Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War

Only an actual brain damaged retard could read Mein Kampf and walk away thinking Hitler was a leftist.

These idiots are parroting some manufactured bullshit they have been trained to repeat like trained seals.

Here, Hitler talks about rejecting rightists who were mocked by the left. He felt they should not allow these other weaker rightists into his party:

"This is sufficiently illustrated by the absurdity with which they are treated by the left. One lets them talk and laughs at them. But a man who in this world does not succeed in being hated by his adversaries, seems to me of little value as a friend. Therefore, the friendship of these people was not only of no value for our young movement, but even harmful."

Modern leftist ideology mirrors fascism on matters of economics and governance. It's an inconvenient truth that you cannot accept.
Nope. Wrong.

The far left mirrors marxism.

All caught up now?
Assholes on the Left: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot

Assholes on the Right: Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet

Don't get confused, tards.

You don't actually address any specific arguments. You just post memes and call people names. I accept your surrender.
Only an actual brain damaged retard could read Mein Kampf and walk away thinking Hitler was a leftist.

These idiots are parroting some manufactured bullshit they have been trained to repeat like trained seals.

Here, Hitler talks about rejecting rightists who were mocked by the left. He felt they should not allow these other weaker rightists into his party:

"This is sufficiently illustrated by the absurdity with which they are treated by the left. One lets them talk and laughs at them. But a man who in this world does not succeed in being hated by his adversaries, seems to me of little value as a friend. Therefore, the friendship of these people was not only of no value for our young movement, but even harmful."

Modern leftist ideology mirrors fascism on matters of economics and governance. It's an inconvenient truth that you cannot accept.
Nope. Wrong.

The far left mirrors marxism.

All caught up now?

Marxism, fascism and socialism all sprang from the same ideological roots. All entail rejection of free-market capitalism in favor of a government-controlled economy as well as government management of healthcare and everything else. Much of the American left share this philosophy.
So capitalists would support a dictatorial regime that would tell them what they can and cannot do with their own business?

Again, you are seeing Germany and Italy on war economy footing. Before they both went into their take over the neighborhood programs, they heavily supported the Corporate Elites because that is how both got into power. I suggest you take a look, at the fascist Spain that exists even today. Or since the US did the same in 1942, does that make the US a Fascist Country as well when it went into a War Economy? History is not your strong suit.

With or without war, fascism dictates to private business. Why are you unable to accept this truth?

The idea that Fascism is a leftist idea was created by a crackpot in the late 60s to try and cover up some nasty political right wing ideas. They had to make it look like the left was the nasty ones to win elections. After almost a decade of not having any real power, the right was desperate. You are just using a crackpots definition not the historic definition. There were wars fought because Fascism and Socialism were direct opposites. And in Fascism, Fascism REQUIRES that the Corporate Elites support the government. In Socialism, the Government controls the Corporations or outright takes them over. Do a little studyiing of history. Try looking at Spanish History from the 30s and why Franco came to power. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and you are wasting yours.

Modern leftist ideology is in lockstep with fascism. The claim that it's "right-wing" is absurd.
You have been so gaslighted it's scary.


When we look at the difference between Mussolini and Franco we see some similarities and some stark differences. Remember, Mussolini invented Fascism with his 1923 writings. Franco didn't even invent it, he was brought into it in the early 30s.

Franco was more or less drafted into Fascism. There was a huge conflict in Spain at the time. The Socialists, supported by Stalin, were in charge of Spain at the time. But it was a budding Socialist Government that was yet to become what the USSR had already become under Stalin. But many predicted it was coming. The Corporate Elites and many of the Organized Religions were already feeling the pressures. The Socialists picked certain religions to support and hurt the others. In USSR, it was seen that MOST religions were harmed including the big one that was supported by the Spanish Socialists, the Roman Catholic Church. The Corporate Elites saw the handwriting on the wall as well where they would lose much of their identity.

Franco was a great WWI and Middle Eastern Spanish General who was in self exile at the time. He was not Political in any way. But the Fascists convinced him to head their cause. He created an army from the Spanish Army that was occupying much of the Middle East and Northern Africa and they snuck it into Spain where they began the Civil war. The problem was, Franco's forces controlled all the smaller towns and cities as well as the rural areas but the Socialists still controlled the large cities like Madrid. it became a stalemate. italy and Germany offered to supply more modern war machines to break that stalemate because they were the only other two Fascist states and wanted Franco to win. This broke the stalemate. Franco's forces went on to win. One of the reasons Spain sat out WWII was the fact that Franco WAS a great General and despised war and the Spanish had just went through a really nasty civil war. Oh, don't get me wrong, Franco was no sweetheart by any stretch of the imagination. Well past his death in 1974, his Gendarmes were notorious. But Spain was a model country compared to most of Europe at the time. And it was stable in both economic and social.

