Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War

The way to set up a Fascist Government is to have the backing of the Capitalist Elites.

So capitalists would support a dictatorial regime that would tell them what they can and cannot do with their own business?
...the Rumpsters that are asked why they support Rump and they can't really come up wiith a coherent complete sentence as to why?

Easy. Trump advocates policies that are better for the standard of living of average Americans.
Amen to that. Zion Don is a far cry from Candidate Trump.

I take it that you're no fan of Jews or of Israel.
Right you are.

You serve Satan well! He is most pleased with you!
You know who serves him even better? Christ killers.

So you are guilty of the crimes of your brothers too then, right?
I’m sure I’m guilty of plenty of crimes. But nailing the son of god to a cross, or attacking a US naval vessel killing dozens of sailors, or selling state secrets to China, or spying on the US are not among the crimes of which I am guilty. Also, I do not cost the United States almost 4,000,000,000 a year in taxpayer dollars.
I take it that you're no fan of Jews or of Israel.
Right you are.

You serve Satan well! He is most pleased with you!
You know who serves him even better? Christ killers.

So you are guilty of the crimes of your brothers too then, right?
I’m sure I’m guilty of plenty of crimes. But nailing the son of god to a cross, or attacking a US naval vessel killing dozens of sailors, or selling state secrets to China, or spying on the US are not among the crimes of which I am guilty. Also, I do not cost the United States almost 4,000,000,000 a year in taxpayer dollars.

Are you a white nationalist or supremacist?
The way to set up a Fascist Government is to have the backing of the Capitalist Elites.

So capitalists would support a dictatorial regime that would tell them what they can and cannot do with their own business?

Again, you are seeing Germany and Italy on war economy footing. Before they both went into their take over the neighborhood programs, they heavily supported the Corporate Elites because that is how both got into power. I suggest you take a look, at the fascist Spain that exists even today. Or since the US did the same in 1942, does that make the US a Fascist Country as well when it went into a War Economy? History is not your strong suit.
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.

Bottom Line: The Left has abandoned all American traditions, morals, values and decency. They are a mob of socialist, faggots, atheists and baby-killers. Decent people want nothing to do with them. The Civil War is between Good (The Right) and Evil (The Left)

Have another 5 liter IV drip of Kool-Aid on me.
You are the one that seems to have some anger issues here. I suggest you seek therapy.

Anger issues? I'm enjoying watching the snowflakes melt down :)

Everything they try not only fails...but it backfires on them. It's like watching a flippin' roadrunner cartoon :)

Anybody else think I am the angry one???
No such thing as a non-angry Trumpbot.

If only they could be rounded up and sterilized after Trump loses in 2020.
OK, that's too rough.
How about dozens and dozens of cult rehab centers from coast to coast?
Where they can all be de-programmed and rehabbed into normal functioning humans.
The way to set up a Fascist Government is to have the backing of the Capitalist Elites.

So capitalists would support a dictatorial regime that would tell them what they can and cannot do with their own business?

Again, you are seeing Germany and Italy on war economy footing. Before they both went into their take over the neighborhood programs, they heavily supported the Corporate Elites because that is how both got into power. I suggest you take a look, at the fascist Spain that exists even today. Or since the US did the same in 1942, does that make the US a Fascist Country as well when it went into a War Economy? History is not your strong suit.

With or without war, fascism dictates to private business. Why are you unable to accept this truth?
Yes that has been traditionally true, but Trump is even less compromising than the Dems.

Basically this nation is f*cked because of the Koshie Bolshies.

Trump has shown unwillingness to follow through with most of the promises that got him elected in the first place. I don't remember increased legal immigration, Saudi arms deals, and promotion of LGBT rights in Botswana being part of his platform but that's what we're getting.

You are right. He promised the "Wall" only to learn that it can't be done. But he has his dimwitted cult members believing that it's the "Democrats" that are blocking it. Meanwhile, not one inch of new wall or security fence construction has been started even though it's already been funded. He is now learning that other methods need to be used as well. But meanwhile, he tells you that the Democrats want completely open borders even though they have been pushing for the additional methods all along.

