Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

One of the anchors on MSNBC did a story the other day on the correlation of voting patterns relative to the price of gas. I found it shocking. It's a phenomenon that has gone on for decades. Translation......people vote their pocketbooks. A poll came out the other day showing 70% of respondents thought democracy was under threat. But they prioritized inflation as being a bigger problem. That kind of myopic idiocy will kill democracy.
Your high school civics teacher lied to you. "Democracy" does not mean "rule by democrats".
I guess the parrot you are addressing does not beleive that the $50K chunk I've lost out of my brokerage account since the Cabbage In Chief took the helm (lol!) is not "the economy".

18 days, bitches.
My elderly mother in assisted living lost more than that, and we need that money for her care. In the meantime, a college grad earning $100,000 gets a $10,000 break - the cost of which is absorbed by people like my mother.
One of the anchors on MSNBC did a story the other day on the correlation of voting patterns relative to the price of gas. I found it shocking. It's a phenomenon that has gone on for decades. Translation......people vote their pocketbooks. A poll came out the other day showing 70% of respondents thought democracy was under threat. But they prioritized inflation as being a bigger problem. That kind of myopic idiocy will kill democracy.
Yes, democracy is under threat AND inflation is a big problem. Both are reasons why the Democrats are going to be voted out in 18 days.
My elderly mother in assisted living lost more than that, and we need that money for her care. In the meantime, a college grad earning $100,000 gets a $10,000 break - the cost of which is absorbed by people like my mother.

To note, not a single person has received a penny yet but still your mom has lost her money. That means it was something else.
My elderly mother in assisted living lost more than that, and we need that money for her care. In the meantime, a college grad earning $100,000 gets a $10,000 break - the cost of which is absorbed by people like my mother.
If your elderly mother, who is in assisted living, lost more than fifty grand in the market you got bigger problems than Biden, starting with whoever is managing her money.
General question: Do these Democrats actually believe that the economy has never been stronger? The only three people I know spending freely - they are ALL on international vacations right now, one on a month-long luxury cruise - are government workers or pensioners.
Using GDP as a measure, clearly the economy is not as strong as it has been in the past. On the other hand, the economy's persistent strength in some areas, like employment, is the reason why the Fed is having to go to these extremes to tame inflation. BTW, I just got back from a trip to Italy. I have no pension, I've just done well financially.
Using GDP as a measure, clearly the economy is not as strong as it has been in the past. On the other hand, the economy's persistent strength in some areas, like employment, is the reason why the Fed is having to go to these extremes to tame inflation. BTW, I just got back from a trip to Italy. I have no pension, I've just done well financially.
My elderly mother in assisted living lost more than that, and we need that money for her care. In the meantime, a college grad earning $100,000 gets a $10,000 break - the cost of which is absorbed by people like my mother.
Once her assets are gone she can qualify for Medicaid.
Using GDP as a measure, clearly the economy is not as strong as it has been in the past. On the other hand, the economy's persistent strength in some areas, like employment, is the reason why the Fed is having to go to these extremes to tame inflation. BTW, I just got back from a trip to Italy. I have no pension, I've just done well financially.
Employment isn’t strong. We have tons of abled adults refusing to look for work, which not only keeps the unemployment rate artificially low, but contributes to the labor shortage, which in turn creates inflation.

I‘ve done well financially as well, and have money NOW. But I see how the Dems are attacking the middle class in order to bring down the economy, and worry about my later years. I do expect, though, that we will have a “relief rally” once Republicans are voted in to Congress, but the headwinds remain strong.
Once her assets are gone she can qualify for Medicaid.
We always took pride in supporting ourselves.

But, that aside, that’s the Dems’ plan - see the middle class lose all their money and become dependent on government support.

And besides, we have her in a nice place now that doesn’t accept Medicaid. She’d have to lower her living standards, which again is what the Dems want. Remember, Biden said that Americans will have to get used to less.
Employment isn’t strong. We have tons of abled adults refusing to look for work, which not only keeps the unemployment rate artificially low, but contributes to the labor shortage, which in turn creates inflation.

How are they surviving?
Oh, I'm sure they see themselves as "going high" - smug, self-absorbed, emoting hybrid gaggle of elitists and po' folk that they are.
Actually they will continue to make the problem worse. That's what the two parties do. Tell us how bad the other side is while in reality they are the same.
Which is what all your time will be spent on and not a damn thing to deal with the problems at hand.
The point here is that we're now in a completely asymmetrical confrontation. Prior to this period, we had a liberal vs. conservative battle that was in decay, as each end of the spectrum aggressively played right into the worst impulses of the other.

Now? It's a Left that is only doubling down on its bad ideas vs. this.... thing, a mix of conspiracy theories, pseudo-libertarianism and ersatz Christianity.

Never did I think I'd be longing for the old template.
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The fact is that Republicans will regain a majority in the House but will have a harder time regaining a majority in the Senate.

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