Mussolini may have invented Fascism but his very nature meant that he could never obtain it. Unlike Franco who was thrust into the position of power, Mussolini sought it, cherished it and devoured it. And so did Hitler. Both Hitler and Mussolini started out as Fascists but soon became Dictators after using Fascism to gain that power. Fascism is an extreme like it's counterpart, socialism. Both in their purest form can be a good thing. Most countries borrow heavily from both to make a working model. The US is no exception. But both out of control by someone that seeks power, they can be taken to a dictatorship too easily. I see people using the scale of Governments in a linear line but in reality, it's a circle with Fascism and Socialism just one stop away from Dictatorship. One coming from the right and the other coming from the left. With the wrong leader, both can lead to the same outcome.

Franco kept the ideals of Fascism pure and Spain was the ONLY Fascist country in NATO EVER. So does Fascism mean that the Government will take over and control the Corporate Elites? No, those Corporate Elites kept Franco in Power and he, in turn, kept them in power.
Again, you are seeing Germany and Italy on war economy footing. Before they both went into their take over the neighborhood programs, they heavily supported the Corporate Elites because that is how both got into power. I suggest you take a look, at the fascist Spain that exists even today. Or since the US did the same in 1942, does that make the US a Fascist Country as well when it went into a War Economy? History is not your strong suit.

With or without war, fascism dictates to private business. Why are you unable to accept this truth?

The idea that Fascism is a leftist idea was created by a crackpot in the late 60s to try and cover up some nasty political right wing ideas. They had to make it look like the left was the nasty ones to win elections. After almost a decade of not having any real power, the right was desperate. You are just using a crackpots definition not the historic definition. There were wars fought because Fascism and Socialism were direct opposites. And in Fascism, Fascism REQUIRES that the Corporate Elites support the government. In Socialism, the Government controls the Corporations or outright takes them over. Do a little studyiing of history. Try looking at Spanish History from the 30s and why Franco came to power. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and you are wasting yours.

Modern leftist ideology is in lockstep with fascism. The claim that it's "right-wing" is absurd.
The 14 characteristics of fascism are:

  1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
    Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

  2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
    Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

  3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

  4. Supremacy of the Military
    Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

  5. Rampant Sexism
    The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

  6. Controlled Mass Media
    Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

  7. Obsession with National Security
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

  8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
    Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

  9. Corporate Power is Protected
    The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

  10. Labor Power is Suppressed
    Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .

  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
    Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
    Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
    Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

  14. Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
Does this match the left more closely than the right?

We've been through this. That definition is a JOKE.

The Italians invented Fascism and are the real experts in it. And this was done by an Italian Scholor.
Again, you are seeing Germany and Italy on war economy footing. Before they both went into their take over the neighborhood programs, they heavily supported the Corporate Elites because that is how both got into power. I suggest you take a look, at the fascist Spain that exists even today. Or since the US did the same in 1942, does that make the US a Fascist Country as well when it went into a War Economy? History is not your strong suit.

With or without war, fascism dictates to private business. Why are you unable to accept this truth?

The idea that Fascism is a leftist idea was created by a crackpot in the late 60s to try and cover up some nasty political right wing ideas. They had to make it look like the left was the nasty ones to win elections. After almost a decade of not having any real power, the right was desperate. You are just using a crackpots definition not the historic definition. There were wars fought because Fascism and Socialism were direct opposites. And in Fascism, Fascism REQUIRES that the Corporate Elites support the government. In Socialism, the Government controls the Corporations or outright takes them over. Do a little studyiing of history. Try looking at Spanish History from the 30s and why Franco came to power. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and you are wasting yours.

Modern leftist ideology is in lockstep with fascism. The claim that it's "right-wing" is absurd.
You have been so gaslighted it's scary.


When we look at the difference between Mussolini and Franco we see some similarities and some stark differences. Remember, Mussolini invented Fascism with his 1923 writings. Franco didn't even invent it, he was brought into it in the early 30s.

