Democrats, are you concerned about these rioters in the major cities and mayors are not allowing help from the gov't?

If you wonder why Trump is losing in the polls, even the Fox News Polls, then the answer is exactly what you support. The Government coming in to "help". Remember Ronald Reagan said the most frightening words for anyone was "I am from the Government and I am here to help". While there is a core group of people who want to see the Feds bashing the skulls of those damned Leftists. Most people worry more about the future. What happens next? If this trend continues, will we see a Federal Police Force in which our local cops are federalized?

What is funny to many of us is that the arguments made by Conservatives for decades are not even mentioned. Local Issues, States Rights, and the usual. Normally the Conservatives are arguing that local school boards are best to determine what the local schools should be teaching. They normally object to Federal Authority being used locally. And a dime will get you a million dollars that if Biden wins in November, suddenly those cries will once again, take center stage. Unfortunately it will take a decade or more for them to resound, after the Conservatives threw that belief out the window in the pursuit of vengeance on their political rivals.

I voted for Trump in 2016. I have said so many many times. I do not know if I can do so again this year. My problem is that again I don't like either candidate. I don't like Biden, as evidenced by my Signature box. And I don't like Trump. I may just ignore the election and see what my fellow citizens decide to do.

In another month, we will see how bad it really is for Trump, and the Republicans. But the nightmare scenario is not that Biden is elected President. The nightmare is the Democrats having control, by a comfortable margin, of the House, Senate, and White House. If the Democrats pick up six or eight seats in the Senate, then the mid terms are irrelevant and you can count on at least four, probably eight years of Democratic control.
Agreed. I voted for Don last time too, but won’t bother voting this time. Very little difference between Don and Joe, but the partisans on each side can’t see that. The ignorance is enormous...the left sees Don as the worst man ever to walk the earth and the right sees Joe as a demented Commie.

Which of the two is the better man. Which is more likely to do for others before he does for himself? Which is a better role model for young people?

This is not even a debatable question. The choice is crystal clear.

You're right. Joe Biden was a lying, do-nothing piece of shit even before he started exhibiting advanced dementia.
Much like Trump. Little difference.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
I’d be pretty upset with the way the state leaders have been handling the riots. Would have to really dig in case by case but I imagine I’d support replacing many of the mayors. I actually think if Joe was in the White House there would be a much more healthy collaboration between feds and state law enforcement and perhaps we would be seeing better results and less political posturing.
I agree with you about the mayors but the president cannot just replace them. They have to step down and then have a special election. You have more faith in Biden than I do. Hell he's supposed to be campaigning and he's locked in his basement!
He’s not locked in his basement that’s just a talking point. You can do better than that
Wouldn't you think a candidate to be president would be touring all the important states? He isn't even going on tv to be interviewed!

It says something when a candidate's best campaign tactic is to stay out of sight as much as possible.
If you wonder why Trump is losing in the polls, even the Fox News Polls, then the answer is exactly what you support. The Government coming in to "help". Remember Ronald Reagan said the most frightening words for anyone was "I am from the Government and I am here to help". While there is a core group of people who want to see the Feds bashing the skulls of those damned Leftists. Most people worry more about the future. What happens next? If this trend continues, will we see a Federal Police Force in which our local cops are federalized?

What is funny to many of us is that the arguments made by Conservatives for decades are not even mentioned. Local Issues, States Rights, and the usual. Normally the Conservatives are arguing that local school boards are best to determine what the local schools should be teaching. They normally object to Federal Authority being used locally. And a dime will get you a million dollars that if Biden wins in November, suddenly those cries will once again, take center stage. Unfortunately it will take a decade or more for them to resound, after the Conservatives threw that belief out the window in the pursuit of vengeance on their political rivals.

I voted for Trump in 2016. I have said so many many times. I do not know if I can do so again this year. My problem is that again I don't like either candidate. I don't like Biden, as evidenced by my Signature box. And I don't like Trump. I may just ignore the election and see what my fellow citizens decide to do.

