Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

It’s a strange time in the United States, where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant. Ignorant not of one particular event, study, or story, but of so many topics that reality itself” is what they’re ultimately attempting to obscure. It’s evil, honestly, and it begs the question "What are Democrats so afraid of?” The only answer is simple: an informed public.
Communists in the old Soviet Union were terrified that their citizens would discover how well people in the free west were living. There were no bread lines, there were options – lots of options, for everything. This reality worried the communist leadership and would have confused their subjects, much like Bernie Sanders in 2015 lamented the idea that there were too many choices for deodorant and shoes. “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country,” he famously said.
The great thing about capitalism is you can have both choices and charity. Options matter, and an educated public, free from government tyranny, make choices about those options that is best for them rather than a faceless bureaucrat thousands of miles away imposing what they think is best for you.
The only way that second prospect gains any traction is ignorance.
Ignorance of history and how that model has failed every time it’s been tried, and ignorance of information where people are kept in the dark about reality and, therefore, draw manipulated and pre-selected conclusions and act accordingly. This is where Democrats live.
But it’s not just January 6th the left is circling the wagons to keep people ignorant of, it’s everything. Not a single Democrat asked any serious questions designed to gain information about the origins of COVID at a hearing this week. Those who bothered to show up did all they could to protect Tony Fauci’s reputation. Not a single Democrat expressed any concern for government bureaucrats pressuring social media companies to censor American citizens because they found what they were saying to be inconvenient or wrong. None gave a damn about the express violations of the First Amendment, not one.
It’s not that they do not care – indifference isn’t nefarious, and what Democrats are doing is evil – it’s that they benefit from the lies and ignorance. Most of the left-wing attacks on Tucker and conservative media aren’t on substance – Democrats don’t engage in substantive arguments, they simply dismiss with contempt and move on, preaching only their ignorant choir – they are designed to prevent people from consuming unapproved information. They couch it as “We watch conservative media so you don’t have to” but it’s really “We watch conservative media and lie about it in the hope you never do it yourself.”
Make up your own damn mind. I encourage you to flip on MSNBC every once in a while, if only to keep up with what the enemy is doing. Like visiting a zoo when you’re likely never going to run the risk of being trampled by an elephant, you should at least know what one looks like and is capable of. And when it comes to politics, Democrats are capable of anything. There is no bottom for them, no line they won’t cross. And the only way that works is with an ignorant public. Explains the schools in every left-wing stronghold in the country, doesn’t it?

Americans should decide to no longer be ignorant as to what is meant, suggested, implied, intended by the oft-heard phrase “begs the question”, when used by people who actually know what it means.
At times I wonder if Maoist Democrats are using Orwell's sci-fi novels as manuals.
Take for example the latest Biden/Democrat SVB Bank fiasco. They've already blamed Trump while they've run tis country for 26 months shutting down oil production, increasing inflation, creating supply chain sourcing, environmental destruction, pulling out of Afghanistan, and creating the Ukraine war.
Simply, Maoist Democrats and Uni-Party Republicans Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public.


Your god thinks that exporters pay tariffs....and you guys believe him.

The GOP is full of fucking idiots.

PS: If Mexico paid for the wall, why didn't it get built...answer that dumb ass.

Your god thinks that exporters pay tariffs....and you guys believe him.

The GOP is full of fucking idiots.

PS: If Mexico paid for the wall, why didn't it get built...answer that dumb ass.

You so dumb.

Thanks for the thought provoking post.

You present yourself as ........ Now I'm guessing?

I support Capitalism.
I also support stopping all this shit with the tax system, that PROTECTS the Rich.

My Tax rate this year was 13%.
I paid it.

To note, you support Capitalism but you didn't actually dispute what I said.
ray from Cleveland says you lean right. Is that true? And your position is that both parties are equally corrupt/bad?

I lean whatever way the subject I support gets labelled as leaning. Both parties are obviously equally corrupt.

I am pro-life.

I support helping the poor.

I fully support the 2nd.

I am for strong regulations to control the corrupt corporations.

I believe we need to balance the budget.

I believe those most able to afford the taxes pay the most.

I am against the billions we send to other countries yearly.

I am against sending the troops all around the world.

I fully support the Electoral College.

I fully support making voting as easy as possible.

I support police reform.

I support putting people away who are repeat violent criminals for a very long time.

You tell me what I am.
I lean whatever way the subject I support gets labelled as leaning. Both parties are obviously equally corrupt.

I am pro-life.

