Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

You are the ones trying to preserve this country? I am really curious, how do you define America? What makes America better than other countries, what is the basis of our American exceptionalism?

We are blessed by God that we were born here. We live in one of the only countries where if you are born poor, you don't have to remain that way for the rest of your life like in other places. The liberties we have such as freedom of speech that limits government from silencing their critics, a justice system that guarantees every citizen a right to a fair and speedy trial with an unbiased judge or jury, a well armed nation that not only protects it's citizens, but helps to keep peace in the world and tyranny in it's place. An armed public so we don't have to live as victims of evil.

We on the right are trying to preserve our country by keeping it free and fighting Communism which has taken over the Democrat party. Fighting to have decency in public and protect our children from weirdos in dresses entering their restroom facilities at school or boys stealing trophies and perhaps college scholarships from our daughters in sports events. Demanding that we keep sex out of the classrooms of our pre-teen children and parents that promote it not be categorized as terrorists by the Communists. We promote seeing God as the highest power and not government.
How, in your mind, is Biden causing or helping inflation?
Pumping money UNNECESSARILY into the economy (“too much money chasing.….”) and allowing people who refuse to take jobs to get welfare leading to a labor shortage (“too few goods”).

He is f’ing it up on both ends, and has proven that Obama was right when he warned that Biden f‘s up everything he touches.
Pumping money UNNECESSARILY into the economy (“too much money chasing.….”) and allowing people who refuse to take jobs to get welfare leading to a labor shortage (“too few goods”).

He is f’ing it up on both ends, and has proven that Obama was right when he warned that Biden f‘s up everything he touches.

Presidents don't pump money. The Federal Reserve does.

Try again.
Pumping money UNNECESSARILY into the economy (“too much money chasing.….”) and allowing people who refuse to take jobs to get welfare leading to a labor shortage (“too few goods”).

He is f’ing it up on both ends, and has proven that Obama was right when he warned that Biden f‘s up everything he touches.
Unemployment is limited it doesn't last for years more like six months.
Unemployment is limited it doesn't last for years more like six months.
Not if Biden is successful in putting us in recession. It can last two years. Added to the two COVID years and this year where people don’t want to work, we will have an entire working age population that has spent the last 5 years not working, and on government assistance, and they will be used to it.

This is how you leftists are destroying what had been the best country in the world: turn its people into sloths, and then import millions more dependent semi-literate foreigners who can’t support themselves either.

17.5 more days….
Not if Biden is successful in putting us in recession. It can last two years. Added to the two COVID years and this year where people don’t want to work, we will have an entire working age population that has spent the last 5 years not working, and on government assistance, and they will be used to it.

This is how you leftists are destroying what had been the best country in the world: turn its people into sloths, and then import millions more dependent semi-literate foreigners who can’t support themselves either.

17.5 more days….
How do speak of the past by an "if"of the future describing conditions of the present?
Democrats have done a fabulous job of shooting themselves in the foot
More like the face.

but it's becoming more clear that they're now up against something far larger and profound
It's called the truth. Like sunlight to a vampire for you democrats.

While they're advocating for this and that, and defending this and that
The democrats are advocating ONE THING: free abortions anytime anywhere forever. And they are defending ONE THING: Orange Man Bad. The world has changed the channel fucker.

they're saving America from The Devil
No, just communist, globalist fascists like you who have totally infiltrated the DNC.

a cabal of globalists who stole a presidential election
Glad to see you admit it.

ushering in the second coming of Jesus
Any good patriotic red blooded American will do.

and protecting innocent children from Satanists who want to rape them and drink their blood.
Nope. Wrong again. Just you sickos wanting to teach kindergartners all about homosexuality, gender bending, masturbation and that they probably ain't even the gender that mommy and daddy told them they were but with a little secret surgery and drugs from their friends on the school board (hidden from their parents), they can straighten them out!

And the Democrats think that discussing something as mundane as issues is going to work?
When they try it, let me know.
How do speak of the past by an "if"of the future describing conditions of the present?
Are you nuts? You said that unemployment only lasts six months, and I told you that during the last recession it lasted 2 years.

All told, with that added in, a huge segment of the population that should have been woekimg for a living will have spent five years on the government dole. Just what the America-destroying Democrats want.

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