Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

I want the reason they come to stop. You are the one that wants them to continue coming.
The reason they are coming is because Biden and the Democrats have welcomed them in.

And you’re saying I want these semi-literate illegals to keep coming tells me that you are ye another deluded leftist.
It's enjoyable to listen to Democrats who suggest it's their opponents who are crazy.
Reality doesn't support your projection. Nor does the fact leftists are more likely to have mental disorders. Afterall, it's not republicans who sport purple hair and such ideas so fabulous.
I hope they keep practicing. When November comes, it'll be getting cold and I'll be stuck inside, and the entertainment will be wonderful!
Yup. He just said that I want these illegal lowlifes to keep coming here. These people sure are brainwashed, aren’t they?
It's epic and it's entertaining how brainwashed they are. I don't even miss TV anymore. It's so much fun to poke them!
The reason they are coming is because Biden and the Democrats have welcomed them in.

And you’re saying I want these semi-literate illegals to keep coming tells me that you are ye another deluded leftist.

Facts are facts. If you didn't want them here you would demand we address the reason they come. Jobs.
Well of course you would. That’s the sole reason that Democrats want these leeches here. They are a drain on America, but as long as you get they vote, that’s all that counts.
I'm sure that most of the leftists here don't pay any taxes, so it's not their money.
Well of course you would. That’s the sole reason that Democrats want these leeches here. They are a drain on America, but as long as you get they vote, that’s all that counts.

At least you can't act surprised when it happens.
We have a poster in this forum, Winston I think is his name, who says he is an MBA and never worked more than 10 hours a week, and his wife didn’t work at all, to intentionally keep his family of six children on welfare.

Why should we get out? We're the ones trying to preserve this country. It's people on the left that are trying to change the USA into Europe or worse; constantly telling us how better it is in this country or how better it is in that country. I don't know why you people on the left stay here when there are countries already setup the way you like them. Move to one of these places and leave us alone. There is only one USA in this world and we're trying to keep it that way.
You are the ones trying to preserve this country? I am really curious, how do you define America? What makes America better than other countries, what is the basis of our American exceptionalism?
I'm sure that most of the leftists here don't pay any taxes, so it's not their money.
Good point.

But it sure does show how much they hate America, doesn’t it? They purposely want unskilled, semi-literate people here to lower the caliber of the country, ruin the schools, and place a financial burden on American taxpayers.

420 more hours.….
Good point.

But it sure does show how much they hate America, doesn’t it? They purposely want unskilled, semi-literate people here to lower the caliber of the country, ruin the schools, and place a financial burden on American taxpayers.

420 more hours.….
18 days, baby!

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