In another month, we will see how bad it really is for Trump, and the Republicans. But the nightmare scenario is not that Biden is elected President. The nightmare is the Democrats having control, by a comfortable margin, of the House, Senate, and White House. If the Democrats pick up six or eight seats in the Senate, then the mid terms are irrelevant and you can count on at least four, probably eight years of Democratic control.
Agreed. I voted for Don last time too, but won’t bother voting this time. Very little difference between Don and Joe, but the partisans on each side can’t see that. The ignorance is enormous...the left sees Don as the worst man ever to walk the earth and the right sees Joe as a demented Commie.

Which of the two is the better man. Which is more likely to do for others before he does for himself? Which is a better role model for young people?

This is not even a debatable question. The choice is crystal clear.

You're right. Joe Biden was a lying, do-nothing piece of shit even before he started exhibiting advanced dementia.
Much like Trump. Little difference.

Tell yourself that if you like.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
If you wonder why Trump is losing in the polls, even the Fox News Polls, then the answer is exactly what you support. The Government coming in to "help". Remember Ronald Reagan said the most frightening words for anyone was "I am from the Government and I am here to help". While there is a core group of people who want to see the Feds bashing the skulls of those damned Leftists. Most people worry more about the future. What happens next? If this trend continues, will we see a Federal Police Force in which our local cops are federalized?

What is funny to many of us is that the arguments made by Conservatives for decades are not even mentioned. Local Issues, States Rights, and the usual. Normally the Conservatives are arguing that local school boards are best to determine what the local schools should be teaching. They normally object to Federal Authority being used locally. And a dime will get you a million dollars that if Biden wins in November, suddenly those cries will once again, take center stage. Unfortunately it will take a decade or more for them to resound, after the Conservatives threw that belief out the window in the pursuit of vengeance on their political rivals.

I voted for Trump in 2016. I have said so many many times. I do not know if I can do so again this year. My problem is that again I don't like either candidate. I don't like Biden, as evidenced by my Signature box. And I don't like Trump. I may just ignore the election and see what my fellow citizens decide to do.

In another month, we will see how bad it really is for Trump, and the Republicans. But the nightmare scenario is not that Biden is elected President. The nightmare is the Democrats having control, by a comfortable margin, of the House, Senate, and White House. If the Democrats pick up six or eight seats in the Senate, then the mid terms are irrelevant and you can count on at least four, probably eight years of Democratic control.
Agreed. I voted for Don last time too, but won’t bother voting this time. Very little difference between Don and Joe, but the partisans on each side can’t see that. The ignorance is enormous...the left sees Don as the worst man ever to walk the earth and the right sees Joe as a demented Commie.

Which of the two is the better man. Which is more likely to do for others before he does for himself? Which is a better role model for young people?

This is not even a debatable question. The choice is crystal clear.

None of the Above?

Nope. Sorry. This is an easy question to answer if one endeavors to answer honestly.

Ok. We have Biden who wants to get rid of my second amendment rights. We have Trump who wants to quash my freedom of speech. We have Biden who wants to take more of my money. We have Trump who wants to cost me more money with economic problems.

So what is the crystal clear choice?
The obvious choice is Trump, because you have been brainwashed to think otherwise. Trump has already proven to be an American first president, and not a cowering globalist. The very reason we are in the situation we are in today is because of the Globalist who the Democrats ran to because of the mean old conservatives that they couldn't fool with their bullcrap. Yes, I know that we have republican bad actors as well, otherwise like Bush playing along with the mantra of "hey their just doing the jobs that American's won't do".

All or most of the senator's or politicians in the past, had gotten on board with globalism that took cheap labor or modern day slavery to untold levels in the world. It destroyed so much of our economy here, and replaced it with dependency that looked like it was on steroids so much that it was unreal.

We have poverty sprawl across this nation that is reaching deadly levels, and it is found in everything that we are witnessing today.

As is read in "James" chapter 5 of the King James version of the Bible -

1. Go to now ye rich men, weep and howl, yes weep and how, for

2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.

3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

4 Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.

7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

9 Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.

10 Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.

11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.

13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;

20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
With 20% unemployment and a pandemic raging, Don has little chance.

With people being stupid enough to buy the, "He's in office, so that makes everything his fault, because thinking is HAAARRRD!!" line, you might be right.

