Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

It’s a strange time in the United States, where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant. Ignorant not of one particular event, study, or story, but of so many topics that reality itself” is what they’re ultimately attempting to obscure. It’s evil, honestly, and it begs the question "What are Democrats so afraid of?” The only answer is simple: an informed public.
Communists in the old Soviet Union were terrified that their citizens would discover how well people in the free west were living. There were no bread lines, there were options – lots of options, for everything. This reality worried the communist leadership and would have confused their subjects, much like Bernie Sanders in 2015 lamented the idea that there were too many choices for deodorant and shoes. “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country,” he famously said.
The great thing about capitalism is you can have both choices and charity. Options matter, and an educated public, free from government tyranny, make choices about those options that is best for them rather than a faceless bureaucrat thousands of miles away imposing what they think is best for you.
The only way that second prospect gains any traction is ignorance.
Ignorance of history and how that model has failed every time it’s been tried, and ignorance of information where people are kept in the dark about reality and, therefore, draw manipulated and pre-selected conclusions and act accordingly. This is where Democrats live.
But it’s not just January 6th the left is circling the wagons to keep people ignorant of, it’s everything. Not a single Democrat asked any serious questions designed to gain information about the origins of COVID at a hearing this week. Those who bothered to show up did all they could to protect Tony Fauci’s reputation. Not a single Democrat expressed any concern for government bureaucrats pressuring social media companies to censor American citizens because they found what they were saying to be inconvenient or wrong. None gave a damn about the express violations of the First Amendment, not one.
It’s not that they do not care – indifference isn’t nefarious, and what Democrats are doing is evil – it’s that they benefit from the lies and ignorance. Most of the left-wing attacks on Tucker and conservative media aren’t on substance – Democrats don’t engage in substantive arguments, they simply dismiss with contempt and move on, preaching only their ignorant choir – they are designed to prevent people from consuming unapproved information. They couch it as “We watch conservative media so you don’t have to” but it’s really “We watch conservative media and lie about it in the hope you never do it yourself.”
Make up your own damn mind. I encourage you to flip on MSNBC every once in a while, if only to keep up with what the enemy is doing. Like visiting a zoo when you’re likely never going to run the risk of being trampled by an elephant, you should at least know what one looks like and is capable of. And when it comes to politics, Democrats are capable of anything. There is no bottom for them, no line they won’t cross. And the only way that works is with an ignorant public. Explains the schools in every left-wing stronghold in the country, doesn’t it?

Americans should decide to no longer be ignorant as to what is meant, suggested, implied, intended by the oft-heard phrase “begs the question”, when used by people who actually know what it means.
At times I wonder if Maoist Democrats are using Orwell's sci-fi novels as manuals.
Take for example the latest Biden/Democrat SVB Bank fiasco. They've already blamed Trump while they've run tis country for 26 months shutting down oil production, increasing inflation, creating supply chain sourcing, environmental destruction, pulling out of Afghanistan, and creating the Ukraine war.
Simply, Maoist Democrats and Uni-Party Republicans Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public.
I teach MATH, Are you accusing me of keeping US students IGNORANT?

as many people as possible ignorant.

As a Math Teacher how can you justify yourself and your teaching when you pass failing students rather than being proficient and teaching them properly to understand?
As a Math Teacher how can you justify yourself and your teaching when you pass failing students rather be proficient and teaching them properly?
I don't do that.
A student sometimes deserves a FAILING grade.

Why do u suggest otherwise?
If you are educated you understand that Capitalism exists nowhere.
You present yourself as ........ Now I'm guessing?

I support Capitalism.
I also support stopping all this shit with the tax system, that PROTECTS the Rich.

My Tax rate this year was 13%.
I paid it.
As a Math Teacher how can you justify yourself and your teaching when you pass failing students rather than being proficient and teaching them properly to understand?
We TEST every year.
My School is better than most in WA.

YOU Got a problem with that?
Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

Democrats really have nothing to worry about then because the right believes that Trump won in his 2nd election because of election fraud. IF they keep believing in the various lies being told them , then that is a sign that all is well. .

Sure there are some who are intelligent and don't go down that road, but unfortunately it is a marriage "for better or worse"
You present yourself as ........ Now I'm guessing?

I support Capitalism.
I also support stopping all this shit with the tax system, that PROTECTS the Rich.

