Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

1) Stop unnecessary handouts, starting with those to high-earning college graduates

Under Trump we had all kinds of handouts. Do I need to remind you again how Trump pushed for the 2K handout?
So you are also against the sex mutilation of children that is supported by most democrats?
So you're FOR the government stepping in and taking over the role, responsibility and duty of the parents over their children's lives?
General question: Do these Democrats actually believe that the economy has never been stronger? The only three people I know spending freely - they are ALL on international vacations right now, one on a month-long luxury cruise - are government workers or pensioners.
Karen558, Inflation is a global problem, and you guys don't have any answers... most sane people realize this.

You guys will do well because of Gerrymandering, not because you've changed any minds. but you'll do exactly what you did in 2010 and 1994, think a victory in a midterm is an endorsement of your crazy ideas.
The GOP will beat inflation by cutting off money in the economy.
If it was involuntary, sure.

But let's be blunt here. We have 1 million transgender people, and we only perform 11,000 gender affirmation surgeries a year, very very very few of them on minor and then only after the minor child, their parents and medical professionals have all signed off on it.
So you support the sex mutilation of children and then complain about abortion laws. You seem like a very confused person.
Every time he gets on here and whines that both parties are just as bad, and Trump got elected because Democrats don't pander to his white male privilege.
After the 15th time I called him on it, the pussy put me on ignore.
Mac is probably correct on both counts... (1) both are just as bad and (2) the Democratic Party is hemorrhaging White Folk at an alarming rate.

When it comes to (1)... both have strengths and weaknesses and shortcomings and negatives and virtues... polar opposites usually do.

When it comes to (2)... every time the Dems play the race card or belch-up that "white privilege" crap they play into GOP hands and lose more White Folk.

In this context the Dems are sometimes even more stupid or foolhardy than the Pubs... and that's a pretty damned low bar to serve-up as a comparison.
How is the economy strong? We have a 40-year high inflation rate where Americans can’t afford groceries and gas, retirees watching their decades of savings evaporate, tons of people refusing to look for work because the government handouts suffice, and a pending railroad strike that will make the inflation rate worse.
You're an idiot. Read a book.
General question: Do these Democrats actually believe that the economy has never been stronger? The only three people I know spending freely - they are ALL on international vacations right now, one on a month-long luxury cruise - are government workers or pensioners.
My economy is very strong right now, so it is a pesonal perspective not a collective narrative from the loser Republicans still whining over the loss of an election.
General question: Do these Democrats actually believe that the economy has never been stronger? The only three people I know spending freely - they are ALL on international vacations right now, one on a month-long luxury cruise - are government workers or pensioners.

I'm not a Democrat but no, the economy is not great. On the other hand we did not have the best economy ever under Trump either.

We wouldn't have been pumping for the entire 4 years if it had been. It is that pumping that has us in the mess we are in. Well, the pumping and the debt but it was the actions of the Fed that made the debt so easy to do.
So you're FOR the government stepping in and taking over the role, responsibility and duty of the parents over their children's lives?
I'm against sex mutilation of children. Any parent that would agree to this should have their head examined.
Fascist POTUS

You could have left out the "PU"
Under Trump we had all kinds of handouts. Do I need to remind you again how Trump pushed for the 2K handout?
That was during COVID when people weren’t allowed to go to work. Different times. There is NO excuse to give handouts to high-earning college graduates.
Democrats portray Republicans as dim witted fools
Republicans portray Democrats as tools of Satan

They can’t win with logic like that
In this case, the son of a VP taking money from Communists to sell influence and access to the US government and policies.

Ah….I recognize your trick.

The answer is, Yes, if it is from enemy countries, done under suspicious circumstances, and in return for nothing of legitimate value.
What qualifies as "suspicious circumstances" and/or "legitimate value!"

Also, what are good reasons for US politicians to receive foreign money?

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