You'll excuse me if I choose to retain my common sense and not join you, though.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
I’d be pretty upset with the way the state leaders have been handling the riots. Would have to really dig in case by case but I imagine I’d support replacing many of the mayors. I actually think if Joe was in the White House there would be a much more healthy collaboration between feds and state law enforcement and perhaps we would be seeing better results and less political posturing.
I agree with you about the mayors but the president cannot just replace them. They have to step down and then have a special election. You have more faith in Biden than I do. Hell he's supposed to be campaigning and he's locked in his basement!
He’s not locked in his basement that’s just a talking point. You can do better than that
Wouldn't you think a candidate to be president would be touring all the important states? He isn't even going on tv to be interviewed!

It says something when a candidate's best campaign tactic is to stay out of sight as much as possible.

It says something more when the incumbent is playing musical chairs with two cities who both won't allow him the kind of rally he wants because THEY care that people stay well and not spread the virus but your Fuckhead POTUS doesn't.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

Are you concerned about trump being a traitor to our nation who allows our troops to be killed?, yes, we need an anti fascist group in this country, till we get rid of this piece of shit in november...

View attachment 367051

Are you concerned about Trump being all the things that the people you support ACTUALLY are? Then you're a fucking moron who makes the world a worse and stupider place by drawing breath.

And yes, I DO mean you, Arresmillao.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

Are you concerned about trump being a traitor to our nation who allows our troops to be killed?, yes, we need an anti fascist group in this country, till we get rid of this piece of shit in november...

View attachment 367051
Surely we can survive without supporting anti-facists for four more months until we get the traitor out of office.

Surely your concerns about "surviving" long enough to REALLY destroy the country are laughable . . . like so much of what you say.
Democrats need to be crushed this November.

Good luck with that.

Doesn't take much luck when you evil, ignorant dipshits are doing most of the work for us.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

History as understood by someone less-educated than your average third-grader.

I wouldn't dream of stopping you from babbling nonsense and making a fool of yourself in public, but I also wouldn't dream of missing the chance to laugh derisively at what a brain-damaged idiot you are.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
I’d be pretty upset with the way the state leaders have been handling the riots. Would have to really dig in case by case but I imagine I’d support replacing many of the mayors. I actually think if Joe was in the White House there would be a much more healthy collaboration between feds and state law enforcement and perhaps we would be seeing better results and less political posturing.
I agree with you about the mayors but the president cannot just replace them. They have to step down and then have a special election. You have more faith in Biden than I do. Hell he's supposed to be campaigning and he's locked in his basement!
He’s not locked in his basement that’s just a talking point. You can do better than that
Wouldn't you think a candidate to be president would be touring all the important states? He isn't even going on tv to be interviewed!

It says something when a candidate's best campaign tactic is to stay out of sight as much as possible.

It says something more when the incumbent is playing musical chairs with two cities who both won't allow him the kind of rally he wants because THEY care that people stay well and not spread the virus but your Fuckhead POTUS doesn't.

No, it says nothing more than that people are panicked by this overly-politicized non-pandemic, and that you have a habit of attributing morality and nobility to people simply because they agree with what you want.

You can tell me about how your leftist "heroes" care about people staying well right after you explain how that ties into "Oh, but go riot and loot, because the virus is a leftist too."
If you wonder why Trump is losing in the polls, even the Fox News Polls, then the answer is exactly what you support. The Government coming in to "help". Remember Ronald Reagan said the most frightening words for anyone was "I am from the Government and I am here to help". While there is a core group of people who want to see the Feds bashing the skulls of those damned Leftists. Most people worry more about the future. What happens next? If this trend continues, will we see a Federal Police Force in which our local cops are federalized?

What is funny to many of us is that the arguments made by Conservatives for decades are not even mentioned. Local Issues, States Rights, and the usual. Normally the Conservatives are arguing that local school boards are best to determine what the local schools should be teaching. They normally object to Federal Authority being used locally. And a dime will get you a million dollars that if Biden wins in November, suddenly those cries will once again, take center stage. Unfortunately it will take a decade or more for them to resound, after the Conservatives threw that belief out the window in the pursuit of vengeance on their political rivals.