My Tax rate this year was 13%.
I paid it.
I thought democrats loved paying high taxes....why do you resent paying your fair share.....Ukraine needs that cash dude, stop being selfish

Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

It’s a strange time in the United States, where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant. Ignorant not of one particular event, study, or story, but of so many topics that reality itself” is what they’re ultimately attempting to obscure. It’s evil, honestly, and it begs the question "What are Democrats so afraid of?” The only answer is simple: an informed public.
Communists in the old Soviet Union were terrified that their citizens would discover how well people in the free west were living. There were no bread lines, there were options – lots of options, for everything. This reality worried the communist leadership and would have confused their subjects, much like Bernie Sanders in 2015 lamented the idea that there were too many choices for deodorant and shoes. “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country,” he famously said.
The great thing about capitalism is you can have both choices and charity. Options matter, and an educated public, free from government tyranny, make choices about those options that is best for them rather than a faceless bureaucrat thousands of miles away imposing what they think is best for you.
The only way that second prospect gains any traction is ignorance.
Ignorance of history and how that model has failed every time it’s been tried, and ignorance of information where people are kept in the dark about reality and, therefore, draw manipulated and pre-selected conclusions and act accordingly. This is where Democrats live.
But it’s not just January 6th the left is circling the wagons to keep people ignorant of, it’s everything. Not a single Democrat asked any serious questions designed to gain information about the origins of COVID at a hearing this week. Those who bothered to show up did all they could to protect Tony Fauci’s reputation. Not a single Democrat expressed any concern for government bureaucrats pressuring social media companies to censor American citizens because they found what they were saying to be inconvenient or wrong. None gave a damn about the express violations of the First Amendment, not one.
It’s not that they do not care – indifference isn’t nefarious, and what Democrats are doing is evil – it’s that they benefit from the lies and ignorance. Most of the left-wing attacks on Tucker and conservative media aren’t on substance – Democrats don’t engage in substantive arguments, they simply dismiss with contempt and move on, preaching only their ignorant choir – they are designed to prevent people from consuming unapproved information. They couch it as “We watch conservative media so you don’t have to” but it’s really “We watch conservative media and lie about it in the hope you never do it yourself.”
Make up your own damn mind. I encourage you to flip on MSNBC every once in a while, if only to keep up with what the enemy is doing. Like visiting a zoo when you’re likely never going to run the risk of being trampled by an elephant, you should at least know what one looks like and is capable of. And when it comes to politics, Democrats are capable of anything. There is no bottom for them, no line they won’t cross. And the only way that works is with an ignorant public. Explains the schools in every left-wing stronghold in the country, doesn’t it?

Americans should decide to no longer be ignorant as to what is meant, suggested, implied, intended by the oft-heard phrase “begs the question”, when used by people who actually know what it means.
At times I wonder if Maoist Democrats are using Orwell's sci-fi novels as manuals.
Take for example the latest Biden/Democrat SVB Bank fiasco. They've already blamed Trump while they've run tis country for 26 months shutting down oil production, increasing inflation, creating supply chain sourcing, environmental destruction, pulling out of Afghanistan, and creating the Ukraine war.
Simply, Maoist Democrats and Uni-Party Republicans Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public.
You present yourself as ........ Now I'm guessing?

I support Capitalism.
I also support stopping all this shit with the tax system, that PROTECTS the Rich.

My Tax rate this year was 13%.
I paid it.
Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

Democrats really have nothing to worry about then because the right believes that Trump won in his 2nd election because of election fraud. IF they keep believing in the various lies being told them , then that is a sign that all is well. .

Sure there are some who are intelligent and don't go down that road, but unfortunately it is a marriage "for better or worse"

This thread had nothing to do with President Trump until you decided to make it about President Trump.

Bad optics.


Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

It’s a strange time in the United States, where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant. Ignorant not of one particular event, study, or story, but of so many topics that reality itself” is what they’re ultimately attempting to obscure. It’s evil, honestly, and it begs the question "What are Democrats so afraid of?” The only answer is simple: an informed public.
Communists in the old Soviet Union were terrified that their citizens would discover how well people in the free west were living. There were no bread lines, there were options – lots of options, for everything. This reality worried the communist leadership and would have confused their subjects, much like Bernie Sanders in 2015 lamented the idea that there were too many choices for deodorant and shoes. “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country,” he famously said.
The great thing about capitalism is you can have both choices and charity. Options matter, and an educated public, free from government tyranny, make choices about those options that is best for them rather than a faceless bureaucrat thousands of miles away imposing what they think is best for you.
The only way that second prospect gains any traction is ignorance.
Ignorance of history and how that model has failed every time it’s been tried, and ignorance of information where people are kept in the dark about reality and, therefore, draw manipulated and pre-selected conclusions and act accordingly. This is where Democrats live.
But it’s not just January 6th the left is circling the wagons to keep people ignorant of, it’s everything. Not a single Democrat asked any serious questions designed to gain information about the origins of COVID at a hearing this week. Those who bothered to show up did all they could to protect Tony Fauci’s reputation. Not a single Democrat expressed any concern for government bureaucrats pressuring social media companies to censor American citizens because they found what they were saying to be inconvenient or wrong. None gave a damn about the express violations of the First Amendment, not one.
It’s not that they do not care – indifference isn’t nefarious, and what Democrats are doing is evil – it’s that they benefit from the lies and ignorance. Most of the left-wing attacks on Tucker and conservative media aren’t on substance – Democrats don’t engage in substantive arguments, they simply dismiss with contempt and move on, preaching only their ignorant choir – they are designed to prevent people from consuming unapproved information. They couch it as “We watch conservative media so you don’t have to” but it’s really “We watch conservative media and lie about it in the hope you never do it yourself.”
Make up your own damn mind. I encourage you to flip on MSNBC every once in a while, if only to keep up with what the enemy is doing. Like visiting a zoo when you’re likely never going to run the risk of being trampled by an elephant, you should at least know what one looks like and is capable of. And when it comes to politics, Democrats are capable of anything. There is no bottom for them, no line they won’t cross. And the only way that works is with an ignorant public. Explains the schools in every left-wing stronghold in the country, doesn’t it?

