Debate Now Mark Levin to Biden: "Who the hell do you think you are?"

I did. Stop telling people what they did and did not do. Stop telling people how to post, what to post and...

Stop! Just stop.

I watched the stupid friggin video almost 8 minutes wasted time I'll never get back.
You have yet to make a single post what Levin specifically said that you think was right or wrong.
Sorry. Levin is just too disgusting to discuss for very long. If you don't understand my post, I can't help you.
If you didn't bother to watch the video surely there is something else you can find to do?
How did he do that? Seems to me he took the side of Americans who actually understand the situation and support Israel's right to defend itself.
Sorry Sweetie, but I will take Biden’s views of our Middle East policy over Levin’s or Netanyahu’s
Levin has a long history of exaggerations and lies. With his reputation, there is no reason to believe anything he says, even if he says he went to bed last night.
No he does not have that history.
Please reread the OP and if you aren't interested I'm sure there are many wonderful things to do with your time.

Do you or do you not agree with Levin? Why or why not?
I support Mark Levin and object to the diversions by others after they read your first post.
Mark is very smart. Mark also cares what happens to Israel. Biden himself should also care what happens to Israel. Biden deeply loves Hamas and only cares about them. These bombs he stopped won't stop Israel.
Hannity turned over several minutes of his weeknight television program to Mark Levin who, as a person of Jewish faith, had some strong words for Biden for turning his back on Israel, for protecting and supporting terrorist groups and saying that Israel cannot win against Hamas.

One rule for this thread: Stay on topic and discuss Levin's point of view re why Biden is right or wrong to withhold or threaten to withhold support for Israel because Israel can't win.

The entire clip is here and it is worth the few minutes it takes to watch it:
Okay...lets see if you can actually answer a question for once.

What is Biden threatening to withhold. Be specific.
The problem with Levin's position is that he sees the Israelis as the good guys and the Palestinians as the bad guys.

The reality is more shades of gray. Hamas killed 1700 Israelis, most of them civilians. Israel has killed 40,000 Palestinians, most of them civilians.

what is needed at this point is for both sides to ratchet down the violence and then work on a sensible peace that everyone can live with.
The problem with Levin's position is that he sees the Israelis as the good guys and the Palestinians as the bad guys.

The reality is more shades of gray. Hamas killed 1700 Israelis, most of them civilians. Israel has killed 40,000 Palestinians, most of them civilians.

what is needed at this point is for both sides to ratchet down the violence and then work on a sensible peace that everyone can live with.
When Hamas kills Jews and invaded Israel, who thought it would be Hamas winning the war? Hamas is nuts to have invaded Israel.
Hannity turned over several minutes of his weeknight television program to Mark Levin who, as a person of Jewish faith, had some strong words for Biden for turning his back on Israel, for protecting and supporting terrorist groups and saying that Israel cannot win against Hamas.

One rule for this thread: Stay on topic and discuss Levin's point of view re why Biden is right or wrong to withhold or threaten to withhold support for Israel because Israel can't win.

The entire clip is here and it is worth the few minutes it takes to watch it:

Hes the President of the United States.

You're a nobody on right wing hate radio, that only has an audience of nobody's like you.

Next question.
Ronald Reagan also used the power of American arms to influence Israeli war policy. The comparison underscores how much the politics of Israel have changed in the United States since the 1980s.
Biden single handedly pushed through the funding bills and has supported Israel with US military support, weapons, and money. He isnt aligned with bad military strategy. Good for him.

The thread is not about Reagan. Please read the OP.
Actually, it IS on topic. The topic here, is Biden withholding or impounding legally passed aid to another nation, by the legislative branch. The administrative branch is in charge of foreign policy. . . . so there is sort of a conflict between the. . .

This law;

And how the Administrative branch uses funds already allocated by congress to conduct foreign policy. Let us not forget, congress had impeached Trump for much the same thing already;

White House 'broke law' by withholding Ukraine aid, says watchdog​

And should Trump get elected and want to use his power to force both the EU, NATO and Ukraine to the negotiating table by withholding aid. . and the Deep State and DNC hold power in congress, it would not be beyond them to do it to him again.



The upshot? If the GOP and the Israel first contingent in congress are really that upset about this move? They can just do to Biden, what congress had done to Trump.

I don't expect it would go far though, because foreign policy, treaty making and war are the prerogatives of the administrative branch.
Hannity turned over several minutes of his weeknight television program to Mark Levin who, as a person of Jewish faith, had some strong words for Biden for turning his back on Israel, for protecting and supporting terrorist groups and saying that Israel cannot win against Hamas.

One rule for this thread: Stay on topic and discuss Levin's point of view re why Biden is right or wrong to withhold or threaten to withhold support for Israel because Israel can't win.

The entire clip is here and it is worth the few minutes it takes to watch it:
levin is a rightwing shill for maga dumb.
Of course the bill they held up included increased border security. I guess the border is not so important to the GOP.

It's not. Its a political issue. And just like abortion. They are going to lose on this issue to. Weve reached that point in history where the right is losing influence on political issues they ran on for years.

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