Democrats Are Proving How Easy It Is To Establish A New Nazi Party Or Communist Party In America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you believe what is being said on "The View" or think it's okay for ABC to rig the debate, then you are just like German Nazi Party members in 1930.

You have bought into the establishment narrative. I've actually seen members here at USMB complain about the presentation of facts describing them as "Changing The Narative", as if that is a defense for ignoring the truth.

The latest example is the Democrats insistence that despite testimony by locals in Ohio that Haitians are eating ducks, dogs, cats, pigs, and anything they can get their hands on, they refuse to admit that it's going on. The Dems know their goose is cooked if most of America believes that your kitty or your pooch has to be kept indoors because many of the Dem's new voters might put them on their barbie. It just comes down to who you want to believe. Dozens of residents have seen Haitians eating cats and dogs, but all it takes is one single resident who claims they've never seen it actually happen to convince Democrat Party members that it's not really happening.

It's bad enough that these migrants are raping our they're eating our pets. Democrats will swear on a stack of Korans that it's not happening. But truth is it's a dirty little secret that everyone is talking about. The truth is we cannot trust anything our media tells us and we especially cannot trust a word any Democrat says.

Democrats call MAGA a cult, but isn't a cult filled with groups of people who blindly follow a leader that they trust but continues to lie to them about reality.

Hear me now and believe me later. Don't buck the system. Follow the Narrative and don't question the corrupt media. MAGA is filled with violent people who never seem to get violent. However the left is literally filled with disturbed, violent individuals that are a threat to everyone around them.

Cult members don't learn from experience. They keep making the same mistakes over and over choosing to trust people who have been lying to them for 8 years about Russian Collusion. If you tell them the truth they just dismiss it as fake news because the truth bothers them too much to listen to.

They tell us that it's Trump's fault that their followers are trying to murder him. After's not Trump's words that are violent, it's his existence.
The fact that he exists is what bothers them the most.

They've called him every name in the book and when it blows up in their faces they immediately say "Hey.....I think both sides need to turn down the violent rhetoric". Rhetoric that seems to be one-sided.

These are the same people who said as long as you got vaccinated every time they wanted, you would never catch COVID. But now the only people catching it are the vaccinated. They actually had folks that wanted to either kill or imprison the unvaccinated. Now they're having problems keeping our airlines running because pilots who were mandated to get vaccinated are coming down with serious heart conditions.
Here's more of the left's nasty rhetoric. He's calling veterans a threat to our security.....and bawling like a baby in an attempt to virtue-signal.
He says there are 40 million possible threats out there. Veterans are a threat to this guy.

This is what limousine liberals consider to be a threat in this country. Not millions of illegals who are taking over our country. VETERANS who served their country with honor and in some cases distinction.

If you believe what is being said on "The View" or think it's okay for ABC to rig the debate, then you are just like German Nazi Party members in 1930.
ABC didn't rig the debate.

Trump was tricked into trying to talk about subjects that aren't on his agenda.

Has he baited Kamala into talking about how everything is 'very, very beautiful', she would have had no answers.
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If you believe what is being said on "The View" or think it's okay for ABC to rig the debate, then you are just like German Nazi Party members in 1930.

You have bought into the establishment narrative. I've actually seen members here at USMB complain about the presentation of facts describing them as "Changing The Narative", as if that is a defense for ignoring the truth.

The latest example is the Democrats insistence that despite testimony by locals in Ohio that Haitians are eating ducks, dogs, cats, pigs, and anything they can get their hands on, they refuse to admit that it's going on. The Dems know their goose is cooked if most of America believes that your kitty or your pooch has to be kept indoors because many of the Dem's new voters might put them on their barbie. It just comes down to who you want to believe. Dozens of residents have seen Haitians eating cats and dogs, but all it takes is one single resident who claims they've never seen it actually happen to convince Democrat Party members that it's not really happening.

It's bad enough that these migrants are raping our they're eating our pets. Democrats will swear on a stack of Korans that it's not happening. But truth is it's a dirty little secret that everyone is talking about. The truth is we cannot trust anything our media tells us and we especially cannot trust a word any Democrat says.

Democrats call MAGA a cult, but isn't a cult filled with groups of people who blindly follow a leader that they trust but continues to lie to them about reality.

Hear me now and believe me later. Don't buck the system. Follow the Narrative and don't question the corrupt media. MAGA is filled with violent people who never seem to get violent. However the left is literally filled with disturbed, violent individuals that are a threat to everyone around them.

Cult members don't learn from experience. They keep making the same mistakes over and over choosing to trust people who have been lying to them for 8 years about Russian Collusion. If you tell them the truth they just dismiss it as fake news because the truth bothers them too much to listen to.

They tell us that it's Trump's fault that their followers are trying to murder him. After's not Trump's words that are violent, it's his existence.
The fact that he exists is what bothers them the most.

They've called him every name in the book and when it blows up in their faces they immediately say "Hey.....I think both sides need to turn down the violent rhetoric". Rhetoric that seems to be one-sided.

These are the same people who said as long as you got vaccinated every time they wanted, you would never catch COVID. But now the only people catching it are the vaccinated. They actually had folks that wanted to either kill or imprison the unvaccinated. Now they're having problems keeping our airlines running because pilots who were mandated to get vaccinated are coming down with serious heart conditions.

ABC didn't rig the debate.

Trump was tricked into trying to talk about subjects that aren't on his agenda.

Has he baited Kamala into talking about how everything is 'very, very beautiful', she would have had no answers.
It's clear that ABC rigged the debate.

Anyone who isn't a total hack could see it was.

Several of the so-called fact-checks that mods pulled on Trump proved to be outright lies.

Truth is....if you want the unvarnished need to go to foreign media sources to get it.

It's clear that ABC rigged the debate.
You could be right! They should have stuck to Trump's agenda on it being a 'very, very beautiful' thing. They deliberately made it complicated and about issues that aren't important.

That had the desired effect of Kamala being able to shrink his penis with woman words. fkn whore.
You could be right! They should have stuck to Trump's agenda on it being a 'very, very beautiful' thing. They deliberately made it complicated and about issues that aren't important.

That had the desired effect of Kamala being able to shrink his penis with woman words. fkn whore.
One of the obvious indications was the fact that Kamala refused to debate Trump on Fox News yet gave the exclusive right to conduct the debate to ABC, and even, as has been reported, submitted to ABC the only questions they were allowed to ask.

No wonder Kamala acted so smug and rude during the debate. She knew that she wasn't going to be fact-checked, but she knew ahead of time that Trump would be fact-checked on the spot by mods who obviously sided with Kamala on her answers, and outright refused to do follow-up questions to call her on her fabrications. Like her claims that no active-duty troops were in hostile-fire zones. Or the claim by Kamala that there were zero states that allowed abortions into the 3rd trimester, knowing there are currently 8 that do and one that actually allows the killing of a fetus after birth.

They never asked her about the border. They allowed her to get away with dodging the question about the economy.
C'mon, hardly anybody is taking the dog and cat dinners seriously. Trump has already claimed he wasn't serious.
Haven't you ever tried kitty chow mein?
Nonsense. Trump got the idea from watching city council testimony.

He didn't just make it up.

And I know personally that these migrants tend to eat pets.

I had a Vietnamese family living down the street from me that was eating cats and dogs.

They would keep the poor things in cages out back and we liked to go at night and rescue them.

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