced to go die.

You're such a fuck'n ignorant buffoon. The U.S. government kills more people in one month than all corporations in the history of the world combined have. They also experience more corruption in an hour than all corporations in the history of the world combined have.

You know the big difference though? Corporations hold no power over the people. I don't have to do business with McDonald's. I can tell them to go fuck themselves any time I want. Try doing that with the IRS junior (hint - a man with a gun will show up at your house). Thank you for illustrating how ignorant and naïve you are. We all now understand why you are a Dumbocrat.
"One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary"-Ayn Rand
Except that corporations don't solve their own problems. Have you heard about GM's recall? They let a problem with their ignitions go since 2001 and so far 13 people are known to have died from that problem.

Is the Teabagger solution to abolish the Transportation Safety Administration and all of those lying leftist consumer advocacy groups who try to impose job-killing regulations on GM's freedom to make profit?

Or how about the Tuskegee Experiments KNB? Another heinous, unethical, and illegal experiment on unaware people under Dumbocrat leadership where black people (the race Dumbocrats have always hated the most) were told they were getting "free healthcare" (gee, where have I heard that recently) and were instead injected with syphillis so Dumbocrats could see what would happen while working towards eliminating the people they hate the most.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment

CDC - NCHHSTP - Tuskegee Study - Timeline
Yeah, and as soon as the pipeline ruptures (and it will) because the Teabaggers have killed the EPA and there's no government agency regulating the company which cuts maintenance costs to maximize quarterly profits for the shareholders, it's going to cost everyone a fuck lot more than $5 to clean it up.

Oh, you mean this EPA? Gee, I would hate to "kill" this EPA KNB because I wouldn't want to interfere with them killing children. Keep worshipping government you naïve, ignorant fuck. Keep viewing the biggest crooks, biggest thieves, and most unethical bastards as pure, altruistic entities of goodness. And oh yeah, this also took place under another Dumbocrat-controlled federal government - the Obama Administration:

EPA Forced Children To Inhale Cancer-Causing Diesel Pollutants As Part Of Heinous Government Experiments

(NaturalNews) The U.S. government intentionally subjected children and adults to bizarre medical experiments that required them to inhale diesel pollutants known to contain cancer-causing chemicals. The experiments involved collecting diesel fumes from idling diesel trucks, then piping those fumes into enclosed chambers where U.S. test subjects were required to breathe them for hours at a time.

The EPA conducted these experiments on children and sick people(1), specifically choosing test subjects with metabolic syndrome and asthma, then securing them in bizarre "pollution containment rooms" to make sure they inhaled the cancer-causing particles. (See photo below.)

EPA forced children to inhale cancer-causing diesel pollutants as part of heinous government experiments
Yeah, and as soon as the pipeline ruptures (and it will) because the Teabaggers have killed the EPA and there's no government agency regulating the company which cuts maintenance costs to maximize quarterly profits for the shareholders, it's going to cost everyone a fuck lot more than $5 to clean it up.

Yeah, we definitely don't want the Tea Party to return Constitutional government and "kill" the EPA because who would run all of the unethical experiments to kill and black people?!?

This is the government that liberals worship, praise, defend, and crave more of. Besides being unconstitutional/ilegal, inept and incompetent, oppressive, and $17 trillion in debt, it is also immoral...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency failed to disclose cancer risks to volunteers used in research studies on harmful pollutants, a government watchdog says.

The EPA, which warns of dangers from diesel exhaust and tiny particles in its rules to cut pollution, recruited people for tests on those pollutants in 2010 and 2011. Consent forms they got didn’t mention cancer because the agency considered the risks minimal from short-term exposure, the agency’s Office of Inspector General said in a report yesterday.

“When justifying a job-killing regulation, EPA argues exposure to particulate matter is deadly, but when they are conducting experiments, they say human exposure studies are not harmful,” Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter said in a statement, reacting to the report.

EPA Failed to Disclose Cancer Risk to People in Studies - Bloomberg
At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?

Like you care. Conservatives cheered as manufacturing fled this country for cheap slave labor, you have no moral standing to chide anyone on jobs, the homeless or the hungry, none of them matter when it comes time for big business to make a buck or two. Quit treating a narrow corporate issue as a popular issue, it really makes you look like your big oil pimp daddy sent you out to turn another trick.