Then there is the Illegal Immigrants and his plans for that can't be done either. Not because it's the Democrats fault but because the plan is flawed. Democrats have not blocked common sense immigration laws. They have tried to get more border patrols, listening devices, security fencing, drones, and more all along. Guess what, according to Rump all that is his idea and his alone. Actually, the Wall, Security Fence, drones, listening devices, increase in border patrol plus the increase in Immigration Lawyers and Judges are in a current law dated 2006 almost unanimous by both houses of congress and signed into law by President Bush, Jr. But according to you, it's all Rumps idea. He's fouled the whole thing up.

I could go on but why bother. the Party of the Rump will just call it fake news. Rump is a fake and that ain't news.
Don't you love the :290968001256257790-final:s that keep hammering away about how great the great Rump is?

Partisan republicans annoy a partisan democrat, go figure.

Present a real Conservative Republican you probably will have my vote. But it appears there aren't enough of them getting to the top of the heap to even mention. To you, if you don't support Rump, you can't be a conservative Republican. it's no longer the Republican Party. It's the Party of the Rump.
What exactly constitutes a, “conservative republican?”

A rare bird, a pre-Obama creature that went batshit crazy when we elected our first black POTUS. Then went over the cliff with the other lemmings to elect Trump.
Trump has shown unwillingness to follow through with most of the promises that got him elected in the first place. I don't remember increased legal immigration, Saudi arms deals, and promotion of LGBT rights in Botswana being part of his platform but that's what we're getting.

You are right. He promised the "Wall" only to learn that it can't be done. But he has his dimwitted cult members believing that it's the "Democrats" that are blocking it. Meanwhile, not one inch of new wall or security fence construction has been started even though it's already been funded. He is now learning that other methods need to be used as well. But meanwhile, he tells you that the Democrats want completely open borders even though they have been pushing for the additional methods all along.

Then there is the Illegal Immigrants and his plans for that can't be done either. Not because it's the Democrats fault but because the plan is flawed. Democrats have not blocked common sense immigration laws. They have tried to get more border patrols, listening devices, security fencing, drones, and more all along. Guess what, according to Rump all that is his idea and his alone. Actually, the Wall, Security Fence, drones, listening devices, increase in border patrol plus the increase in Immigration Lawyers and Judges are in a current law dated 2006 almost unanimous by both houses of congress and signed into law by President Bush, Jr. But according to you, it's all Rumps idea. He's fouled the whole thing up.

I could go on but why bother. the Party of the Rump will just call it fake news. Rump is a fake and that ain't news.
Don't you love the :290968001256257790-final:s that keep hammering away about how great the great Rump is?

Partisan republicans annoy a partisan democrat, go figure.

Present a real Conservative Republican you probably will have my vote. But it appears there aren't enough of them getting to the top of the heap to even mention. To you, if you don't support Rump, you can't be a conservative Republican. it's no longer the Republican Party. It's the Party of the Rump.
What exactly constitutes a, “conservative republican?”

A rare bird, a pre-Obama creature that went batshit crazy when we elected our first black POTUS.
Mixed race president* Obama is about as black as Eminem.
The way to set up a Fascist Government is to have the backing of the Capitalist Elites.

So capitalists would support a dictatorial regime that would tell them what they can and cannot do with their own business?

Again, you are seeing Germany and Italy on war economy footing. Before they both went into their take over the neighborhood programs, they heavily supported the Corporate Elites because that is how both got into power. I suggest you take a look, at the fascist Spain that exists even today. Or since the US did the same in 1942, does that make the US a Fascist Country as well when it went into a War Economy? History is not your strong suit.

With or without war, fascism dictates to private business. Why are you unable to accept this truth?

The idea that Fascism is a leftist idea was created by a crackpot in the late 60s to try and cover up some nasty political right wing ideas. They had to make it look like the left was the nasty ones to win elections. After almost a decade of not having any real power, the right was desperate. You are just using a crackpots definition not the historic definition. There were wars fought because Fascism and Socialism were direct opposites. And in Fascism, Fascism REQUIRES that the Corporate Elites support the government. In Socialism, the Government controls the Corporations or outright takes them over. Do a little studyiing of history. Try looking at Spanish History from the 30s and why Franco came to power. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and you are wasting yours.
LOL I love these threads where "patriots" fantasize about mass murdering Americans over mere politics.

A nice little civil war would be a gun nuts wet dream come true

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