Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

1) Stop unnecessary handouts, starting with those to high-earning college graduates

2) Block the ”no bail” laws being proposed by Democrats and put repeat offenders in jail
1. That'll put an an end to inflation huh?

2. Repeat offenders need to serve their full sentences.
It's always "different" when it was your guy.
I explained why it was different:

2020: Businesses shut down and workers couldn’t go to work

2022: COVID now mild, workers are back at work, and no reason for college grads with HHI of $250,000 to get their loans paid off by the working class
Let's see here -- some whackaddodles make some wild claims about the source of various events and movements, and so that means that these events haven't really occurred and anybody who objects to them is a whackadoodle.

Got it.

When the DNC hires their troll farm workers, they aren't really getting the cream of the crop, now, are they?
Bullshit, the students never get the freebies like the wealthy.
Oh. War in the wealthy again?

You know who isn’t getting freebies? The lower-middle class - the largest voting bloc there is. They are being made to absorb the costs of giving out money freebies to doctors, lawyers, architects, and GS14 government workers.
I explained why it was different:

2020: Businesses shut down and workers couldn’t go to work

2022: COVID now mild, workers are back at work, and no reason for college grads with HHI of $250,000 to get their loans paid off by the working class

And I note, that it was shut down under Trump because of a virus that he started the research money back up on and you will come up with new excuse after new excuse for all of it.
Oh. War in the wealthy again?

You know who isn’t getting freebies? The lower-middle class - the largest voting bloc there is. They are being made to absorb the costs of giving out money freebies to doctors, lawyers, architects, and GS14 government workers.
Yes, student loan relief is for the bottom tier not the wealthy.
1. That'll put an an end to inflation huh?

At least it won’t make it WORSE, which is what your Demented God is doing.
2. Repeat offenders need to serve their full sentences.

I‘m not talking about sentencing. I am talking about before that: when someone who has served time for felony assault is arrested yet AGAIN for assaulting someone else, he needs his butt in jail until the trial. None of this “back on the street” nonsense. Look at NYC. The majority of the scumbags stabbing people and pushing them into trains havr prior rap sheets.
And I note, that it was shut down under Trump because of a virus that he started the research money back up on and you will come up with new excuse after new excuse for all of it.
Here is how you libs keep ”debating” - just put the other person on the defensive and NEVER even attempt to defend what your POS is doing - which is destroying the country. Shame on you for what you’ve done.
Here is how you libs keep ”debating” - just put the other person on the defensive and NEVER even attempt to defend what your POS is doing - which is destroying the country. Shame on you for what you’ve done.


What makes me a "Lib"? Being pro-life? Supporting the 2nd? Believing in keeping the Supreme Court at 9? Fully supporting the electoral college? Believing we need to balance the budget?

It's because I don't support a 12 year old as president, it would seem.

My "POS" never gets elected.
How is the economy strong? We have a 40-year high inflation rate where Americans can’t afford groceries and gas, retirees watching their decades of savings evaporate, tons of people refusing to look for work because the government handouts suffice, and a pending railroad strike that will make the inflation rate worse.
I guess the parrot you are addressing does not believe that the $50K chunk I've lost out of my brokerage account since the Cabbage In Chief took the helm (lol!) is "the economy".

18 days, bitches.
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Karen558, Inflation is a global problem, and you guys don't have any answers... most sane people realize this.

You guys will do well because of Gerrymandering, not because you've changed any minds. but you'll do exactly what you did in 2010 and 1994, think a victory in a midterm is an endorsement of your crazy ideas.
One of the anchors on MSNBC did a story the other day on the correlation of voting patterns relative to the price of gas. I found it shocking. It's a phenomenon that has gone on for decades. Translation......people vote their pocketbooks. A poll came out the other day showing 70% of respondents thought democracy was under threat. But they prioritized inflation as being a bigger problem. That kind of myopic idiocy will kill democracy.
The issue democrats have is, sane people are rejecting their insane policies, and they have nothing to fall back on. And, they sure can't run on their record or the economy.

They have nothing to offer the country but misery and lies.

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