Democrats are the most fiscally irresponisble


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2009
conservative hell california
Tit for tat, tit for tat, lets divide and conquer and title our threads to make people hate and angry. Fact is we are being screwed by both sides, just take a look at what Obama is doing and explain how the Democrats are fiscally responsible or how its even a fair comparison.

Rush says it best

Is Anything Real? Trillions in Secret Fed Payments Revealed

RUSH ARCHIVE: The TARP money was not used for its original purpose. There's something else out there, Jordan, you need to know. The Federal Reserve, before the TARP bailout, made loans totaling $2 trillion and they will not tell us to whom. We don't know who got the money. Whether the Fed loans it or the government prints it, it's our money. So you can talk about the $700 billion TARP. You can talk about the $787 billion stimulus. That's nothing compared to the amount of money that the Federal Reserve lent people at the same time: $2 trillion. We don't know where it went and they will not tell us.

RUSH: Well, we now know that it wasn't $2 trillion. We know it was a little over $3 trillion and we know where it went now. Finally we know where some of it went. "The Federal Reserve revealed details yesterday of trillions of dollars in emergency aid that it gave to US and foreign banks and to nonbank companies ranging from General Electric to Harley-Davidson during the financial crisis." So let me pause for just a second. We go to California and we look at all of the unfunded pension liabilities for the teachers, public employees unions, Teamsters, and the same thing in Illinois and in New York. We have people who have been living on federal dollars, people who have been living well on the public dole. Humongous lifestyles.

GE borrowed $16 billion! GE borrowed a total of more than $16 billion. Now, in the case of General Electric, let's connect some dots. The CEO of GE is Jeffrey Immelt. Jeffrey Immelt sits on one of Obama's economic commissions. CNBC is owned by General Electric. That business news channel has been obviously in the tank for Obama and regime economic policy since he was sworn in. General Electric has been big in this "green" technology movement and every other week it seems all of GE from NBC to CNBC to MSNBC "goes green." Now we find out that the regime found its way on the General Electric board in a sense.

When you end up lending this kind of money to private industry, you end up on their board, and you have a say-so in how their company is run. It's socialism. You don't have to go to the board meetings but this is Marxian. It's right out of Karl Marx. I know you start accusing these people of being socialists people laugh. "Ah, come on, Rush. That's insane talk. That's the talk of kooks." It may be but it's what it is. When Obama or anybody he wants to appoint essentially sits on the GE board and when GE doesn't care and there's this situation? It's very, very troubling, ladies and gentlemen. To try to understand all this I sought the counsel of Mike Munger who is the Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics program at Duke University.

Now, here are some more details: "New documents show that the most loan and other aid for U.S. institutions over time went to Citigroup ($2.2 trillion)..." $2.2 trillion to a bank? followed by Merrill Lynch ($2.1 trillion), Morgan Stanley ($2 trillion), Bear Stearns ($960 billion), Bank of America ($887 billion), Goldman Sachs..." Goldman Sachs? What do they need any money for? They were bailed out twice! They got this and they got money via AIG. Well, now, what is a little schlub like me supposed to make of this? Well, what I make of this is cap and trade. Somebody is gonna benefit from the "trades" if we actually do start trading carbon credits
Tit for tat, tit for tat, lets divide and conquer and title our threads to make people hate and angry. Fact is we are being screwed by both sides, just take a look at what Obama is doing and explain how the Democrats are fiscally responsible or how its even a fair comparison.
Yeah.....we need some new-blood in D.C.!!

Limbaugh is very good at what he does. What he does is provide simple explanations which appeal to the emotions of simple people. Blame others, never oneself; all things liberal/progressive are evil, all things conservative are blessed. All harm has been done by the Democrats, no harm has been done by Republicans.
He 'reports' on events using Pathos, not Logos (not that any fan of his would know or understand the difference).
The fed could loan money under certain circumstances without the approval of congress. they "had" the right as a bank. that law has now been changed.