Are you kidding? Conservatives cheer jobs moving offshore? How? Cheap labor means sub quality products and services. Off shoring jobs is an economic reaction to policies that result in high corporate taxes, increased regulation, increased legal liability. Nothing wrong with taxes, regulation, and legal liability until their comparative levels vs. other economies results in lost jobs. It's economics not ideology.

That's just it - Dumbocrats force jobs overseas and then lie and claim conservatives "cheer about it".

There is one idiot on USMB (self-professed communist JoeB) who literally says in every thread "fuck 'em - tax them to death". Well, that's literally what greedy, lazy Dumbocrats have done. So corporations have said "fuck 'em" (the U.S.) and taken their jobs somewhere where they are appreciated.

As usual, Dumbocrats create the problem and then cry the loudest about the problem they created.
"One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary"-Ayn Rand
Except that corporations don't solve their own problems. Have you heard about GM's recall? They let a problem with their ignitions go since 2001 and so far 13 people are known to have died from that problem.

Is the Teabagger solution to abolish the Transportation Safety Administration and all of those lying leftist consumer advocacy groups who try to impose job-killing regulations on GM's freedom to make profit?

The % of those that can't solve their problems is miniscule. New, better companies will emerge, so long as the market is left free.
In a truly free market only those who can compete will endure, as it should be. No subsidies, courtesy of the gov. looting the taxpayers, are proper.
"One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary"-Ayn Rand
Except that corporations don't solve their own problems. Have you heard about GM's recall? They let a problem with their ignitions go since 2001 and so far 13 people are known to have died from that problem.

Is the Teabagger solution to abolish the Transportation Safety Administration and all of those lying leftist consumer advocacy groups who try to impose job-killing regulations on GM's freedom to make profit?

A whole 13 people [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION]?!? Really? Oh my gosh!!! Well thank God we have the government. I mean, when LBJ instructed his military to conduct the false flag operation known as the Gulf of Tonkin so that he could justify invading Vietnam, over 58,000 Americans were killed. And these were not Americans who signed up - they were drafted by the government you worship and forced to go die.
I shouldn't bother to respond to this because God damn, man. That was some stupid shit. You just made the internet retarded.

Where to start? How about your pro-life Christian callousness toward 13 different grieving families who wouldn't have to grieve if GM did the right thing? Why didn't GM do the right thing? "It was not cost-effective". GM said it would cost too much money to fix the $.60 ignition switch problem so they let it continue and people died. GM, mutli-million dollar company, let their paying customers die because it would cost too much money to pay a mechanic to put in a better ignition switch. Americans died. This was recently. And you jump from that to Vietnam and claim that I support the Vietnam war, President Johnson, and the military draft?

Are you serious? I've said repeatedly that Americans who agreed to grow "Marihuana" during World War II were waived from the draft, including their sons who were needed to help work on the hemp farms. I've said repeatedly that if this program had been reinstated during the Vietnam war then long-haired, peace-loving, pot-smoking hippies would not have had to burn their draft cards because they would have avoided the draft by growing hemp for the war effort. They wouldn't have been called "traitors" as they were. They would have been called "patriots" as their parents' generation were called just twenty years prior. Get it? 1945: Grow Cannabis and you won't be drafted. 1965: Cannabis is illegal and people had to be drafted. We won World War II. We lost Vietnam. Does it sound like I support the Vietnam war?
"One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary"-Ayn Rand
Except that corporations don't solve their own problems. Have you heard about GM's recall? They let a problem with their ignitions go since 2001 and so far 13 people are known to have died from that problem.

Is the Teabagger solution to abolish the Transportation Safety Administration and all of those lying leftist consumer advocacy groups who try to impose job-killing regulations on GM's freedom to make profit?

The % of those that can't solve their problems is miniscule. New, better companies will emerge, so long as the market is left free.
And why Deregulation, Decreasing TAXES is so important. The Jackboot of the Imperial FED must be gotten off the necks of American Business.
Except that corporations don't solve their own problems. Have you heard about GM's recall? They let a problem with their ignitions go since 2001 and so far 13 people are known to have died from that problem.