Americans should decide to no longer be ignorant as to what is meant, suggested, implied, intended by the oft-heard phrase “begs the question”, when used by people who actually know what it means.
At times I wonder if Maoist Democrats are using Orwell's sci-fi novels as manuals.
Take for example the latest Biden/Democrat SVB Bank fiasco. They've already blamed Trump while they've run tis country for 26 months shutting down oil production, increasing inflation, creating supply chain sourcing, environmental destruction, pulling out of Afghanistan, and creating the Ukraine war.
Simply, Maoist Democrats and Uni-Party Republicans Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public.
When exactly was oil production shut down?
I teach MATH, Are you accusing me of keeping US students IGNORANT?

as many people as possible ignorant.
You teach math?

Factor this, then:


I think you earn money by typing characters on the internet, you don't teach math. :abgg2q.jpg:

That's what I think. :stir:

I've actually taught math.
Last edited:

Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

It’s a strange time in the United States, where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant. Ignorant not of one particular event, study, or story, but of so many topics that reality itself” is what they’re ultimately attempting to obscure. It’s evil, honestly, and it begs the question "What are Democrats so afraid of?” The only answer is simple: an informed public.
Communists in the old Soviet Union were terrified that their citizens would discover how well people in the free west were living. There were no bread lines, there were options – lots of options, for everything. This reality worried the communist leadership and would have confused their subjects, much like Bernie Sanders in 2015 lamented the idea that there were too many choices for deodorant and shoes. “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country,” he famously said.
The great thing about capitalism is you can have both choices and charity. Options matter, and an educated public, free from government tyranny, make choices about those options that is best for them rather than a faceless bureaucrat thousands of miles away imposing what they think is best for you.
The only way that second prospect gains any traction is ignorance.
Ignorance of history and how that model has failed every time it’s been tried, and ignorance of information where people are kept in the dark about reality and, therefore, draw manipulated and pre-selected conclusions and act accordingly. This is where Democrats live.
But it’s not just January 6th the left is circling the wagons to keep people ignorant of, it’s everything. Not a single Democrat asked any serious questions designed to gain information about the origins of COVID at a hearing this week. Those who bothered to show up did all they could to protect Tony Fauci’s reputation. Not a single Democrat expressed any concern for government bureaucrats pressuring social media companies to censor American citizens because they found what they were saying to be inconvenient or wrong. None gave a damn about the express violations of the First Amendment, not one.
It’s not that they do not care – indifference isn’t nefarious, and what Democrats are doing is evil – it’s that they benefit from the lies and ignorance. Most of the left-wing attacks on Tucker and conservative media aren’t on substance – Democrats don’t engage in substantive arguments, they simply dismiss with contempt and move on, preaching only their ignorant choir – they are designed to prevent people from consuming unapproved information. They couch it as “We watch conservative media so you don’t have to” but it’s really “We watch conservative media and lie about it in the hope you never do it yourself.”
Make up your own damn mind. I encourage you to flip on MSNBC every once in a while, if only to keep up with what the enemy is doing. Like visiting a zoo when you’re likely never going to run the risk of being trampled by an elephant, you should at least know what one looks like and is capable of. And when it comes to politics, Democrats are capable of anything. There is no bottom for them, no line they won’t cross. And the only way that works is with an ignorant public. Explains the schools in every left-wing stronghold in the country, doesn’t it?

Americans should decide to no longer be ignorant as to what is meant, suggested, implied, intended by the oft-heard phrase “begs the question”, when used by people who actually know what it means.
At times I wonder if Maoist Democrats are using Orwell's sci-fi novels as manuals.
Take for example the latest Biden/Democrat SVB Bank fiasco. They've already blamed Trump while they've run tis country for 26 months shutting down oil production, increasing inflation, creating supply chain sourcing, environmental destruction, pulling out of Afghanistan, and creating the Ukraine war.
Simply, Maoist Democrats and Uni-Party Republicans Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public.
They always make the same mistake, over and over and over again. They believe that every time they attain power they can do whatever the hell they want and it will never come back to haunt them because they honestly believe they will be in power forever so no one will ever find out.

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