Democrats are taking an unprecedented gamble this month that could cost them in November: voting to legalize cannabis at the federal level

Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.
Our drug war has always been extra-Constitutional. Prohibition was Repealed for a reason. Only the right wing is hypocritical enough to blame the less fortunate for allegedly being "illegal".
They're skinheads. They cut too much hair. Not all blacks are into marijuana, but as soon as they see someone with dreadlocks or cornrows, and they think weed is available on the block.
in related news, decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms is on the ballot in DC
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.
in related news, decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms is on the ballot in DC

Well I'm Right-Wing and I support the decriminalisation of drugs, this would include Heroin and Cocaine, we could then Regulate it all, we could also cut out the Middleman, by providing mass produced and cheaper drugs we could then eliminate Drug Dealers and Drug Gangs because for example why would someone pay 300 or whatever for an 8 Ball when there would be Legally Designated stores that they could buy a SAFER (ie. not cut with all sorts of other shit that's white powder but is NOT Coke) 8 Ball for say 150.

Drug Use has been going on for Centuries, attempting to STOP Drug Use is TOTALLY POINTLESS and also IF someone wants to drop Acid or whatever WHY shouldn't they? That is their PERSONAL choice, that is their RIGHT to drop Acid and they should NOT be criminalised for doing it.

I also add that UNTIL the mid-1950s Heroin was actually Legal and so was Cocaine you could buy it in various forms at ALL drug stores on this Continent, I do not know what the situation in America was, but on this Continent you could buy Diamorphine aka Heroin in kits COMPLETE with vials, needles and tourniquets etc and you could buy all sorts of Cocaine products including Cocaine Cough Drops. It was ONLY in the mid-1950s, when the politicians started to say all these things should be ONLY on Prescription that the ILLEGAL Drug Use and the number of Drug Users exploded, it became worse in the late 1960s when the politicians then decided that Heroin and Cocaine had to be TOTALLY ILLEGAL and they were banned, then the ILLEGAL Drug Use and the number of Drug Users went literally off the chart.

They used to openly sell Amphetamines EVERYWHERE LEGALLY, they were ALL in Slimming Pills for example, pure Amphetamine to help women stay slim and Western Society did NOT have the PROBLEMS it has experienced SINCE all these drugs were made illegal, between 1910-1956 when ALL of these drugs were LEGAL and AVAILABLE to buy WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION in the majority of drug stores Western Society had a LOWER crime rate and a LOWER drug addict rate and was in general a MORE PRODUCTIVE and a MORE CONSTRUCTIVE Society.
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Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can mean more people can afford healthcare. That can include mental health and rehab care. Individual Liberty, what a concept, right, Right Wingers.
Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can mean more people can afford healthcare. That can include mental health and rehab care. Individual Liberty, what a concept, right, Right Wingers.

Why would anyone be AGAINST mental health and rehab care? Why do you think ALL Right-Wingers would be AGAINST these things? Being in SUPPORT of those things does NOT mean you are supporting "Leftist" Issues because they are NOT "Leftist" issues they are HUMAN issues, a lot of peoples are in trouble and for different reasons they are all fucked up and they NEED HELP and so WHY would ANYONE DENY them that help.
Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can mean more people can afford healthcare. That can include mental health and rehab care. Individual Liberty, what a concept, right, Right Wingers.

Why would anyone be AGAINST mental health and rehab care? Why do you think ALL Right-Wingers would be AGAINST these things? Being in SUPPORT of those things does NOT mean you are supporting "Leftist" Issues because they are NOT "Leftist" issues they are HUMAN issues, a lot of peoples are in trouble and for different reasons they are all fucked up and they NEED HELP and so WHY would ANYONE DENY them that help.
Yet, right wingers insist on nanny-State functionality not Individual Liberty like they allege in socialism threads.
Dems love dope. Not me.

A doped up America is easier to control by the filthy dems.

Everyone is too doped up to care about legalizing pedophilia, gun confiscation, open borders and the destruction of America.

Democrat party 2020 lr.jpg
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You can't even smoke a cigarette in a freaking park in N.Y. due to the health hazards associated with so-called second hand smoke but they want to legalize the production and sale of a product that stinks worse and is probably more hazardous to your health than cigarettes. To top it off hypocrite democrats have the gall to tell Americans that inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed is good for you.
#5: Where is the link to decriminalization of psychedelic mushrooms to back your claim, the link you were thinking of?
Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can mean more people can afford healthcare. That can include mental health and rehab care. Individual Liberty, what a concept, right, Right Wingers.
"At will employment" means legalizing illegal aliens? No thank you. We had a Bracero program that seemed to work pretty well at one time but leftists and Ceasar Chavez killed that off.
good news for Bill Maher!

Are you aware that MJ is legal already in several states? Voted in some as medical and in others as recreational too; legal within the State using the 10th Amendment by a vote of the people, has already become a fait accompli.

Apparently the pressure to continue to have MJ possession (not speaking to cultivation, transportation or illegal sales) as a Medical or Recreational Drug has upset the Adult Beverage Industry & Big Pharma to seek to enforce Federal Law in States which already have passed MJ's legality.

It seems that the D's see the writing on the wall, and the right wing sees another wedge issue to add to guns, god, gays and taxes.

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