Is the Teabagger solution to abolish the Transportation Safety Administration and all of those lying leftist consumer advocacy groups who try to impose job-killing regulations on GM's freedom to make profit?

A whole 13 people [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION]?!? Really? Oh my gosh!!! Well thank God we have the government. I mean, when LBJ instructed his military to conduct the false flag operation known as the Gulf of Tonkin so that he could justify invading Vietnam, over 58,000 Americans were killed. And these were not Americans who signed up - they were drafted by the government you worship and forced to go die.
I shouldn't bother to respond to this because God damn, man. That was some stupid shit. You just made the internet retarded.

Where to start? How about your pro-life Christian callousness toward 13 different grieving families who wouldn't have to grieve if GM did the right thing? Why didn't GM do the right thing? "It was not cost-effective". GM said it would cost too much money to fix the $.60 ignition switch problem so they let it continue and people died. GM, mutli-million dollar company, let their paying customers die because it would cost too much money to pay a mechanic to put in a better ignition switch. Americans died. This was recently. And you jump from that to Vietnam and claim that I support the Vietnam war, President Johnson, and the military draft?

Are you serious? I've said repeatedly that Americans who agreed to grow "Marihuana" during World War II were waived from the draft, including their sons who were needed to help work on the hemp farms. I've said repeatedly that if this program had been reinstated during the Vietnam war then long-haired, peace-loving, pot-smoking hippies would not have had to burn their draft cards because they would have avoided the draft by growing hemp for the war effort. They wouldn't have been called "traitors" as they were. They would have been called "patriots" as their parents' generation were called just twenty years prior. Get it? 1945: Grow Cannabis and you won't be drafted. 1965: Cannabis is illegal and people had to be drafted. We won World War II. We lost Vietnam. Does it sound like I support the Vietnam war?

Talk about "stupid"... where did I say you supported the Vietnam war? I said you support and worship the government which kills more people in an hour than GM has in its entire existance. And yet you excuse every repulsive, criminal act by the government you worship while bashing private industry.

13 people vs. over 58,000 people

Only a Dumbocrat could cry about the 13... :eusa_doh:

By the way, I noticed you were conspicuously silent on our Dumbocrat-controlled government giving black people syphillus while LYING to them that they were providing free healthcare.
A whole 13 people [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION]?!? Really? Oh my gosh!!! Well thank God we have the government. I mean, when LBJ instructed his military to conduct the false flag operation known as the Gulf of Tonkin so that he could justify invading Vietnam, over 58,000 Americans were killed. And these were not Americans who signed up - they were drafted by the government you worship and forced to go die.
I shouldn't bother to respond to this because God damn, man. That was some stupid shit. You just made the internet retarded.

Where to start? How about your pro-life Christian callousness toward 13 different grieving families who wouldn't have to grieve if GM did the right thing? Why didn't GM do the right thing? "It was not cost-effective". GM said it would cost too much money to fix the $.60 ignition switch problem so they let it continue and people died. GM, mutli-million dollar company, let their paying customers die because it would cost too much money to pay a mechanic to put in a better ignition switch. Americans died. This was recently. And you jump from that to Vietnam and claim that I support the Vietnam war, President Johnson, and the military draft?

Are you serious? I've said repeatedly that Americans who agreed to grow "Marihuana" during World War II were waived from the draft, including their sons who were needed to help work on the hemp farms. I've said repeatedly that if this program had been reinstated during the Vietnam war then long-haired, peace-loving, pot-smoking hippies would not have had to burn their draft cards because they would have avoided the draft by growing hemp for the war effort. They wouldn't have been called "traitors" as they were. They would have been called "patriots" as their parents' generation were called just twenty years prior. Get it? 1945: Grow Cannabis and you won't be drafted. 1965: Cannabis is illegal and people had to be drafted. We won World War II. We lost Vietnam. Does it sound like I support the Vietnam war?

Talk about "stupid"... where did I say you supported the Vietnam war? I said you support and worship the government which kills more people in an hour than GM has in its entire existance. And yet you excuse every repulsive, criminal act by the government you worship while bashing private industry.

