Democrats are lying about the border bill Trump & other Republicans rejected

Unraveling Misinformation About Bipartisan Immigration Bill​

Does Not ‘Accept’ 5,000 Illegal Immigrants a Day

The bill stated that temporary border emergency authority would be automatically activated by the Department of Homeland Security secretary if there is an average of 5,000 or more migrant encounters a day over seven consecutive days — or if there are 8,500 or more such encounters on any single day. In December — according to the latest data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection — there was an average of more than 8,000 encounters a day of migrants who crossed the border illegally between points of entry.

“It’s not that the first 5,000 [migrants encountered at the border] are released, that’s ridiculous,” Lankford said on the Senate floor. “The first 5,000 we detain, we screen and then we deport. If we get above 5,000, we just detain and deport.”
Multiple sources said that the use of that authority would be mandated only if there was a 7-day rolling average of above 5,000 encounters a day.

The dumbass stuff those elite dims come up with!

they think we are all retarded

think they can pull a fast one on us and we won't notice. But really, only the no- and low-info voters are fooled. Unfortunately there appear to be MANY of those. They shouldn't vote but of course they do. :mad:

At this site, we find the bill explained. I am still reading through this particular article, but I have already had it explained somewhat by conservative news commentators (mostly Fox News)

The "politics is God" elite Ds are using the failure of this bill (which even Ds voted against, thank God) to say that Trump could have supported the bill and done something about the border, but he didn't, he's just using the border crisis as a political football (my word).

That's the Ds for ya... always lying their asses off, doing and saying whatever they have to in order to gain or maintain power, their God.
How do you determine what's true and what's not true?

I'm asking because I saw on the national evening news that senate Republicans "in concert" voted to block the bill at the bequest of Trump. I've read several news stories that state the same thing and if I recall correctly, it seems I heard Trump admit himself that he persuaded them to do so.

Then there is this: Trump Privately Pressuring GOP Senators To ‘Kill’ Border Deal To Deny Biden A Win

Trump Privately Pressuring GOP Senators To ‘Kill’ Border Deal To Deny Biden A Win​

The former president is telling Republicans he "doesn't want Biden to have a victory" in 2024, said a source familiar with the bipartisan negotiations.​
Jan 24, 2024, 07:38 PM EST​

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump on Wednesday privately pressured Senate Republicans to “kill” a bipartisan deal to secure the U.S. border because he doesn’t want President Joe Biden to chalk up a win ahead of the 2024 presidential election, according to a source familiar with the tenuous negotiations on the package.
Trump directly reached out to several GOP senators on Wednesday to tell them to reject any deal, said this source, who requested anonymity to speak freely. The GOP presidential frontrunner also personally reached out to some Senate Republicans over the weekend, the source told HuffPost.​
“Trump wants them to kill it because he doesn’t want Biden to have a victory,” said the source. “He told them he will fix the border when he is president… He said he only wants the perfect deal.”​
Trump’s meddling generated an “emotional” discussion in a closed door meeting between Senate Republicans on Wednesday, as senators vented their frustrations for hours about the largely secret negotiations over emergency aid for Ukraine, Israel and immigration. The conference is splintering into two camps: those who believe Republicans should take the deal, and those who are opposed at any cost.​
“The rational Republicans want the deal because they want Ukraine and Israel and an actual border solution,” said the source. “But the others are afraid of Trump, or they’re the chaos caucus who never wants to pass anything.”​
“They’re having a little crisis in their conference right now,” the source added​
It was nthing but an Amnesty Bill. It sucked
Did you hear about the DOJ in Alabama having to sue to get 4000 illegals removed from VOTING rolls?

I'm pretty sure I got that right. I do CCs but I am pretty sure I got that right.. just not sure if it was the DOJ who wanted them on the rolls or whether it was the DOJ fighting to get them off.. but I think the doj there is fighting to get them off, and of course he (she?) shouldn't have to fight for that in court.. sick world we live in
How do you determine what's true and what's not true?

I'm asking because I saw on the national evening news that senate Republicans "in concert" voted to block the bill at the bequest of Trump. I've read several news stories that state the same thing and if I recall correctly, it seems I heard Trump admit himself that he persuaded them to do so.
You obviously did not read the material in the OP

well, maybe when you read it, I will read your clueless sounding posts..
It did NOT “allow 5,000 illegals per day to enter”. That is a LIE.

It shuts down the border if that many either cross or apply for entry
The administration CAN shut down the border if an average of 4,000 is reached. It MUST shut down the border if 5,000 is reached

And it severely restricts who can successfully claim asylum

But nope. Trump killed it
The administration CAN shut down the border if an average of 4,000 is reached. It MUST shut down the border if 5,000 is reached

And it severely restricts who can successfully claim asylum

But nope. Trump killed it
LOL Why do you believe Harris when she says she'll get the bill passed if elected when Dems have already voted it down?

At this site, we find the bill explained. I am still reading through this particular article, but I have already had it explained somewhat by conservative news commentators (mostly Fox News)

The "politics is God" elite Ds are using the failure of this bill (which even Ds voted against, thank God) to say that Trump could have supported the bill and done something about the border, but he didn't, he's just using the border crisis as a political football (my word).

That's the Ds for ya... always lying their asses off, doing and saying whatever they have to in order to gain or maintain power, their God.
EVERY Kamala ad is a pack of lies or "Roses and Rainbows" fluff. You have to be logically challenged to support Kamala for President.
Didn't Trump run on the platform of not being a politician and that he was going to do things differently than the same-old-same-old?

Well we saw what Trump brought to the table during his last presidency and even though I don't agree with your assessment of Vice President Harris's ads as "a pack of lies" or "Roses and Rainbows", she is still heads & shoulders above Trump in terms of character, intelligence, knowledge & political suave.

She is the better candidate for MOST Americans, including those who don't support her unlike Trump who has a hit list of individuals and groups he intends to harm once he's in office.

If you don't understand why most people find the knowledge of those intentions repulsive to say the least, I'm not sure what else can be said.
The administration CAN shut down the border if an average of 4,000 is reached. It MUST shut down the border if 5,000 is reached

And it severely restricts who can successfully claim asylum

But nope. Trump killed it

Thank you President Trump.

At this site, we find the bill explained. I am still reading through this particular article, but I have already had it explained somewhat by conservative news commentators (mostly Fox News)

The "politics is God" elite Ds are using the failure of this bill (which even Ds voted against, thank God) to say that Trump could have supported the bill and done something about the border, but he didn't, he's just using the border crisis as a political football (my word).

That's the Ds for ya... always lying their asses off, doing and saying whatever they have to in order to gain or maintain power, their God.
It's okay/

We'll help you when your insanity become manageable.

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