I voted for Trump in 2016. I have said so many many times. I do not know if I can do so again this year. My problem is that again I don't like either candidate. I don't like Biden, as evidenced by my Signature box. And I don't like Trump. I may just ignore the election and see what my fellow citizens decide to do.

In another month, we will see how bad it really is for Trump, and the Republicans. But the nightmare scenario is not that Biden is elected President. The nightmare is the Democrats having control, by a comfortable margin, of the House, Senate, and White House. If the Democrats pick up six or eight seats in the Senate, then the mid terms are irrelevant and you can count on at least four, probably eight years of Democratic control.
Agreed. I voted for Don last time too, but won’t bother voting this time. Very little difference between Don and Joe, but the partisans on each side can’t see that. The ignorance is enormous...the left sees Don as the worst man ever to walk the earth and the right sees Joe as a demented Commie.

Which of the two is the better man. Which is more likely to do for others before he does for himself? Which is a better role model for young people?

This is not even a debatable question. The choice is crystal clear.

None of the Above?

Nope. Sorry. This is an easy question to answer if one endeavors to answer honestly.

Ok. We have Biden who wants to get rid of my second amendment rights. We have Trump who wants to quash my freedom of speech. We have Biden who wants to take more of my money. We have Trump who wants to cost me more money with economic problems.

So what is the crystal clear choice?
The obvious choice is Trump, because you have been brainwashed to think otherwise. Trump has already proven to be an American first president, and not a cowering globalist. The very reason we are in the situation we are in today is because of the Globalist who the Democrats ran to because of the mean old conservatives that they couldn't fool with their bullcrap. Yes, I know that we have republican bad actors as well, otherwise like Bush playing along with the mantra of "hey their just doing the jobs that American's won't do".

All or most of the senator's or politicians in the past, had gotten on board with globalism that took cheap labor or modern day slavery to untold levels in the world. It destroyed so much of our economy here, and replaced it with dependency that looked like it was on steroids so much that it was unreal.

We have poverty sprawl across this nation that is reaching deadly levels, and it is found in everything that we are witnessing today.

As is read in "James" chapter 5 of the King James version of the Bible -

1. Go to now ye rich men, weep and howl, yes weep and how, for

2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.

3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

4 Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.

7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

9 Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.

10 Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.

11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.

13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;

20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
With 20% unemployment and a pandemic raging, Don has little chance.

With people being stupid enough to buy the, "He's in office, so that makes everything his fault, because thinking is HAAARRRD!!" line, you might be right.

You'll excuse me if I choose to retain my common sense and not join you, though.
Hey, I voted for Don. I’m merely making a statement that has been proven to be historically accurate.

Don and Joe suck. If you don’t agree with that, it’s you who has a problem.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
Sorry but you don’t understand how this works. Fighting for the independent vote is always a major topic during campaigns. Dems and Republicans fight for independent votes and they actually get votes. I’m surprise you haven’t noticed that. And again I don’t care what you want to call me. If you don’t want to call me an independent then dont. I dont care much for labels anyways.
whatever you want to think are a leaner.....if you vote for biden you are backing his democratic platform...that means in this election you voting democrat....but then like i asked above....why would a so called independent back a party or a candidate from that party if they think the party is corrupt?......a real independent would not....but an independent in name only would.....
Some people prefer to be engaged and actually vote for people who can win... given two options they pick the lesser of two evils. I think it is silly to think that voters need to own and support every platform objective of the people they vote for. There are plenty of disagreements and debates even with in each party. I plan on voting for Joe and I plan on being critical of the policies I don’t agree with. Is that ok with you?
oh you are one of those "lessor" of 2 evil people......why didnt you just say so?.....that just proved what i said about you thanks.....thinking you can live better in draculas world than lucifers...yea thats logical......
You’re not paying attention or your just trolling either way I’m not going to waste time explaining myself to you.
because you cant.....every time you do you just put yourself as a have already been called a lefty and a staunch democrat in this thread....nothing from you....all i did was say you aint an independent .....i think all 3 were right.....
Good for you. I’m not an independent, I’m a staunch lefty... I guess you got me all figured out. Well done
lol....wasnt hard with you.....
If you wonder why Trump is losing in the polls, even the Fox News Polls, then the answer is exactly what you support. The Government coming in to "help". Remember Ronald Reagan said the most frightening words for anyone was "I am from the Government and I am here to help". While there is a core group of people who want to see the Feds bashing the skulls of those damned Leftists. Most people worry more about the future. What happens next? If this trend continues, will we see a Federal Police Force in which our local cops are federalized?

