Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

Democrats have done a fabulous job of shooting themselves in the foot on various issues over the years, but it's becoming more clear that they're now up against something far larger and profound as people head to the polls.

While they're advocating for this and that, and defending this and that, their political opponents are telling themselves and each other that they're saving America from The Devil, stopping a cabal of globalists who stole a presidential election, ushering in the second coming of Jesus, and protecting innocent children from Satanists who want to rape them and drink their blood.

And the Democrats think that discussing something as mundane as issues is going to work? Really?

What, exactly, is the plan to deal with this?

Its pretty difficult to defend child grooming

And flooding the country with dirt poor hispanics that we dont need and no one wants

Then we have sky high inflation at the gas pump and the grocery store

But your democrats are doing the best they can when aided by the Deep State and the lib news media

And of course your Herculean efforts on this board
There are plenty of crazies on both the right and left, but partisans of one side of the duopoly ignore the crazies on their side.

That is true, but one side's 'crazies' are currently influencing everything you see and hear in social and mainstream 'media'. The Bible thumper types have been marginalized for years, who's values do you currently see in our society, it sure as hell isn't Christian values. For lefties to drag out a few Christians inserting their religious beliefs into the supposed discussion is laughable at best, they've worked for 40-50 years to stomp any Christian influence in society into the mud, and have all but obliterated it. But still like to pull it out as a supposed 'threat', again it's laughable.
I'm not the one constantly bitching and crying about every little thing because of hurt feelings over losing the vote. That's magaturds, not the fucking left. Gaslight someone else, magaturd.

As I pointed out, you people on the left are always bitching why we're not a Socialist/ Communist country. We like a free country. That's why we fight to keep it.
As I pointed out, you people on the left are always bitching why we're not a Socialist/ Communist country. We like a free country. That's why we fight to keep it.
I'm not on the left. I've never once in my life advocated for socialism. You magaturds simply spew dumb shit. You can't have conversations with dumb fucks arguing just for the sake of argument. Too far gone.
So they are working.

If you call that working. After years of liberalism it took the drive of success out of people; to work and get ahead in life, to make something out of yourself, to be self-reliant.

Grooming is not a new concept by the left. They've been doing it for years, it's just that now it has a label attached to it.
If that was true we would address the reason they come. Jobs.

The reason they come now is nobody is stopping them. Many of them surrender to the BP because they know that's their ticket into the country. Surrender, make a phony asylum claim, they let you out into the country until your court date which many don't show up for, and then hide in a sanctuary city somewhere where they'll never be seen again.
The fact is that Republicans will regain a majority in the House but will have a harder time regaining a majority in the Senate.

I think this year they will take both. The problem is whatever success they have in making things better, the MSM will give all the credit to Biden.
The reason they come now is nobody is stopping them. Many of them surrender to the BP because they know that's their ticket into the country. Surrender, make a phony asylum claim, they let you out into the country until your court date which many don't show up for, and then hide in a sanctuary city somewhere where they'll never be seen again.
pknopp fails to mention the lure of free rooms, free food, and free medical for the intruders
I think this year they will take both. The problem is whatever success they have in making things better, the MSM will give all the credit to Biden.
The MSM is an extension of the Democrat party and the biggest contributor of disinformation in the country. Democrats have the media and also the DOJ looking after their interests.
pknopp fails to mention the lure of free rooms, free food, and free medical for the intruders

Which is fine with me provided they are all shipped to Democrat states and they foot the bill for those things instead of the feds. But of course when we sent them to Martha's Vineyard they thought 50 outsiders were the end of the Fn world.
Which is fine with me provided they are all shipped to Democrat states and they foot the bill for those things instead of the feds. But of course when we sent them to Martha's Vineyard they thought 50 outsiders were the end of the Fn world.
The reality is that the migrants are a drain on national resources no matter where they go
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Because it doesn't exist. And I've addressed the fact that the little that does exist is nowhere near enough to survive on.

But you know all of this already.
Meaning that dems will let them starve after getting here?

If the child gets sick they get no medical attention?

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