Franco was more or less drafted into Fascism. There was a huge conflict in Spain at the time. The Socialists, supported by Stalin, were in charge of Spain at the time. But it was a budding Socialist Government that was yet to become what the USSR had already become under Stalin. But many predicted it was coming. The Corporate Elites and many of the Organized Religions were already feeling the pressures. The Socialists picked certain religions to support and hurt the others. In USSR, it was seen that MOST religions were harmed including the big one that was supported by the Spanish Socialists, the Roman Catholic Church. The Corporate Elites saw the handwriting on the wall as well where they would lose much of their identity.

Franco was a great WWI and Middle Eastern Spanish General who was in self exile at the time. He was not Political in any way. But the Fascists convinced him to head their cause. He created an army from the Spanish Army that was occupying much of the Middle East and Northern Africa and they snuck it into Spain where they began the Civil war. The problem was, Franco's forces controlled all the smaller towns and cities as well as the rural areas but the Socialists still controlled the large cities like Madrid. it became a stalemate. italy and Germany offered to supply more modern war machines to break that stalemate because they were the only other two Fascist states and wanted Franco to win. This broke the stalemate. Franco's forces went on to win. One of the reasons Spain sat out WWII was the fact that Franco WAS a great General and despised war and the Spanish had just went through a really nasty civil war. Oh, don't get me wrong, Franco was no sweetheart by any stretch of the imagination. Well past his death in 1974, his Gendarmes were notorious. But Spain was a model country compared to most of Europe at the time. And it was stable in both economic and social.

Mussolini may have invented Fascism but his very nature meant that he could never obtain it. Unlike Franco who was thrust into the position of power, Mussolini sought it, cherished it and devoured it. And so did Hitler. Both Hitler and Mussolini started out as Fascists but soon became Dictators after using Fascism to gain that power. Fascism is an extreme like it's counterpart, socialism. Both in their purest form can be a good thing. Most countries borrow heavily from both to make a working model. The US is no exception. But both out of control by someone that seeks power, they can be taken to a dictatorship too easily. I see people using the scale of Governments in a linear line but in reality, it's a circle with Fascism and Socialism just one stop away from Dictatorship. One coming from the right and the other coming from the left. With the wrong leader, both can lead to the same outcome.

Franco kept the ideals of Fascism pure and Spain was the ONLY Fascist country in NATO EVER. So does Fascism mean that the Government will take over and control the Corporate Elites? No, those Corporate Elites kept Franco in Power and he, in turn, kept them in power.

Giovanni Gentile is credited as being the philosopher that founded fascism.
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

They both reject free-market capitalism, Darryl. They're not opposites.
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

Fascism seems more along the middle to me at least in terms of economics. Sort of a moderate capitalism. Not complete govt control but not completely unrestrained either.
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

They both reject free-market capitalism, Darryl. They're not opposites.

I don't know why you're arguing so hard to stake claim to the far right of the spectrum. Your precious free market capitalism enables some of the worst elements of leftism like globalism, mass immigration and moral decay.
With or without war, fascism dictates to private business. Why are you unable to accept this truth?

The idea that Fascism is a leftist idea was created by a crackpot in the late 60s to try and cover up some nasty political right wing ideas. They had to make it look like the left was the nasty ones to win elections. After almost a decade of not having any real power, the right was desperate. You are just using a crackpots definition not the historic definition. There were wars fought because Fascism and Socialism were direct opposites. And in Fascism, Fascism REQUIRES that the Corporate Elites support the government. In Socialism, the Government controls the Corporations or outright takes them over. Do a little studyiing of history. Try looking at Spanish History from the 30s and why Franco came to power. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and you are wasting yours.

Modern leftist ideology is in lockstep with fascism. The claim that it's "right-wing" is absurd.
You have been so gaslighted it's scary.


When we look at the difference between Mussolini and Franco we see some similarities and some stark differences. Remember, Mussolini invented Fascism with his 1923 writings. Franco didn't even invent it, he was brought into it in the early 30s.

Franco was more or less drafted into Fascism. There was a huge conflict in Spain at the time. The Socialists, supported by Stalin, were in charge of Spain at the time. But it was a budding Socialist Government that was yet to become what the USSR had already become under Stalin. But many predicted it was coming. The Corporate Elites and many of the Organized Religions were already feeling the pressures. The Socialists picked certain religions to support and hurt the others. In USSR, it was seen that MOST religions were harmed including the big one that was supported by the Spanish Socialists, the Roman Catholic Church. The Corporate Elites saw the handwriting on the wall as well where they would lose much of their identity.