What is funny to many of us is that the arguments made by Conservatives for decades are not even mentioned. Local Issues, States Rights, and the usual. Normally the Conservatives are arguing that local school boards are best to determine what the local schools should be teaching. They normally object to Federal Authority being used locally. And a dime will get you a million dollars that if Biden wins in November, suddenly those cries will once again, take center stage. Unfortunately it will take a decade or more for them to resound, after the Conservatives threw that belief out the window in the pursuit of vengeance on their political rivals.

I voted for Trump in 2016. I have said so many many times. I do not know if I can do so again this year. My problem is that again I don't like either candidate. I don't like Biden, as evidenced by my Signature box. And I don't like Trump. I may just ignore the election and see what my fellow citizens decide to do.

In another month, we will see how bad it really is for Trump, and the Republicans. But the nightmare scenario is not that Biden is elected President. The nightmare is the Democrats having control, by a comfortable margin, of the House, Senate, and White House. If the Democrats pick up six or eight seats in the Senate, then the mid terms are irrelevant and you can count on at least four, probably eight years of Democratic control.
Agreed. I voted for Don last time too, but won’t bother voting this time. Very little difference between Don and Joe, but the partisans on each side can’t see that. The ignorance is enormous...the left sees Don as the worst man ever to walk the earth and the right sees Joe as a demented Commie.

Which of the two is the better man. Which is more likely to do for others before he does for himself? Which is a better role model for young people?

This is not even a debatable question. The choice is crystal clear.

None of the Above?

Nope. Sorry. This is an easy question to answer if one endeavors to answer honestly.

Ok. We have Biden who wants to get rid of my second amendment rights. We have Trump who wants to quash my freedom of speech. We have Biden who wants to take more of my money. We have Trump who wants to cost me more money with economic problems.

So what is the crystal clear choice?
The obvious choice is Trump, because you have been brainwashed to think otherwise. Trump has already proven to be an American first president, and not a cowering globalist. The very reason we are in the situation we are in today is because of the Globalist who the Democrats ran to because of the mean old conservatives that they couldn't fool with their bullcrap. Yes, I know that we have republican bad actors as well, otherwise like Bush playing along with the mantra of "hey their just doing the jobs that American's won't do".

All or most of the senator's or politicians in the past, had gotten on board with globalism that took cheap labor or modern day slavery to untold levels in the world. It destroyed so much of our economy here, and replaced it with dependency that looked like it was on steroids so much that it was unreal.

We have poverty sprawl across this nation that is reaching deadly levels, and it is found in everything that we are witnessing today.

As is read in "James" chapter 5 of the King James version of the Bible -

1. Go to now ye rich men, weep and howl, yes weep and how, for

2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.

3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

4 Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.

7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

9 Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.

10 Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.

11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.

13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;

20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
With 20% unemployment and a pandemic raging, Don has little chance.

With people being stupid enough to buy the, "He's in office, so that makes everything his fault, because thinking is HAAARRRD!!" line, you might be right.

You'll excuse me if I choose to retain my common sense and not join you, though.
Hey, I voted for Don. I’m merely making a statement that has been proven to be historically accurate.

Don and Joe suck. If you don’t agree with that, it’s you who has a problem.

Or perhaps it's YOU who has a problem, and you're just incapable of fathoming that you might be wrong.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
I’d be pretty upset with the way the state leaders have been handling the riots. Would have to really dig in case by case but I imagine I’d support replacing many of the mayors. I actually think if Joe was in the White House there would be a much more healthy collaboration between feds and state law enforcement and perhaps we would be seeing better results and less political posturing.
I agree with you about the mayors but the president cannot just replace them. They have to step down and then have a special election. You have more faith in Biden than I do. Hell he's supposed to be campaigning and he's locked in his basement!
He’s not locked in his basement that’s just a talking point. You can do better than that
ok "INDEPENDENT" the basement door is not locked and you know this how?

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