Barney Frank said this on Parker Spitzer
"Barney Frank: I agree. But we fixed that in the bill. First of all, the power they have under what was then Section 13.3 of the Federal Reserve Act to do these things without any restriction is gone. They can now set up facilities. They will still be able to respond to an emergency but in a much more orderly way. Secondly, when they were doing this, they didn't know that it was going to become public. They have any reason to expect it wouldn't. As a result of the bill that was signed by the president over the objection of almost all of the Republicans, they will now -- this was not just a one-time revelation. What we put into the bill was, one, tell us what happened in 2008 and 2009, and to -- going forward with an appropriate time delay so you don't affect the market unduly. Anything like the Fed has done in the future under the new restrictive rules will also have to be made public. And the fact that they know that it's going to be made public I think will be a constraint and some of the problems that you talked about." - - Transcripts

Section 13.3 - Discounts for Individuals, Partnerships, and Corporations
In unusual and exigent circumstances, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, by the affirmative vote of not less than five members, may authorize any Federal reserve bank, during such periods as the said board may determine, at rates established in accordance with the provisions of section 14, subdivision (d), of this Act, to discount for any individual, partnership, or corporation, notes, drafts, and bills of exchange when such notes, drafts, and bills of exchange are indorsed or otherwise secured to the satisfaction of the Federal Reserve bank: Provided, That before discounting any such note, draft, or bill of exchange for an individual, partnership, or corporation the Federal reserve bank shall obtain evidence that such individual, partnership, or corporation is unable to secure adequate credit accommodations from other banking institutions. All such discounts for individuals, partnerships, or corporations shall be subject to such limitations, restrictions, and regulations as the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System may prescribe.

this has nothing to do with either the republicans or democrats trying to get their friends $, it was simply an ability of the fed to create loans. (these are loans people, not hand outs of free money)

so had Rush actually done some research, he would have found that the laws got changed so that the Fed cant do this anymore, yet the change in the law was largely opposed by republicans........
Where are all you Liberal Marxist hacks,

Ignore the truth, right, no response to facts.

Should of been easy, I am quoting Limbaugh.

It is're quoting Limbaugh. Nothing else needs to be said. Where is your proof?
Democrats are the most fiscally irresponisble

Well at least they do not generally claim to be otherwise. And fiscal responsibility is not one of their party's platform planks.
they have added less to the deficit than Rs

True, indisputable. It was the plan from the get-go. When you run tremendous deficits and never say a word about it when Republicans are in power, they can use the deficits to block the Democrats from getting anything done when they're in power, citing that there's "No money."
Tit for tat, tit for tat, lets divide and conquer and title our threads to make people hate and angry. Fact is we are being screwed by both sides, just take a look at what Obama is doing and explain how the Democrats are fiscally responsible or how its even a fair comparison.

Rush says it best

Is Anything Real? Trillions in Secret Fed Payments Revealed

RUSH ARCHIVE: The TARP money was not used for its original purpose. There's something else out there, Jordan, you need to know. The Federal Reserve, before the TARP bailout, made loans totaling $2 trillion and they will not tell us to whom.

Stopping right there, that makes the title of your thread a tad disingenuous, eh?
Bwhahahahahaha. All one has to do is get to the part in the OP where he says:

"Rush says ut best."

8.2 trillion dollars is what elRashbutt said. 8.2 trillion! Does that make you pseudo-conned mad as hell or what.

Fact is you're too stupid to know you're being conned by "Boss Rush"

Now get mad and deny it!

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Limbaugh is very good at what he does. What he does is provide simple explanations which appeal to the emotions of simple people. Blame others, never oneself; all things liberal/progressive are evil, all things conservative are blessed. All harm has been done by the Democrats, no harm has been done by Republicans.
He 'reports' on events using Pathos, not Logos (not that any fan of his would know or understand the difference).
He always has claimed to be a Reagan Republican.

Gimme a break!!!

Hell....Obama RUBBED REPUBLICANS' COLLECTIVE-NOSES in their deficit-spending!!!!

(....And, even Chicrap Boner was AFRAID to stand-up-to-him!!!)


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