Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

Democrats have done a fabulous job of shooting themselves in the foot on various issues over the years, but it's becoming more clear that they're now up against something far larger and profound as people head to the polls.

While they're advocating for this and that, and defending this and that, their political opponents are telling themselves and each other that they're saving America from The Devil, stopping a cabal of globalists who stole a presidential election, ushering in the second coming of Jesus, and protecting innocent children from Satanists who want to rape them and drink their blood.

And the Democrats think that discussing something as mundane as issues is going to work? Really?

What, exactly, is the plan to deal with this?

being a demafascist cerainly is an up hill battle
Trying to reason with a Trump cultist is like the experience of showing up in Jonestown to try to convince the minions not to drink the Kool-Aid. Logic, facts, rational thought, they don't enter the equation.
Trying to reason with a Trump cultist is like the experience of showing up in Jonestown to try to convince the minions not to drink the Kool-Aid. Logic, facts, rational thought, they don't enter the equation.
Translation: "Shit, I'm scared!"
Just pointing out facts. Your approval is neither expected nor needed.

The fact is that dems have an insatiable blood lust for the killing of the unborn. The fact is that abortion is almost off the radar in regards to voter concerns this election. The fact is that inflation and high costs are number 1 this election. Those are facts.
Trying to reason with a Trump cultist is like the experience of showing up in Jonestown to try to convince the minions not to drink the Kool-Aid. Logic, facts, rational thought, they don't enter the equation.

This isn’t America anymore. We have a chance to take it back in 18 days and allow the expression of dissenting opinions without fear of arrest or other repercussions.
Then get the fuck out. America is beyond weary of entitled magaturd bitching.
Democrats have done a fabulous job of shooting themselves in the foot on various issues over the years, but it's becoming more clear that they're now up against something far larger and profound as people head to the polls.

While they're advocating for this and that, and defending this and that, their political opponents are telling themselves and each other that they're saving America from The Devil, stopping a cabal of globalists who stole a presidential election, ushering in the second coming of Jesus, and protecting innocent children from Satanists who want to rape them and drink their blood.

And the Democrats think that discussing something as mundane as issues is going to work? Really?

What, exactly, is the plan to deal with this?

The Democrats you voted for. Never forget.
Then get the fuck out. America is beyond weary of entitled magaturd bitching.

Why should we get out? We're the ones trying to preserve this country. It's people on the left that are trying to change the USA into Europe or worse; constantly telling us how better it is in this country or how better it is in that country. I don't know why you people on the left stay here when there are countries already setup the way you like them. Move to one of these places and leave us alone. There is only one USA in this world and we're trying to keep it that way.
Why should we get out? We're the ones trying to preserve this country. It's people on the left that are trying to change the USA into Europe or worse; constantly telling us how better it is in this country or how better it is in that country. I don't know why you people on the left stay here when there are countries already setup the way you like them. Move to one of these places and leave us alone. There is only one USA in this world and we're trying to keep it that way.
Hell, I'd donate enough for a one-way airline ticket for that poster. That's the low-hanging fruit we don't need in this country.
Hell, I'd donate enough for a one-way airline ticket for that poster. That's the low-hanging fruit we don't need in this country.

Exactly. I don't know how many conversations I get into with these people constantly telling me how great government healthcare is, how great a disarmed society is, how great it is not having so many rich people around, how public transportation is so great like it is in Europe, and then tell us to get out of this country.

If you like these things, move to one of those places that have everything you like.

Don't get me wrong, we have places like that here too: Government clothes you, feeds you, work is an option, no rich people except government, no guns except government, free healthcare..... we call these places prisons. Not only are they easy to get into, but they're full of Democrats already. :badgrin:
Why should we get out? We're the ones trying to preserve this country. It's people on the left that are trying to change the USA into Europe or worse; constantly telling us how better it is in this country or how better it is in that country. I don't know why you people on the left stay here when there are countries already setup the way you like them. Move to one of these places and leave us alone. There is only one USA in this world and we're trying to keep it that way.
I'm not the one constantly bitching and crying about every little thing because of hurt feelings over losing the vote. That's magaturds, not the fucking left. Gaslight someone else, magaturd.
Democrats have done a fabulous job of shooting themselves in the foot on various issues over the years, but it's becoming more clear that they're now up against something far larger and profound as people head to the polls.

While they're advocating for this and that, and defending this and that, their political opponents are telling themselves and each other that they're saving America from The Devil, stopping a cabal of globalists who stole a presidential election, ushering in the second coming of Jesus, and protecting innocent children from Satanists who want to rape them and drink their blood.

And the Democrats think that discussing something as mundane as issues is going to work? Really?

What, exactly, is the plan to deal with this?

Democrats: The vastly greater evil

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