Democrats are starting to realize they're in deep shit.


Gold Member
Sep 2, 2016
They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)
Clearly, the solution is for the Dems to support Chelsea Clinton in winning some elective office somewhere in order to re-ignite the Clinton Dynastic Period.
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.


I wouldn't be so complacent.

The Globalist Deep State is desperate to defeat Trump's reforms and will funnel a great deal of resources to support the Prog "Resistance" and weaponized Federal Bureaucracy.
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.


It's going to take some time before they realize that.
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.


I wouldn't be so complacent.

The Globalist Deep State is desperate to defeat Trump's reforms and will funnel a great deal of resources to support the Prog "Resistance" and weaponized Federal Bureaucracy.
You "wouldn't be be so complacent"? lol
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.

Trump has a golden opportunity here. If he mucks this up - he hands it back to the Dumbocrats on a silver platter. If he gets it right (executes the will of the American people, provides full transparency, acts with integrity, obeys the constitution, addresses the $20 trillion debt, etc.) he will turn this momentum into an avalanche like Reagan did. This is one of the most critical administrations in U.S. history.
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.

Trump has a golden opportunity here. If he mucks this up - he hands it back to the Dumbocrats on a silver platter. If he gets it right (executes the will of the American people, provides full transparency, acts with integrity, obeys the constitution, addresses the $20 trillion debt, etc.) he will turn this momentum into an avalanche like Reagan did. This is one of the most critical administrations in U.S. history.
I think you're right.

If they screw this up, it will be more than just a failure It will be a repudiation of the entire agenda and a de facto endorsement of the opposite. When you have this much power, when everything is so damn binary, it's all on you, good or bad.

Personally, having one party with this much control is the nightmare scenario for me. And that would continue if it swings to the other side.
Keep an eye on the Democratic Party Chairmanship race. Ought to be fun.

The early favorite was Keith Ellison, a Black Muslim Bigot, who used to call himself Keith Muhammad. But, now there's a No-Borders Hispanic running against him and also a Black Woman.

A Certified Loon and Elitist Asshole, Howard Dean (The Screecher) came out running, but the Blacks and Hispanics let him know right off that they were sick to death of Elitist Loon Asshole White Boys, so Dean tucked tail and went back to New England. A Homosexual Mayor couldn't get much traction. Then a White Woman came out. Her Campaign was based on the fact that she would keep the haughty White Boys quiet and in their place...which is now third in the Democratic Party, behind Blacks and Hispanics, with Homosexuals and Muslims catching up.

So here is where it stands:

Black Male Muslim Bigot.................Holding (He's Bernie's Boy, and Shumer was on him early, but never trust Shumer)
Black Woman..................................Coming on (Is a Member of two big Grievance Groups)
Straight White Boy---------------------Scratched (The Blacks & Hispanics laughed him outta there)
Gay White Boy--------------------------Darkhorse
Goofy White Woman------------------Slim & None....and Slim left town (horrid Wasserman-Shultz ruined this group)
No Borders Hispanic------------------Gaining, need No-Borders worse than ever with White Boys in Pa, MI, WI, & Ohio gone.

We might get to see some real blood let in this Intolerant Bolshevik Grievance Groups fight it out with each other for control.

Maybe Al Sharpton can unite them.
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.

Trump has a golden opportunity here. If he mucks this up - he hands it back to the Dumbocrats on a silver platter. If he gets it right (executes the will of the American people, provides full transparency, acts with integrity, obeys the constitution, addresses the $20 trillion debt, etc.) he will turn this momentum into an avalanche like Reagan did. This is one of the most critical administrations in U.S. history.
I think you're right.

If they screw this up, it will be more than just a failure It will be a repudiation of the entire agenda and a de facto endorsement of the opposite. When you have this much power, when everything is so damn binary, it's all on you, good or bad.

Personally, having one party with this much control is the nightmare scenario for me. And that would continue if it swings to the other side.

If Trump fails to shake the lock the dems have on the media, pop culture and minorities, then soon enough the Left will have "this much control" forever.

I can see the democrats losing more seats.

I can't understand why they keep beating the same old drum. Are they really that stupid?
So many of these "Waaaaa! You liberals are poopyheads!" threads. It's impossible to keep up with all of them.

Stop being a poopyhead, and we won't need to make these threads.

You may start by appropriately replacing the term "liberal" with something else.
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.


Its Trump's to win or lose in 2018 and 2020. The potential contrast of the Trump vs Obama economy is huge, if Trump capitalizes on that and the American people see genuine improvement vs the Obama economy Trump is going to annihilate the Democrats.

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