13 people vs. over 58,000 people

Only a Dumbocrat could cry about the 13... :eusa_doh:

By the way, I noticed you were conspicuously silent on our Dumbocrat-controlled government giving black people syphillus while LYING to them that they were providing free healthcare.
Where do you get the idea that I worship the government? What have I written that makes you think that I support either major political party or the controlling interests of global affairs?

The US government has had its hand in genocide- the planned extermination of the indigenous North American population. This country engaged in the systematic removal and replacement of an entire continent of people through political, financial and martial means. And now today this country has more prisoners than any other because marijuana was outlawed again after being legalized to protect our freedom in WWII. Why would I support this lie?
It's amazing that Obama is blocking jobs, infrastructure, tax revenue, and cheap energy to ensure high gas prices for his "green" agenda...

  1. Jobs and economic growth. Opponents will minimize the job numbers, saying that the pipeline will create only “a handful” of permanent jobs—and that’s correct. But that argument also dismisses the tens of thousands of construction jobs that the pipeline project will create. In fact, simply building the southern portion—which didn’t need President Obama’s approval—has already created 4,000 construction jobs. Keystone XL also will add economic value, and will result in billions of dollars of tax revenue for states it runs through.

  2. Can be built without the help of the taxpayer. Building and operating Keystone XL will result in real private-sector jobs that will grow the U.S. economy. This is much different from the president’s taxpayer-funded green jobs plan that merely siphons resources out of the market and forces pricier energy on the American public.

  3. Safest mode of getting oil and gas to Americans. Many in the United States live near a pipeline without even knowing about it. America has more than 500,000 miles of crude oil, petroleum and natural gas pipelines and another 2 million miles of natural gas distribution pipelines. When it comes to accidents, injuries or fatalities, pipelines are the safest mode of transporting oil and gas.

  4. Environmentally safe. It was Albert Einstein who said the definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The State Department must be teetering on the edge of insanity, because after multiple environmental reviews concluding that Keystone XL poses minimal environmental risk to soil, wetlands, water resources, vegetation, fish, and wildlife, we’re still without a pipeline.

  5. Negligible climate impact. In a speech last June, Obama said the climate effects of Keystone XL would have an impact on the administration’s ultimate decision. These effects, however, would be minimal. The State Department’s final environmental impact statement concludes that the Canadian oil is coming out of the ground whether Keystone XL is built or not, so the difference in greenhouse gas emissions is miniscule.

  6. Stable supply of oil from an important trading partner. The pipeline would carry up to 830,000 barrels of oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast, where U.S. refineries are already equipped to handle heavier crudes. The pipeline will efficiently provide supply from a secure source and a friendly and important trading partner.

  7. The people want it. Lots of people want it. A new Rasmussen poll shows that 61 percent of the American public favor building the pipeline. Many unions want it. When Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and was asked about the pipeline approval, she answered, “We are inclined to do so.” Former Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar called the project a “win-win.” These comments put Salazar in the company of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
It was former Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu who said it most accurately: “The decision on whether the construction should happen was a political one and not a scientific one.” It’s time to stop politicizing and start building.

7 Reasons Nothing Should Stand in the Way of the Keystone XL Pipeline
In his State of the Union address earlier this year, President Obama vowed to wield his executive powers when faced with congressional resistance to his legislative agenda: “America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation … that’s what I am going to do.”

This provocative declaration was startling in its bluntness, but it was hardly a new development. For the last five years, the president has aggressively exploited regulation to get his way. In fact, the Obama administration is very likely the most regulatory in history, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually.

But even this substantial figure is seriously understated. A dismaying number of regulations undergo no cost-benefit analysis. And bureaucrats also have a penchant for downplaying the costs of their initiatives.

A Wall of Red Tape

Worried about how much things cost huh? Which, i guess, is why the right support the massive corruption and bureaucracy in the healthcare system that adds billions to what people have to pay per year.

Seems when they spend on something you don't like, it's bad, when they spend on corruption and putting into the pockets of rich people (who spend the money telling you how great it is) you love it.

Reading comprehension junior. I didn't say Barack Obama, I said the Obama Administration.

(Note - please have a parent or teacher read this to you so you can understand what was written and respond appropriately).

actually you should have said REGIME !! :up:

no mater who or how many people read this to him he still would not grasp the importance of the subject. :up:

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