I support helping the poor.

I fully support the 2nd.

I am for strong regulations to control the corrupt corporations.

I believe we need to balance the budget.

I believe those most able to afford the taxes pay the most.

I am against the billions we send to other countries yearly.

I am against sending the troops all around the world.

I fully support the Electoral College.

I fully support making voting as easy as possible.

I support police reform.

I support putting people away who are repeat violent criminals for a very long time.

You tell me what I am.

Well I can tell you lean right. Who do you vote for when it's your states

Governor, House, Senate, Judges? Do you tend to vote for Republican governors and Senators?

I am pro-life. Republican

I support helping the poor. Me too

I fully support the 2nd. Republican

I am for strong regulations to control the corrupt corporations. Me too

I believe we need to balance the budget. Which presidents ever did this? 2.
Andrew Jackson and William Jefferson Clinton.

I believe those most able to afford the taxes pay the most. Huh? But even when the rich pay 5% taxes and you 30%, they still pay more than you. Are you okay with them paying a lower percentage?

I am against the billions we send to other countries yearly. Foreign aid is used to support US national security and commercial interests and can also be distributed for humanitarian reasons. Aid is financed from US taxpayers and other revenue sources that Congress appropriates annually through the United States budget process.

I am against sending the troops all around the world. See above.

I fully support the Electoral College. Why? I'd rather have a popular vote and whoever gets the most votes wins.

I fully support making voting as easy as possible. So online voting?

I support police reform. So do I.

I support putting people away who are repeat violent criminals for a very long time. So does everyone.
Well I can tell you lean right. Who do you vote for when it's your states

Governor, House, Senate, Judges? Do you tend to vote for Republican governors and Senators?


I am pro-life. Republican

I support helping the poor. Me too

I fully support the 2nd. Republican

I am for strong regulations to control the corrupt corporations. Me too

I believe we need to balance the budget. Which presidents ever did this? 2.
Andrew Jackson and William Jefferson Clinton.

I believe those most able to afford the taxes pay the most. Huh? But even when the rich pay 5% taxes and you 30%, they still pay more than you. Are you okay with them paying a lower percentage?

I am against the billions we send to other countries yearly. Foreign aid is used to support US national security and commercial interests and can also be distributed for humanitarian reasons. Aid is financed from US taxpayers and other revenue sources that Congress appropriates annually through the United States budget process.

I am against sending the troops all around the world. See above.

I fully support the Electoral College. Why? I'd rather have a popular vote and whoever gets the most votes wins.

I fully support making voting as easy as possible. So online voting?

I support police reform. So do I.

I support putting people away who are repeat violent criminals for a very long time. So does everyone.

Clinton didn't actually balance the budget even though it was the closest to a sane budget we have had since then.

Clinton didn't actually balance the budget even though it was the closest to a sane budget we have had since then.

So who do you vote for for Governor? Senate? House? State seats?

What state do you live in?
You present yourself as ........ Now I'm guessing?

I support Capitalism.
I also support stopping all this shit with the tax system, that PROTECTS the Rich.

My Tax rate this year was 13%.
I paid it.
what part of the tax system protects the rich
So who do you vote for for Governor? Senate? House? State seats?

What state do you live in?


Governor. Erika Kolenchik.

Senate. I voted for Manchin because I absolutely can not stand Patrick Morrisey.

House. Wendall as I absolutely can not stand Mooney (carpet bagger).
Winco (The alleged math teacher) ran like a scalded dog from this:

Factor this, then:

x²(2−6x)+4x(4−12x) "

My Dear Aunt Sally always applies. :D

This thread had nothing to do with President Trump until you decided to make it about President Trump.

Bad optics.

The starter of this thread clearly states "where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant." We are at the early stages of a presidential election cycle where Trump is a candidate.

So it is a general political tread.

Still the fact remains many in the republican party believe that Trump won the previous election. This is ignorance because they have no proof that backs this statement up that can be proven in a court of law.

See how it ties in but if you don't because that is why USMB has the fake news button. Yet you posted a image of Trump so you seem to be joining in on the thing you claim this thread is not about. You would be better off sticking with the button.
Last edited:
The starter of this thread clearly states "where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant." We are at the early stages of a presidential election cycle where Trump is a candidate.

So it is a general political tread. So it is a valid statement but hey no need to reply. That why USMB has the fake news button. Yet you posted a image of Trump so you seem to be joining in on the thing you claim this thread is not about. You be better off sticking with the button.
I sense strong meme envy.
I sense strong meme envy.