Franco was a great WWI and Middle Eastern Spanish General who was in self exile at the time. He was not Political in any way. But the Fascists convinced him to head their cause. He created an army from the Spanish Army that was occupying much of the Middle East and Northern Africa and they snuck it into Spain where they began the Civil war. The problem was, Franco's forces controlled all the smaller towns and cities as well as the rural areas but the Socialists still controlled the large cities like Madrid. it became a stalemate. italy and Germany offered to supply more modern war machines to break that stalemate because they were the only other two Fascist states and wanted Franco to win. This broke the stalemate. Franco's forces went on to win. One of the reasons Spain sat out WWII was the fact that Franco WAS a great General and despised war and the Spanish had just went through a really nasty civil war. Oh, don't get me wrong, Franco was no sweetheart by any stretch of the imagination. Well past his death in 1974, his Gendarmes were notorious. But Spain was a model country compared to most of Europe at the time. And it was stable in both economic and social.

Mussolini may have invented Fascism but his very nature meant that he could never obtain it. Unlike Franco who was thrust into the position of power, Mussolini sought it, cherished it and devoured it. And so did Hitler. Both Hitler and Mussolini started out as Fascists but soon became Dictators after using Fascism to gain that power. Fascism is an extreme like it's counterpart, socialism. Both in their purest form can be a good thing. Most countries borrow heavily from both to make a working model. The US is no exception. But both out of control by someone that seeks power, they can be taken to a dictatorship too easily. I see people using the scale of Governments in a linear line but in reality, it's a circle with Fascism and Socialism just one stop away from Dictatorship. One coming from the right and the other coming from the left. With the wrong leader, both can lead to the same outcome.

Franco kept the ideals of Fascism pure and Spain was the ONLY Fascist country in NATO EVER. So does Fascism mean that the Government will take over and control the Corporate Elites? No, those Corporate Elites kept Franco in Power and he, in turn, kept them in power.

Giovanni Gentile is credited as being the philosopher that founded fascism.

Actually, there were a lot of people that helped to develop it. The one person that brought it together was Mussolini when he formed the Fasii Political Party which was in response to the Socialist Party. The Farsii won out right after WWI ended. After the Bolshevek Revolution of 1917, Italians were afraid that their own socialist party would end up the same way. Hence the shift to the extreme far right. The Fasii was there to accommodate them. So in 1919, led by Mussolini, the Fasii or Fascist Party began their work to take over Italy. Mussolini added those 14 points to it to make it work that one person posted. he used the Roman Catholic Church and Corporate Elites to support him to gain that power. He took over 2/3rds of the Italian Parliament, put his private brown shirts in charge of the Italian Military and then had the new Congress dissolve the Federal Court. Like Stalin on the left who became a dictator from the left socialist Mussolini took that extra stop from the right wing Fascist to become a Dictator as well.

ALL successful Federal Republics and Social Democracies borrow from both the Socialists and Fascists to make things work. In reality, it should read Communists and Fascists. Socialism is an economic model like Capitalism is. And neither Socialism nor Capitalism can be allowed to run unchecked. In their purest form, they will lead to Dictatorships and a complete social collapse.
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

Fascism seems more along the middle to me at least in terms of economics. Sort of a moderate capitalism. Not complete govt control but not completely unrestrained either.

We see Fascism in the War Footing light. One can't really look at either Germany nor Italy style of Fascism for a good example. But one can look at the only successful Fascism example, Spain where religion and industry were allowed to flourish.
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

They both reject free-market capitalism, Darryl. They're not opposites.

I don't know why you're arguing so hard to stake claim to the far right of the spectrum. Your precious free market capitalism enables some of the worst elements of leftism like globalism, mass immigration and moral decay.

Free-market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.

What system do you prefer and why aren't you living there?
So, American Racism started, and ended with the Nazis? LOL
Look here brown-shirt. My grandfather died fighting Nazis, the day will never come when a goosestepping piece of shit will not face real Americans who want to kick their asses.
So, there were no Racists in the USA before the Nazis?

My great uncle died in Normandy fighting Nazis, and my uncle got wounded in Vietnam fighting Communism.

Even so, ultimately its an insult to them to replace this culture with a bunch of Illegal Hispanics who pay less taxes, and often speak Spanish first, while gouging the system.

The values of the American men who fought and died in WW2 would have them demonized as uneducated racist misogynists and fascists by the modern left and there's just no doubt about it.
How quickly we forget that before we were drawn into WWII, it was the Republicans singing the praises of how the fascists were running Germany and Italy.

You can't refute what I said you you resort to deflection.
SO you want to pretend that your Republicans didn't cheer on the European Fascists before Pearl Harbor.
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

They both reject free-market capitalism, Darryl. They're not opposites.