Someone who wishes the gub'mint would actually get off the dime and pay off their useless student debt because all they learned at their useless liberal arts college was creative writing.

Very creative writing.

Which they feel is put to good and valid use on political message boards.

Winco (The alleged math teacher) ran like a scalded dog from this:

Factor this, then:

x²(2−6x)+4x(4−12x) "

My Dear Aunt Sally always applies. :D
Why such a simple question?


Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

It’s a strange time in the United States, where one political party is actively engaged in a series of actions to keep as many people as possible ignorant. Ignorant not of one particular event, study, or story, but of so many topics that reality itself” is what they’re ultimately attempting to obscure. It’s evil, honestly, and it begs the question "What are Democrats so afraid of?” The only answer is simple: an informed public.
Communists in the old Soviet Union were terrified that their citizens would discover how well people in the free west were living. There were no bread lines, there were options – lots of options, for everything. This reality worried the communist leadership and would have confused their subjects, much like Bernie Sanders in 2015 lamented the idea that there were too many choices for deodorant and shoes. “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country,” he famously said.
The great thing about capitalism is you can have both choices and charity. Options matter, and an educated public, free from government tyranny, make choices about those options that is best for them rather than a faceless bureaucrat thousands of miles away imposing what they think is best for you.
The only way that second prospect gains any traction is ignorance.
Ignorance of history and how that model has failed every time it’s been tried, and ignorance of information where people are kept in the dark about reality and, therefore, draw manipulated and pre-selected conclusions and act accordingly. This is where Democrats live.
But it’s not just January 6th the left is circling the wagons to keep people ignorant of, it’s everything. Not a single Democrat asked any serious questions designed to gain information about the origins of COVID at a hearing this week. Those who bothered to show up did all they could to protect Tony Fauci’s reputation. Not a single Democrat expressed any concern for government bureaucrats pressuring social media companies to censor American citizens because they found what they were saying to be inconvenient or wrong. None gave a damn about the express violations of the First Amendment, not one.
It’s not that they do not care – indifference isn’t nefarious, and what Democrats are doing is evil – it’s that they benefit from the lies and ignorance. Most of the left-wing attacks on Tucker and conservative media aren’t on substance – Democrats don’t engage in substantive arguments, they simply dismiss with contempt and move on, preaching only their ignorant choir – they are designed to prevent people from consuming unapproved information. They couch it as “We watch conservative media so you don’t have to” but it’s really “We watch conservative media and lie about it in the hope you never do it yourself.”
Make up your own damn mind. I encourage you to flip on MSNBC every once in a while, if only to keep up with what the enemy is doing. Like visiting a zoo when you’re likely never going to run the risk of being trampled by an elephant, you should at least know what one looks like and is capable of. And when it comes to politics, Democrats are capable of anything. There is no bottom for them, no line they won’t cross. And the only way that works is with an ignorant public. Explains the schools in every left-wing stronghold in the country, doesn’t it?

Americans should decide to no longer be ignorant as to what is meant, suggested, implied, intended by the oft-heard phrase “begs the question”, when used by people who actually know what it means.
At times I wonder if Maoist Democrats are using Orwell's sci-fi novels as manuals.
Take for example the latest Biden/Democrat SVB Bank fiasco. They've already blamed Trump while they've run tis country for 26 months shutting down oil production, increasing inflation, creating supply chain sourcing, environmental destruction, pulling out of Afghanistan, and creating the Ukraine war.
Simply, Maoist Democrats and Uni-Party Republicans Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public.
You missed the best part of Carlin where he told what thought about 'conservatives'.

Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

They are in luck then.
  1. The MEAN average IQ of the USA is probably down around 95 now.
  2. 85% of the people are of no better than average intelligence or WORSE.
  3. The democrat party attracts the most stupid people, illiterates and illegals.
  4. Our media has not been informing people for generations. Most media don't even check their sources.
  5. The government-run school system has been grossly failing to educate kids you decades, instead, socially-engineering them for acceptance and compliance instead.
  6. Equity takes precedence now over excellence.
  7. The oppressors identify as liberators calling the patriots a threat.
  8. Our society is now thickly infused with government-sponsored misinformation, lies and propaganda.
  9. Questioning the status quo or thinking for oneself is now mocked, criticized and attacked. Fall in line!!!
What a great time to be a democrat!

Alternative for Germany politician Bjorn Hocke branded 'nazi' by rival ...

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