I don't know why you're arguing so hard to stake claim to the far right of the spectrum. Your precious free market capitalism enables some of the worst elements of leftism like globalism, mass immigration and moral decay.

Free-market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.

What system do you prefer and why aren't you living there?

Obviously the current system is not perfect. You do realize that Trump won on a wave of discontent with the status quo, right?
So, American Racism started, and ended with the Nazis? LOL
Look here brown-shirt. My grandfather died fighting Nazis, the day will never come when a goosestepping piece of shit will not face real Americans who want to kick their asses.
So, there were no Racists in the USA before the Nazis?

My great uncle died in Normandy fighting Nazis, and my uncle got wounded in Vietnam fighting Communism.

Even so, ultimately its an insult to them to replace this culture with a bunch of Illegal Hispanics who pay less taxes, and often speak Spanish first, while gouging the system.

The values of the American men who fought and died in WW2 would have them demonized as uneducated racist misogynists and fascists by the modern left and there's just no doubt about it.
How quickly we forget that before we were drawn into WWII, it was the Republicans singing the praises of how the fascists were running Germany and Italy.
Look here brown-shirt. My grandfather died fighting Nazis, the day will never come when a goosestepping piece of shit will not face real Americans who want to kick their asses.
So, there were no Racists in the USA before the Nazis?

My great uncle died in Normandy fighting Nazis, and my uncle got wounded in Vietnam fighting Communism.

Even so, ultimately its an insult to them to replace this culture with a bunch of Illegal Hispanics who pay less taxes, and often speak Spanish first, while gouging the system.

The values of the American men who fought and died in WW2 would have them demonized as uneducated racist misogynists and fascists by the modern left and there's just no doubt about it.
How quickly we forget that before we were drawn into WWII, it was the Republicans singing the praises of how the fascists were running Germany and Italy.

You can't refute what I said you you resort to deflection.
I think anyone with a brain would have praised the fascists prior to WW2 because their methods patently worked. Italy by in large dodged the Great Depression, Germany grew in strength and wealth while Western democracies faltered. Hindsight may be 20/20 but prior to WW2? I fail to see your point.
"I think anyone with a brain would have praised the fascists prior to WW2"......and there we have it, folks. Clear as day.
Look here brown-shirt. My grandfather died fighting Nazis, the day will never come when a goosestepping piece of shit will not face real Americans who want to kick their asses.
So, there were no Racists in the USA before the Nazis?

My great uncle died in Normandy fighting Nazis, and my uncle got wounded in Vietnam fighting Communism.

Even so, ultimately its an insult to them to replace this culture with a bunch of Illegal Hispanics who pay less taxes, and often speak Spanish first, while gouging the system.

The values of the American men who fought and died in WW2 would have them demonized as uneducated racist misogynists and fascists by the modern left and there's just no doubt about it.
How quickly we forget that before we were drawn into WWII, it was the Republicans singing the praises of how the fascists were running Germany and Italy.

You can't refute what I said you you resort to deflection.
SO you want to pretend that your Republicans didn't cheer on the European Fascists before Pearl Harbor.

Yeah and your democrats were responsible for Jim crow, built most of those confederate monuments.
So, American Racism started, and ended with the Nazis? LOL
Look here brown-shirt. My grandfather died fighting Nazis, the day will never come when a goosestepping piece of shit will not face real Americans who want to kick their asses.
So, there were no Racists in the USA before the Nazis?

My great uncle died in Normandy fighting Nazis, and my uncle got wounded in Vietnam fighting Communism.

Even so, ultimately its an insult to them to replace this culture with a bunch of Illegal Hispanics who pay less taxes, and often speak Spanish first, while gouging the system.

The values of the American men who fought and died in WW2 would have them demonized as uneducated racist misogynists and fascists by the modern left and there's just no doubt about it.
How quickly we forget that before we were drawn into WWII, it was the Republicans singing the praises of how the fascists were running Germany and Italy.

LOL, it was the Democrats in the South who had fostered Racist Segregation during WW2, and Democrat FDR who put Japanese in internment camps.
Yes it was the Democrats in the South.....and after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act they all jumped to the Republican up party over their racism.
Pity it's taking Democrats so long to unite behind one candidate for 2020.

The printer is holding up on the impeachment papers that will be filed ifl a Democrat managed to rouse enough of the dead rose to actually win.

Name, damnit, give us a name so we can fill in the blank and avoid waiting until the very last minute. January, 2021 will be here before you know it!

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